"This is!" Qin Feng was shocked, he had the beast of time, the white steel of the water spirit, and naturally knew that this was the power of time!

"Qin Feng, didn't you say that you had already eliminated Caine?"

Qin Feng also smiled bitterly, he didn't know what was going on, but time was useless to the gods, but Gada was a little dangerous!

Before Qin Feng could think about it, the black qi had already inhaled them!

Qin Feng looked at his surroundings and found that he had come to an island, and there were quite a few tourists on the island!

"Go back to the past!" Qin Feng immediately recognized that this was Gozo Island, which no longer existed!

"Where are we?" At this time, Gada also came back to his senses and looked at his surroundings with a puzzled expression!

"I guess it's in the past!" Qin Feng thought for a while, and then said! But what Qin Feng wondered was, who brought him over? Even if it was Caine's backhand, what was the purpose of doing this? What Qin Feng had to do now was to find a way back, and Qin Feng took out the Guiding Rock from his arms!

As long as you inject energy into it, you can travel through time, and at that time, Qin Feng went back to four years ago and rescued Agulola, but now that it has been so long, I don't know if this rock can still be used!

"Qin Feng, there seems to be a fierce battle over there!" Garda was about to move, but he found that a black qi mixed with an incomparably fierce momentum rushed in!

"Qin Feng, what is that?" Garda was stunned, because she felt that the black mist just now was Qin Feng, and suddenly, she was dizzy, there are two Qin Feng in this world, is the world really crazy!

"That's right, that person is me!" Qin Feng also nodded: "We are in the past now, and it is not strange to see me in the past, but in order to avoid changes in the future, it is better for us not to contact our past selves!"

"Shall we keep up, then?" said Gada, calming down!

"Of course!" Qin Feng smiled "four-four-zero" and smiled: "But you follow me, otherwise you will be discovered by me in the past!"

"Where is this, what are you doing here?" asked Gada curiously!

"This is Gozo, I came here to save Agulola!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, and then came to the ruins!

In the ruins, because of the invasion of the orcs, there was a fierce shootout, and Liana's heart was also pierced, Qin Feng did not rescue Liana before, but now Qin Feng rescued Liana!

"You're here to save this woman?" said Gada, who was even more curious!

"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded, "It's inevitable that I will go back to the past, and I will also save her, otherwise, she will not exist in the future!"

"But I'm curious, if you don't save Liana, will she not exist in the future?" asked Gada in confusion!

"It should be!" Qin Feng nodded!

"And how are we going back?" asked Gada again!

"This has to wait!" Qin Feng looked at the clear sky, and then said, "We have to wait until the evening!"

Liana's heart was pierced, even a vampire would die, Qin Feng used his divine power to hang her life, and he might not be able to save Liana's life before, only now Qin Feng can save Liana!

"You... Who are you?" Soon, Liana woke up, and she had already recognized that the man in front of her was the man who was showing his might in the ruins, but at that time, he was so cold and resolute, and his gaze at himself was very cold, and now, it seemed that there was a trace of warmth in his gaze towards him!

Are the two really the same person? Liana muttered, she couldn't believe it, because the temperament of the two was very different, the previous edge was exposed, and the arrogance was clear at a glance, but now it is a body of arrogance hidden in the bones, ordinary people will unconsciously lower their heads even if they look at him!

"You're awake!" Qin Feng smiled and didn't speak!

"Why did you save me?" asked Liana in a low voice!

"Because in the future, you will be my woman!" Qin Feng smiled faintly, and after speaking, Qin Feng took out the fiery bracelet from his pocket, "This is my gift to you! After the establishment of the Qin Empire, you can find the Qin Empire, as long as you take out this bracelet, they will understand!"

"When we meet again, I may not know you, but don't panic, take out this bracelet and show it to me, and then I will understand everything!" Qin Feng said again!

Liana didn't take the bracelet, she had no intention of becoming Qin Feng's woman!

Qin Feng smiled bitterly, he didn't know how he managed to conquer this extremely assertive woman!

"Let's put the bracelet here for you first!" Qin Feng stood up and walked out!"By the way, I also want to tell you that Yacheng has already died in that battle!"

"Let's solve it!" said Gada, who walked up to him and asked!

Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head, from the time they met again, Leyana's eyes were full of tenderness when he looked at him, if he left now, then the future would change!

"Then what are we going to do?" said Gada, a little dissatisfied, "Do you want to stay here for the rest of your life?"

"It won't take that long!" Qin Feng smiled, but he remembered that Liana only found Yukina and them a year later, which means that she is very likely to be with him for a year!

It's only a matter of time before a lovelorn woman is raided, and Qin Feng is confident that he will be able to privatize Liana in a year!

"What are you doing?" Gada hurriedly slapped off Qin Feng's evil palm, glared at Qin Feng and said!

"Didn't you say you wanted to be my woman?" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, and then said!

"Hmph, although I promised to be your woman, you don't want to touch me until I have my permission!" said Gada, and walked out!

In this way, Qin Feng lived in the past year!

In the space of a year, Qin Feng pushed Garda down and attacked Liana!

This day is the day when Qin Feng returns to the future!

"Liana, after I leave, you go to the Yukina of the Qin Empire, show the bracelet, and they will know what to do!" Qin Feng hugged Liana and said!

"Hmm!" Leana nodded obediently!

"Remember, we will meet again in the future!" Qin Feng waved at Liana, and left with Garda twenty-five years ago!

After Qin Feng and Gada went back, it was natural that Gada became Qin Feng's god!

Qin Feng returned to the future, a year has passed, in this year's time, Scarlet Tao arranged everything, even if Qin Feng and the others left, the Qin Empire could operate normally!

"Let's go!" Everyone stayed in the kingdom of the underworld, and a dimensional rift had opened in front of them!

"Will we come back again?" the women were silent, and Yukina couldn't help but sigh!

"Yes!" Qin Feng smiled, "When the time comes, I will connect all the worlds!" After speaking, Qin Feng drove the Hades Divine Kingdom into the next dimension!

Qin Feng came to the world, it was the world of the godslayer!

The Kingdom of Hades has appeared in the sky above the world of the Godslayer, and the sky is as beautiful as ever!

"Father, this is the world of the Godslayer?" Zhu Nai said with a smile!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, "After mortals kill gods, they are god killers, and they have the same abilities as gods!"


"Don't think about the god-killing thing!" Qin Feng waved his hand and said, "You are equivalent to a black household, and you can't get out of this Underworld Divine Kingdom at all!"


"It may or may not be!" Qin Feng smiled, it depends on whether his strength can be strong enough to overcome the rules in the future!

"Okay, I'm going to get my strength back!" Qin Feng jumped out and walked out of the Underworld Divine Kingdom, floating in mid-air!

Qin Feng's palm turned, and all the power that belonged to him was withdrawn from the woman!

"The King of the Righteous Path is back!" Soon, Erica and the others reacted, but Luo Cuilian, who was in Lushan, was even more quickly, turning into a goshawk and coming to Qin Feng's side, and then turning into a girl, with ancient Hanfu on her body, with long hems and sleeves, and a long flowing skirt under her clothes.

"Luo Cuilian, I didn't expect you to be the first to greet me!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Your strength has really become stronger!" Luo Cuilian looked at Qin Feng, laughed, then stared at Qin Feng, and said, "No, the strength in your body is beyond the scope of power!"

"Because he has become a god!" At this time, Athena, who was wearing a blue hat and stockings, walked out and said!

Hearing this, Luo Cuilian looked at Qin Feng with a surprised expression!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng smiled, "I didn't expect to become Pandora's enemy!"

"I didn't expect that you would ignite the divine fire and achieve the divine position!" Athena seemed to smell the scent on Qin Feng's body and said, "And it's also the divine throne of Hades, the king of Hades!"

"Great, in that case, Qin Feng, let's fight with me!" Luo Cuilian's eyes were full of battle intent!

"No, I don't have the desire to fight you yet!" Qin Feng's gaze looked at Athena and asked, "How long has it been since I left here?"

"It didn't take long, only two years, but a lot of things have happened in these two years!" Athena said, "Because of the power you left behind, there are many more godkillers in this world at once!"

"Hmm!" Speaking of this, Luo Cuilian's expression also became solemn: "Because of the increase in the number of god killers, the forces of various countries have begun to choose to protect their god killers, and now the world has become in chaos!"

"Erica, they won't fight among themselves, right?" Hearing this, Qin Feng frowned!

"Not really!" Luo Cuilian nodded and continued: "But now that you're back, everything will be solved!"

"Hmm!" Qin Feng has already taken back all his powers, that is to say, Erica and the others are no longer godkillers!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In addition to Qin Feng and Luo Cuilian, there are five god killers in the world, the King of Swords, Tony and the Marquis of Vauban After being defeated by Qin Feng last time, although they did not die, they still have the title of God Slayer, and the world respects them the same, but they no longer dare to come over to challenge Qin Feng's divine might!

In this way, Qin Feng's name as the King of the Righteous Path is even more deterrent among the forces of various countries!

Now that Qin Feng is back, all countries are panicking, and Japan is no exception!

"Qin Feng, let me see your divine power!" At this time, Luo Cuilian said again!

"Good!" Suddenly, in the sky, dark clouds cover the top, this is the power of the sky!

Several thick thunderbolts flew down and hit Luo Cuilian!

"Qin Feng, don't underestimate me, my Luo Cuilian is not only the ultimate in martial arts, but my magic is also very powerful!" Luo Cuilian's voice came out, and as the thunder dispersed, her figure was finally revealed!

"Use your divine power!" Luo Cuilian said proudly!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, his body was draped in divine clothes, and the double-strand fork stabbed out suddenly, but it was caught by Luo Cuilian's fingers!

"It seems that you still don't know martial arts..."Luo Cuilian, who was holding a double dent between her fingers, said with some regret!

Hearing this, Qin Feng nodded, but said, "Martial arts are dispensable to me!"

Then, under Luo Cuilian's surprised gaze, above Qin Feng's head, the Underworld Divine Kingdom slowly appeared!

"It turned out to be the Kingdom of God!" Athena was also taken aback! She is also a god, but she is not the true body of a god, it is equivalent to a doppelganger of a god in the mythological realm, naturally there will be no such thing as a divine kingdom, and Qin Feng has a divine kingdom, that is to say, Qin Feng's current strength is comparable to the true gods in the mythological realm!

"I hope you won't die!" Qin Feng said with a smile, and then, the Underworld Divine Kingdom pressed down on Luo Cuilian!

Mighty as the sea, Luo Cuilian was shocked at this time, in front of this kingdom of God, she felt her insignificance, like a lonely boat in the sea!

"Is this the power of God?" Luo Cuilian clenched her fists and muttered!

"It's too white snow, and it's a joy to meet martial arts. "

"In the shadow of a thousand officials, in front of the seventh school of Xinsu. "

"Today's Han Sheji, the new number of the revival year. "


A shockwave was set off around her, and with each song she sang, the force of the shock became more powerful, repelling all the substances that tried to attack her.

In the midst of the chanting, the beautiful posture set off a powerful demonic wind!

However, such a thing still can't stop the advent of the Kingdom of God, it can be said that Qin Feng and Luo Cuilian, who have the Kingdom of God, are at the level of two dimensions in terms of strength!

One force to ten meetings, one force to suppress ten skills! One leg is a thousand strength, one foot is determined! Luo Cuilian's expression seemed to become solemn for a moment, and she recited the spiritual words, and a certain kind of arrogance appeared on her body, shining with golden light, and two huge Vajra Lux appeared, and their bodies were full of divinity!

It looked as if they were not illusions, but two real gods!

They took steps towards the rushing Kingdom of God, but it was a pity that the two King Kongs could not stop the Kingdom of God, and in the end, Luo Cuilian could only watch as she was hit!

"Fool, don't you know how to dodge?" Luo Cuilian finally found that she was hugged by Qin Feng, and the Kingdom of God was not suppressed!

Luo Cuilian left, although she was very strong, she was also a woman, she would feel embarrassed to be held by Qin Feng like this!

When Qin Feng returned to Hades, he found that Athena had already come to the Lethe River in his Hades!

"You... How did you get in?" Qin Feng asked with some surprise!

"Concubine 4.6 is not only the goddess of the earth, but also the goddess of the underworld, and has exchanged power with you, so she can naturally enter. Athena smiled!

"Where have you been all these two years?" asked Athena again at this hungry time!

"I went to another world, and it was in that world that I became a god!" Qin Feng said lightly!

"That's it!" the concubine nodded and said, "But the concubine still recommends that you leave this world as soon as possible!"

"Why?" Qin Feng was stunned!

"Because except for the concubine and the earth mother god, almost all the gods will not tolerate the existence of you, an outsider, and you have to have this enlightenment. Athena said again!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng naturally has this realization, since he became a god, he has defeated a lot of gods, but if he is an enemy of the gods in the sky this time, Qin Feng may also fall!

"If I leave here, will you follow me?" said Qin Feng faintly for a long time!

"Maybe, maybe not, the key is to see if you can meet the requirements in my mind!" Hearing this, Athena smiled!

Qin Feng didn't speak, he had a plan to rob Athena, since Athena can freely enter and leave his kingdom of God, and she is the goddess of the underworld, that is to say, Athena is the best candidate to become the queen of the underworld!

"Then how can I meet your requirements?" Qin Feng said lightly!

"Follow me!" Athena's eyes were bent into crescent moons, and there was a gentle look in her eyes!

Soon, the two came to the moon, of course, with the strength of the two, they can naturally ignore gravity and walk on the ground!!

On the gray horizon, the earth rises and falls, and this aqua-blue planet cannot be experienced unless you see it with your own eyes.

Standing in the silent place of death, looking at the star of life close at hand, Athena's eyes were a little sad!

Qin Feng can understand Athena, Athena, as the mother goddess of the earth, has the responsibility of guarding the earth!

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