"It's the Demon King!" Qin Feng was stunned, this momentum was similar to what Ling Cai encountered at the beginning, and his strength was also close, so even a demon king-level monster couldn't stop Qin Feng, Cain also knew this, so with a roaring sound, those monsters all flew in one direction, that was the giant black hole!

Qin Feng saw that after those monsters flew up, they fused together and fused with the Demon King, and immediately, the giant black hole changed, turning into a super giant black hole, and its momentum was also soaring!

"It's kind of interesting!" Qin Feng didn't expect Cain to be able to increase the power of the Demon King to this point!

Soon, Qin Feng saw that two huge fish scale paws slowly poked out of the black hole, as big as a hill, and the surface of the giant feet was covered with a layer of tight fish scales, these fish scales showed a purple gold halo, which was both noble and revealed a murderous and terrifying aura, and behind the soles of the feet, there were Optimus pillar-like calves, and then thighs that were twice as thick as the calves. Followed by the lower abdomen, chest, shoulders, and skull.

The huge demon king slowly fell to the ground, and the huge weight immediately crushed the mountain at the foothold into earth and stone fragments, and the smoke and dust rose up, forming a cloud of dust and ash in the sky.

Enough to have the power of a beast!

The magic power on Qin Feng's body burst out, this was the first time Qin Feng had summoned a beast after becoming a god, and he was still blue, but his blue body already had black lines, and the divinity on his body was even stronger!

"Giant God Soldier, blast it into powder for me!" Qin Feng didn't care about this demon king again, and rushed out all the way again, but countless monsters came out of the black hole, blocking Qin Feng's way, and then, another huge black hole, the same as the previous one, and then formed a super giant black hole!

Another giant demon king has descended, such a huge demon king stepped on Gozo Island, Gozo Island did not sink, this is a miracle!

The giant god soldier shouted angrily, and all the power in his body was concentrated on his fist, and then he threw a punch at the demon king!

After the body of the demon king turned into dust and dispersed, by the way, another demon king pounced on him, one end, two ends, as if he wanted to drown it!

The giant god soldiers supported one by one, and all the demon kings were lifted away, and then they were solved by the giant god soldiers one by one!

Qin Feng was facing a demon king, and his Yemo Black Sword flew out very dexterously, cutting off its head in one fell swoop!

"It's finally here!" After killing more than one of the demon kings, Qin Feng finally came to the ancient castle!

Pushing the door and walking in, Qin Feng found that the interior of the ancient castle was brightly lit and brilliant!

"Meng Onion, are you okay!" Soon, Qin Feng found Meng Onion hanging from the ceiling!

"Father, you're here!" Seeing Qin Feng, Meng Liang said very happily!

"I'll get you out right now!" Qin Feng's night black sword slashed, and seeing that the slash was about to cut the hanging rope, a black qi blocked the attack!

In the black air, there was a hideous man's face!230 "You are Cain!" Without saving Meng Onion, Qin Feng frowned and asked!

"You are the strongest True Ancestor, right!" The voice was very hoarse, and he couldn't tell the difference between a man or a woman, but Qin Feng knew that the person in front of him would be his number one enemy!

Qin Feng's body moved, and he suddenly appeared in front of this black qi, and the Yemo Black Sword in his hand stabbed down at once!


After the black qi dissipated immediately, Qin Feng had already come to Meng Liang's side!

At this time, on the left side of Qin Feng, a black dragon formed by black qi rushed straight towards Qin Feng!

Qin Feng rolled over and dodged the black dragon's collision, but it also interrupted his action to save people, the black dragon's purpose in the first place was to stop him from saving people!

Qin Feng turned his face and saw a condensed black dragon emitting billowing black gas, and the dragon looked at Qin Feng with fierce eyes!

"I'm going to slay the dragon!" Qin Feng said with a smile, the speed in his hand was not slow, and as soon as he turned around, he stood on top of the black dragon's dragon head!

The black dragon dragon groaned, and immediately flew up in the air, but no matter how the black dragon flew, Qin Feng stood steadily on the dragon's head, the strangest thing was that after the black dragon flipped one hundred and eighty degrees, Qin Feng still didn't fall!

"You can die!" Qin Feng sneered, and the Yemo Black Sword in his hand suddenly stabbed on the dragon's head, and the black dragon screamed in pain, and then turned into black mist and dispersed!

When it fell, Qin Feng stroked and fell to the ground with a cute onion!

Qin Feng could feel Meng Onion's full and light body, Meng Onion's face was flushed, and she didn't seem to dare to look at Qin Feng! In essence, the reason for Meng Onion's red face was Qin Feng's words just now, and she also knew that although she was a princess, the brave would be with the princess after winning the black dragon, Qin Feng was her father, how could she be a brave!

"Meng Onion, have you seen the zero dish?" Qin Feng put down Meng Onion and said!

Hearing this, Meng Shallot nodded and said, "Just now, Ling Cai broke into here to save me, but he was taken away by the black dragon!"

"Black Dragon!" Qin Feng was stunned, the black dragon just now was not strong with Ben!

"Let's hurry up and save Ling Cai, Ling Cai has been caught on the third floor!"

"Hmm!" The firelight on Qin Feng's body surged, and finally broke through the top layer, and Qin Feng rushed forward with Meng Onion in his arms!

"It's zero dish!" Soon, seeing zero vegetables bound in the air by black gas, Meng Shallot shouted!

"Father, look at the top!" At this time, Meng Scallion pointed to the top!

Qin Feng also looked up at the dark and desolate night sky!

In the night sky, the eight behemoths are motionless, take a closer look, there are eight (cedi) big snakes, each snake is 100 meters long, like molten iron casting, very shocking, the snake body is black! The tail end of the eight big snakes is tied with a thick chain with a bowl mouth, and behind it hangs a black coffin more than 20 meters long!

At this time, in the Divine Kingdom of the Underworld, the first and second True Ancestors panted and looked at Lias and Zhu Nai in front of them!

"It looks like I'm going to use that trick!" Little Lori smiled bitterly, she didn't expect the two guys in front of her to be so powerful! But it's not surprising, although the strength of the first and second true ancestors is strong, they are at best the strength of the transcendent, and although Zhu Nai and Lias are the strength of the demon king, they have the strength of the transcendent when they break out!

Little Lori took out a jet-black stone, and suddenly, a jet-black pillar of light burst out from the ink-black stone, rushing through Qin Feng's Hades Divine Kingdom and shooting straight into the sky!

Qin Feng immediately felt that a gap had been opened in his Divine Kingdom, that was to say, the first and second true ancestors had come out!

Qin Feng's first thought was to think, how could this be possible, and soon, Qin Feng found that the aura outside was much more tyrannical!

"Oh no!" Lias and Zhu Nai's faces changed, and sure enough, the sky outside was changing, and the black clouds were constantly strengthening!

Soon, countless black holes appeared in the sky, and from the holes, countless monsters walked out of them!

"What are these?" The black hole fills the whole world, that is, the whole world is full of monsters!

After the two little Loli came out, they saw the black spots in the sky and immediately knew that they were in trouble!

"You... What did you just use?" the Second True Ancestor immediately accused the First True Ancestor and said!

"It's... I...... I don't know!" The First True Ancestor was stunned for a moment, and said innocently!"This thing was brought out by our people from Gozo Island, and it has great power, but I didn't expect it to be like this!"

"Don't say it, let's go back to our empire immediately and stop these monsters!" said the Second True Ancestor immediately!

In addition, the Qin Empire's Xianshen Island is the key target of the monsters, and when they see the dense monsters, they all have a feeling of scalp tingling!

"Oh my God, is Cain going to start a world war?"

"Immediately mobilize all the Demon Attackers and block the monsters!" said Agulola calmly!

The black light emitted from the black stone rushed into the sky and shot towards the stars, just right, landing on the eight great snakes!

Bathing in the black light, the eight large snakes began to move, pulling the black coffin and constantly flying towards Gozo, and quickly walked down from the sky!

Soon, the black light flashed, and the eight big snakes fused!

"Eight Miscellaneous Snake!?" Qin Feng was stunned!

"That coffin should be Caine!" Qin Feng muttered! "It seems that Caine hasn't been completely resurrected yet!"

"Father, what should we do?" Meng Scallion was also shocked by the situation in front of her!

"Don't worry! The Eight Miscellaneous Snake can't help me!" Qin Feng was still very calm, but Qin Feng knew that Cain would definitely seek to resurrect!

Next up should be Caine's resurrection!

At this time, Xianjin Island is facing an unprecedented disaster!

Countless monsters rushed towards it, and all the women came out to fight, and that month, Sendu Mu Aye, Saya Hua, Yukina, and so on all came out!

In addition, the palace was also attacked, but Leviathan destroyed many monsters with a single breath!

"Gada, you can go back too!" "Agulola knew that it was definitely not the String God Island that suffered, there were monsters all over the world, and if the Chaos Realm was not guarded by the True Ancestor, it would definitely suffer heavy losses!

Gada also knew that this was a worldwide disaster, so she took a sorry look at Agulola and left the palace to return to her empire!

After Gada left, the pressure on the Qin Empire suddenly skyrocketed!


The magic power on Agulola's body exploded, and countless nearby monsters were frozen into ice sculptures, and the enchantress behind her blasted out with a punch, and another group of monsters were frozen!

That month uses chains, is proficient in space magic, and one chain directly pierces the bodies of dozens of monsters!

Xiandu Mu Ah Ye, like that moon, is a magister, and his magic keeps blasting out, and he also kills a lot of monsters!

Needless to say, Xuecai and Saya Hua, the power of Xuexia Wolf and Huanghualin is naturally good, and the combat effectiveness of Wuye and Scarlet Tao is not weak.

Soon, under the defense of the women, the monster's attack on the String God Island was blocked, but the attack on the palace side, although the behemoth of Leviathan continued to torture and kill the monster, but the monster still rushed up like a life! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Soon, Agulola also noticed something unusual, and then remembered what Qin Feng said, and immediately said: "Everyone hurry up and go to the palace, the purpose of these monsters is shallots!"

The women also reacted, and Nayue and Xiandu Mu Aye were the fastest, and they suddenly appeared in the office of the shallot, where there were already monsters invading!

Nayue and Xiandu Mu Aye hurriedly killed the monster and confirmed the safety of the shallot!

It seems that ordinary monsters can't deal with Agulola and the others, and soon, a super-large black hole appears in the sky!

In the black hole, a powerful momentum poured down, and a huge demon king descended!

"It's... What kind of monster is this?" "Except for Ling Cai, even Agulola saw this monster for the first time with his feet on the sea and the earth and the blue sky on his head, this monster was bigger than the demon king Qin Feng met on Gozo Island!

"Well... It's terrifying!" The Demon King roared, and the sound wave formed made the poor Demon Attackers faint!

The momentum is unobstructed, the enchantress behind Agulola instantly came to the demon king's side, although the enchantress is also a huge guy, but compared to the demon king, it is a small witch, and the enchantress is not as tall as the demon king's feet!

The magic exploded, the sea began to freeze, and the soles of the demon king's feet also began to freeze, but before the ice was frozen, the demon king shook off the ice cubes that he screamed, and then stepped on Agulola!

The Demon King stood in the middle of the ocean, and as soon as he lifted it, it immediately caused a tsunami-like wave!

"Don't, it's dangerous!" Looking at the soles of the feet that covered the sky, Agulola and the others were shocked, in such a short time, they couldn't escape the range of the demon king's trampling!

At the critical moment, Leviathan moved, and it also felt the crisis, and hurriedly swam away!

Behind it, the huge demon king is chasing the Leviathan, and the Leviathan is constantly swimming in the sea!

"There's no way to go on like this!" said Na Yue very calmly! At this time, Leviathan is like a lonely boat in the sea, and it is in danger of being destroyed at any time!

"I know this, too, but this kind of opponent is not something we can deal with!" Agulola said bitterly! From the battle just now, she knew that the power of this demon king was much stronger than hers, and her title as the fourth true ancestor was not complete, because she only had one beast on her!

"If Qin Feng is here, there must be a way to deal with it!" Yukina frowned!

"Shallot, do you have a way to contact Qin Feng?" said Yukina!

Hearing this, Shallot shook his head and said, "Since Qin Feng entered Gozo Island, I have lost contact with him!"

"Now I can only pray that Qin Feng will come out soon!" said Shallot a little bitterly!

At this time, in the sky, ten thousand rays of light burst out, countless monsters died immediately, and the sky was clear!

"What is in the sky?" all eyes were on the sky, but they found nothing!

"Let's help them like this, it's okay!" Zhu Nai asked with some hesitation!

"It's all right! Father will surely praise us for this wise decision!" Lias smiled!

"Then let's get rid of that monster too!" Zhu Nai said again!

Hearing this, Lias's face was a little solemn, and she said: "The strength of this monster has surpassed most people, and I don't know if the Kingdom of God controlled by us can kill this monster!"

In the Kingdom of God, countless black lights gathered, and then a huge pillar of light erupted towards the monster!

The pillar of light erupted and pierced directly through the monster's abdomen!

"Dead?!" The monster's abdomen was pierced and it fell into the ocean, and the whole ocean was dyed red!

"No, not yet!" Leas looked solemn, and sure enough, the monster rose from the ocean again!

The monster that got up was frustrated, and instead of continuing to choose to attack, its eyes emitted a bright red light!

Agulola frowned, not knowing what the monster was doing!

Soon, though, she discovers the weirdness, the weirdness of shallots, to be precise!

Shallot lowered his head, didn't say a word, and came to the top of the building!

"Shallot, where are you going?" Behind him, Agulola chased after him!

"Bump!" Agulola felt like she was hitting the wall, and she couldn't get close to the shallot!

"Not good!" Agulola was stunned, but found that the shallots had changed into a witch costume at this time, and there were words in her mouth!!

"What is she doing with shallots?" At this time, Yukina walked up!

"Shallot is weird!" Agulola frowned, "We must stop Shallot, or Caine will be resurrected!"

Asashi wears a red and white shrine maiden costume!

Standing on the high platform, the eyes are black, there are no pupils, and now the shallots give the women a very strange feeling!

"Shallot, what's wrong with you?" shouted the Moon, and at the same time, the chains flew out of the void, trying to stop the shallots who were chanting an obscure spell, but the shallot was surrounded by black mist, and before the chains could arrive, the black mist blocked the chains!

"Yukina, let's go!" Seeing these black mist similar to enchantments, Saya Hua knew that only the two of them could break through this kind of thing and stop the shallots!

"Hmm!" Yukina nodded, and the Xuexia wolf in her hand moved!

"Lion Dancing Girl, High God Sword Witch, Sincere Prayer, Breaking the Dawn of Demons, Xuexia Divine Wolf! With the divine power of Rigid, help me to defeat the evil gods and hundred ghosts!"

"Aurora Flame Horse, Huanghua Qilin, dominate the heavens and thunder, and use the angry flame snake to penetrate the demon spirit and ghost!" And Sha Yahua also began to sing, and Huanghua Lin also turned into a foreign bow.

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