From the Island Owner to the King

367 Biosphere System One

The screening room where "Blue Blood Man" was played before was already full of top scientists from all over the world, and the seats were full.

The theater door closed.

At this time, Chen Rui, who was sitting in the front row chatting with Hawking, came to the stage amid the applause of everyone, holding a microphone in his hand.

Wearing a blue plaid shirt and jeans, Chen Rui is obviously very energetic, his face is full of confidence, his expression is bright, he has no self-awareness of being a king, and he is giving a speech on the stage like a college student.

Chen Rui stood on the stage and was silent for a while.

After the applause stops.

Chen Rui picked up the microphone and put it to his mouth and said, "Welcome everyone! Everyone sitting here is a highly respected, world-renowned scientist who has made outstanding achievements in a certain field, and even won the highest achievement of the Nobel Prize. It is a great honor to invite everyone here.”

The audience applauded again.

Chen Rui continued, "Beyond our earth is an unknown universe. Is our earth safe? What is there in the universe, how big is the universe, and are there other planets in the vast universe that are like our earth, with mountains and water? , there is an atmosphere, there is life, what is the boundary of the universe, is there any planet suitable for human habitation, whether the universe is like a folded space, there are three-dimensional universe, four-dimensional universe, five-dimensional universe...... These we Humans know nothing, and a lot depends on our human imagination.

To understand the universe, we humans need to continue to explore space.... We humans are doing,…. "

On the stage, Chen Rui used vivid language and articulates clearly. With rich gestures and actions, scientists from all over the world sat on the seats, or propped their chins, or leaned back comfortably on the backs of chairs. He listened carefully, his expression was very focused, and the audience burst into warm applause every time he talked about the wonderful point.

Chen Rui continued, "Humanity's exploration of space has never stopped! Many countries have made great contributions to human space exploration and paid a heavy price." Speaking of this. Chen Rui paused for a moment, looked at the representatives of the United States and Russia, and then said, "For example, the United States, and the former Soviet Union, from the earliest space competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite. , the Soviet Army Major Gagarin took the 'Vostok 1' spacecraft into space, the Soviet unmanned spacecraft landed on the moon, the Soviet man Leonov did a spacewalk, and the American Armstrong's '' One giant leap for mankind',

To modern space probes, the 'Moon' series. The "Explorer" series and the "Prowler" series, etc., the exploration of the moon, the exploration of Mars, the exploration of more distant planets in the solar system,

Even, the farthest Voyager 1 has entered the interstellar medium region at the edge of the solar system.

Humanity's more advanced space explorers have targeted the stars beyond the solar system.

Humanity's exploration of the starry sky has never stopped.

certainly. Human beings have also paid a very heavy price in the process of space exploration.

For example, the US Challenger. Columbia, Falcon 9. The Soviet Union's Soyuz 1, Soyuz 11, China's Long March 3B, etc., are just a few of all the space disasters that have occurred.

Aside from the factors of national borders and nationalities, human beings should always remember these contributions to all mankind, and more importantly, those human heroes who have dedicated themselves to the exploration of the universe and space for human beings.

After speaking, Chen Rui lowered his head and was silent for a while.

Suddenly there was thunderous applause from the audience, like a tidal wave.

Chen Rui's voice changed and continued, "Humanity has always had a dream, that is to realize space immigration, immigrating to the moon, immigrating to Mars, immigrating to more distant planets suitable for human habitation. However, the living environment of our earth is also deteriorating day by day. Survival faces great crises, such as global warming, the hole in the ozone layer, species extinction, ocean acidification, aerosol "overload", etc., and the doomsday crisis that may appear at any time, such as asteroid collisions, nuclear wars , alien attack, solar system disaster, human beings have a great sense of crisis, these sense of crisis force us human beings to find a new living space.

Mayan prophecy in 2012 is not the end of the world, it is likely that 2112, 2212 is the real end of the world for mankind.

We humans are also aware of this problem. Countries have also made various efforts and are also making various preparations for immigrating to the moon, to Mars, and to a planet suitable for human habitation.

If there is a day when humans immigrate to the moon and Mars, then we will have to face a very important question, how can humans survive on the moon and Mars for a long time. As we all know, the moon and Mars are a desert, except for rocks and sand, there is no food, there are all kinds of harmful rays of the universe and so on. "

Perhaps, many countries have also thought of this problem, that is, the closed self-sustaining natural ecosystem, many countries are doing this, for example, the United States' Biosphere 2, China's 'Moon Palace 1', Russia's -3, Biosphere in Japan j.

Billed as the most exciting science project in America since the moon landing, Biosphere 2 failed.

Moon Palace 1, Russia's -3, Japan's and Japan's biospheres are only preliminary environmental simulation experiments, and there is still a long, long way to go before the real realization of human life on the moon and Mars. "

The audience burst into warm applause.

Chen Rui paused for a while.

After the applause stops.

Chen Rui continued, "This time, what I want to play is a successful closed self-sustaining cycle natural ecosystem experiment conducted by the prehistoric green-eyed man on the moon. I hope that through the experience and reference of this successful experiment, it can help human beings to build a successful closed self-sustaining ecosystems to realize the blueprint for human colonization of Mars and the moon.

The Kingdom of Tortuga will also launch a Biosphere 1 experiment, which will invest $500 million to create a closed self-sustaining loop ecosystem. "

In fact, a month after the establishment of the Kingdom of Tortuga, a secret Biosphere 1 experiment was launched.

The location is a settlement in the western part of Tortuga Island.

The artificial micro-ecological circulation system was presided over by Edward Barth, a famous biologist who joined the nationality of Tortuga Kingdom, and others.

It completely draws on the experience, methods and some data of the artificial ecological circulation system experiment of green-eyed people. (To be continued)

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