Yukina jumped up, and the Xuexia wolf in her hand stabbed down fiercely, and Saya Hua shot the arrow into the sky!

The black mist surged again, and the Xuexia Wolf with the fluctuating godhead still didn't break through the black mist!

The Enchantress slammed into the black mist with a punch, bringing up billowing ice and snow, but it still had no effect!

"It's going to be done!" As Shallot finished reciting the incantation, all the humans around the world who were killed by the monsters, their flesh and blood began to turn into bits of red light, and then gathered together to form a torrent of blood-colored colors!

After doing all this, the shallow onion fell to the ground with a soft body!

The torrent soared into the sky, and the target was the demon king who was injured by the Divine Kingdom of Hades!

The Demon King was bathed in the torrent, and the injuries he received healed quickly, and at the same time, the Demon King's body doubled in size, and his breath became even more terrifying!

"Too... It's too strong!" the Demon King, who was even more powerful than before, did not target the women, but gradually turned into black particles himself!

The black particles floated out of the sky, and then in Qin Feng's gaze, the black particles drilled into the black light!

A momentum no less than Qin Feng erupted, Qin Feng's face changed, and he hurriedly saved Ling Cai-!

"Ling Cai, you leave here with Meng Onions, the sooner the better!" Qin Feng held Ling Cai and Meng Green Onions in his left and right hands respectively, and said!

"Okay!" Zero also knew the horror of the enemy in front of him, and after nodding, he picked up the onion and left Gozo Island!

"Father, you... You must come back alive!" In the distance, Qin Feng could hear the voice of Ling Cai's shouting!

"I will!" After feeling that the two girls had already left Gozo Island, Qin Feng assured!

After the black particles were injected into the black coffin, the black coffin did not open immediately, but allowed the eight-fold snake to pull to the center of Gozo Island!

"It's finally going to be resurrected!" Qin Feng could feel that Cain's momentum had swelled to a critical point!

The black coffin was erected, and in Qin Feng's gaze, it slowly opened!

"Click!" The coffin was opened strangely, and a shriveled guy who couldn't tell the difference between men and women walked out!

Cain's face was shrouded in black qi, and Qin Feng couldn't see his face clearly, only seeing the scarlet light!

Qin Feng could feel the tyrannical and powerful aura on Cain's body!

Cain also regarded Qin Feng as a great enemy, and all the murderous aura poured on Qin Feng, but he didn't move, but pounced on the Eight Miscellaneous Snake beside him!

"Gollum!" Caine bites the neck of the Yaqi Snake, then bites it to death, sucking the blood from its body!

Caine's body began to swell, and the skin that was originally full of wrinkles was already full, and soon, Cain became a beautiful young man, similar in age to Qin Feng!

"Legend has it that Caine had the idea of destroying the world because of human selfishness and brutality, and now it seems that Caine is not a good bird!" Qin Feng thought to himself!

"After 10,000 years, I didn't expect a strong person like you to appear among the human race!" Caine said with a faint smile!

"Maybe you can't imagine that my strength has surpassed you!" Qin Feng smiled faintly, the Divine Kingdom of the Underworld was summoned by Qin Feng and began to appear on Qin Feng's head, and Qin Feng was already sitting on the throne of the gods, and the whole person was full of divine majesty!

"Haha, it's amazing, I didn't expect you to become a god!" Cain laughed, not too surprised, he was also a god!

"Come out!" Cain raised his hand in the air and shouted, Gozo slowly rose and then appeared behind Cain!

"I didn't expect Gozo Island to be your kingdom of God!" Qin Feng sneered, he already knew that Gozo Island was Cain's kingdom of God! This was a little different from what he expected, originally he thought that Xianshen Island would be Kain's kingdom of God, after all, Xianshen Island was not destroyed, and the shallots would not die, but this may be Cain's cleverness!

"You are now trapped in my Divine Kingdom, how can you be my opponent!" Caine laughed, the entire Divine Kingdom was shrouded in darkness, there was no light at all, and countless demon kings crawled out of the ground and blasted towards Qin Feng!

Qin Feng sneered, fortunately, he was also prepared!

"Night Mo Black Sword, make it bigger for me!" Qin Feng shouted!

As Qin Feng's words fell, in the pitch-black sky, a white and flawless light shot in, it was purely the light of the sun!

"You have broken my kingdom of God!" Caine was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes and felt the situation in the kingdom of God!

"I see!" Cain sneered!

"It's always good to be cautious!" Qin Feng smiled, he had ambushed the Yemo Black Sword outside before he came to Gozo Island, figuratively speaking, it was to knock out a tiny crack in the solid shell!

A thousand miles of embankment. Destroyed in the anthill, in due course, this rift will have an unexpected effect!

Qin Feng turned into a streamer and flew out of Cain's Divine Kingdom, and after flying out of the Divine Kingdom, he immediately entered his own Divine Kingdom of the Underworld, both sides have the Divine Kingdom, Qin Feng naturally will not compete with the Divine Kingdom with the strength of one person, because once he is ingested into the Divine Kingdom, it will be a dead end!

"Father, you're back!" Qin Feng returned to his position, and Zhu Nai immediately smiled!"I didn't expect you, father, to have so many women in this world!"

"Alright!" Qin Feng smiled, and then said, "Hurry up and prepare for battle!"

All the women were in place, Qin Feng's Divine Kingdom immediately changed, countless black qi emerged, and the entire Divine Kingdom looked even more powerful!

And on Cain's side, the kingdom of God also began to move, the entire Gozo Island rotated, exuding boundless might, and the black mist was also tightly swirling, and then, the two forces collided fiercely!

"Boom, boom!" Qin Feng and the others could feel a violent vibration inside the Underworld, which showed the intensity of the collision!

"How's the battle going?" Qin Feng stared ahead with his eyes and said calmly!

"It's not optimistic, our Hades Divine Kingdom hasn't been repaired since it collided with the Heavenly Emperor, and now it's colliding again, and it's already at a disadvantage!"

"Yes!" Qin Feng sneered and said, "Orpheus, Red Dragon God Emperor, it's up to you!" After speaking, Qin Feng looked at the two little loli!

"Hmm!" the two women nodded, but these two women were not Qin Feng's gods, even if they could provide energy to the Underworld Divine Kingdom, it would be a drop in the bucket!

Sure enough, after Orpheus and the Red Dragon God Emperor provided energy, it didn't have a noticeable effect!

"It seems that the gods are going to be sealed again!" Qin Feng's mind moved, and countless black lights shot towards Xuecai and the other women!

Yukina and the others didn't resist, and they couldn't resist and were bathed in black light!

"It's time to become a god!" The women who were shrouded in black light heard Qin Feng's voice!

The girls were led by Qin Feng and soon came to the Divine Kingdom of the Underworld!

After Xuecai and the other women came to the Pure Land of Bliss, after there was already a group of women here that they didn't know, they suddenly looked at Qin Feng strangely!

"Ahem, time is pressing!Let's seal the gods as soon as possible!" Being stared at like this by Xue Cai and the other women, Qin Feng smiled!

"Father is really an astringent wolf!" Ling Cai looked at the more than fifty people in the field, all of them were beautiful women, only Qin Feng was a man, and suddenly muttered!

After Qin Feng sealed them as gods, the divine position of the Divine Kingdom was further replenished, and the Divine Kingdom of the Underworld once again burst out with dazzling black light!

The shattered building is beginning to heal itself!

"Father, we've suppressed Caine!" said Lias happily at this time!

Since the canonization of the gods, the power of the kingdom of God has increased greatly, from the kingdom of God that occupies the upper hand to suppresses Caine!

"Okay, just defeat Caine in one go!" Qin Feng laughed!

Cain's face was gloomy, and after he saw that his divine kingdom was suppressed, a sneer appeared on his face! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Qin Feng, Qin Feng, it's okay if you don't seal the gods, but now that you do the gods, then I can disintegrate you from the inside!" After speaking, Cain's eyes flashed a red light again, and in Qin Feng's divine realm, the shallow onion who was already in a daze immediately felt it, and stood up tremblingly!

Shallot took out the dagger, because of Shallot's stun, Shallot was still able to move freely, and all the women who had been sealed gods and were presiding over the Kingdom of God, including Qin Feng, couldn't move!

Shallot took the dagger and walked towards Qin Feng!

"Shallot, what's wrong with you, come to your senses!" At such a critical moment, Yukina shouted anxiously!

"Father, be careful!" Ling Cai was also very worried!

"It's useless, shallot's sanity has been controlled by Caine!" said Agulola bitterly!

Qin Feng took a deep breath and sneered: "Caine, you also underestimate me too much, do you think you can defeat me with this little means?"

"Orpheus, catch the shallots for me!" Although Qin Feng can't move freely, Orpheus can still do it!

Outside, Cain suddenly saw the Kingdom of the Underworld paused, although the black light did not decrease, but it had stopped!

"It seems that it has succeeded, then the next step is to abandon the defense and carry out the deadliest attack!" Cain relaxed, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but found that the Divine Kingdom of the Underworld crashed into it at a strange speed!

"Damn, you lied to me!" Caine shouted angrily, and he also fought with all his might!

However, when Cain was slack, Qin Feng had already captured a very perfect fighter, and Cain was definitely not Qin Feng's opponent in a hurry!

"Boom!" Cain's Divine Kingdom was directly destroyed by Qin Feng's Divine Kingdom!

After destroying Caine's Divine Kingdom, Qin Feng immediately ingested Caine into the Divine Kingdom of the Underworld!

Before Cain could react, he found himself in a strange place, the earth was gray, like a colorless ink painting, and in the river, countless souls were struggling!

"Hades?" Caine naturally has eyesight!

"That's right, welcome to the realm of death, the kingdom of the gods of the underworld!" Cain raised his head, and the huge sky suddenly changed into Qin Feng's hideous face!

"There's no way I'm going to lose!" Caine shouted, and all the black qi on his body burst out!

"It's useless!" In the sky, the giant palm fell, and there was no possibility of dodging at all, and he hit Caine in one fell swoop, sending Caine into the eighteenth layer of hell!

"You will obediently stay in the eighteenth layer of hell and suffer!" Qin Feng said with a sneer!

After defeating Caine, after Qin Feng removed the divine sense that Caine had attached to the shallot, the shallots also completely recovered!

The whole world has returned to calm, and Qin Feng plans to leave this world with the women, but before leaving, there are still some things waiting for Qin Feng to deal with!

After the shallots came to their senses, they immediately knew that they had done something almost irreparable, if it weren't for Qin Feng's efforts to turn the tide, this world would have been destroyed long ago!

"I'm sorry!" Rao was like this, and the shallots still lowered their heads and apologized to Qin Feng!

"It's okay!" Qin Feng waved his hand, Cain was an inevitable thing to resurrect!

After the women became gods, the sea turtle Leviathan was also included in the underworld by Qin Feng, but it was not in the Pure Land of Bliss, and at the other end of the Pure Land of Bliss, the underworld, Leviathan became the guardian beast of the underworld!

"Okay, let's get to know each other!" Qin Feng looked at the women below, a little funny, the women from the Demon Academy gathered together, and the blood-devouring women were also tied together!

Under Qin Feng's matchmaking, the women greeted each other, and they could be regarded as having met, but they didn't get along for a long time, so it was inevitable that they would be a little rusty, but Qin Feng believed that as long as they got along for a long time, they would definitely be able to get along!

Zhu Li has come to Qin Feng's side, to be precise, Zhu Nai's side, she wants to remind her daughter not to be so close to Qin Feng, she is helpless and embarrassed for her daughter to become his woman, she just begs not to be too close to Qin Feng when there are many people. Zhu Nai naturally understands this truth, but how can she care about other people's eyes!

Zhu Nai didn't have many scruples, and Lias had no scruples anymore, both of them did something out of the ordinary with Qin Feng in the name of the girl, which made Ling Cai and Meng Onion blush!

"Qin Feng didn't even let go of his own girl!" Ling Cai's face turned crimson, and he pulled up the cute onion and went back to his room!

Ling Cai thought about his and Qin Feng's actions before, Qin Feng shouldn't be interesting to himself!

"No, it shouldn't be!" Ling Cai quickly shook his head, driving the thoughts out of his mind!

Meng Scallion is also in the same state, she has always had inexplicable feelings for Qin Feng since the first time she saw Qin Feng, plus after Qin Feng rescued her like a god, that feeling became even more obvious!

Heiyukihime and Sakuya have played together, they are not very old, and they don't understand the affairs of men and women at all, but Gurefia and Veni Lana already have an extra heart, and they are both tightly protecting their daughters, that is to say, if Qin Feng wants to attack them in the future, it can be said that it is more difficult than ascending to the sky!

"Qin Feng, when are we leaving?" At this time, Scarlet Tao asked!When she didn't become Qin Feng's woman, she was the head of the three saints of the Lion King Agency, and it could be said that she held the authority of the entire Xianshen Island, and now that Qin Feng left with the women, the Qin Empire would definitely be destroyed without Qin Feng and the women, so Scarlet Tao wanted to arrange everything before leaving!

"Let's go in a few days!" Qin Feng thought for a while and said, before leaving, he must break the butts of the first true ancestor and the second true ancestor, the two of them, who are the culprits of waking up because of the hastening

"Then I can go down and deal with the Qin Empire, so that we won't perish after we leave!"

"No need!" Qin Feng smiled, "I will include the War King Realm and the Extermination Dynasty into the territory of the Qin Empire, so that there will be only one country in the entire world, and that is the Qin Empire!"

"Isn't there still a Chaos Realm?" Qin Feng was able to say such a thing, he naturally had such strength, but what Scarlet Tao was puzzled about was that Qin Feng didn't plan to make a move on the Chaos Realm!

"Let Gada choose for herself!" "Gada has always been very good at being a person, and he is friends with Agulola, Qin Feng decided to give her the right to choose freely, if she chooses to stay, then the Qin Empire will be under her care!

Because of Kain, the War King Realm and the Extinction Dynasty were also seriously damaged, so as soon as Qin Feng came out, the two little Loli had no choice but to surrender, and then came to the Underworld, before the two Little Loli did not sincerely surrender to themselves, Qin Feng would not bring them into the Pure Land of Bliss!

Scarlet Tao has already gone down to take care of the affairs of the Qin Empire!

On this day, Qin Feng received a letter from Fei Tao, and it turned out that Gada asked him to meet on Xianshen Island!

Qin Feng had a smile on his face, and Gada was able to take the initiative to see him, which meant that she already had the answer!

Qin Feng left the Divine Kingdom of the Underworld and came to the place agreed with Gada, on a small bungalow!

"Have you thought about it?" Seeing Gada again, Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Did you defeat Cain?" asked Gada rhetorically!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded and said, "She has been suppressed by me to the eighteenth layer of hell, I will leave this world soon, if you don't want to leave with me, you will become the queen of the Qin Empire, and then rule this world!"

"And what if I go with you?" asked Garda again!

"If you go with me, you will become my god, and at the same time, you can appreciate the beauty and fantasy of thousands of worlds!!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"That's... I'll go with you!" said Gada, who had made his decision for a long time!

"Very good, then we...!" Qin Feng was just about to nod, but suddenly, underground, an inky black color appeared, Qin Feng and Gada's legs had sunk in, and they couldn't pull out a thousand at all!.

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