The artificial micro-ecological circulation system is almost completely sealed.

It covers an area of ​​more than 14,000 square meters and has a volume of 171,800 cubic meters. It consists of 10,000 white-painted steel beams and 8,000 pieces of glass.

The interior is mainly composed of 7 ecological community areas, desert, intensive agricultural area, tropical rain forest, savanna/ocean/swamp, and two atmospheric expansion chambers (also called 'lungs'), east lung and west lung, which also have Facilities such as energy centers and cooling towers.

At the same time, a new energy research institute was secretly established in the area known as the mysterious district.

Obviously, Chen Rui and the Kingdom of Tortuga intend to join the human exploration of outer space.

Compared with other countries, such as the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and other countries, in the exploration of outer space, the later Tortuga Kingdom has more advantages.

Because Chen Rui has obtained many kinds of black technologies that are far ahead of modern human beings from prehistoric green-eyed people and Nashi people, as well as technologies for energy utilization, as well as technologies that can be used for long-distance travel in space, and even exploration outside the solar system, the Milky Way. Explore nanostone energy that provides ample power sources.

Chen Rui believed that the later Tortuga Kingdom would soon shine in the starry sky outside the earth.

To be the first country to land on Mars, just as American Armstrong was the first to land on the moon and the first to control a space probe to rush out of the solar system.

"Next, please watch the documentary, the second magnetic disk, the artificial ecological cycle system of the future of mankind."

Chen Rui's voice just fell.


Deafening applause from the audience resounded throughout the auditorium.

Chen Rui bowed to the audience, walked off the stage, and took his seat.

"Mr. Chen. I don't know if I can ask you a question." Bill Bob, an American scientist sitting in the seat next to Chen Rui, said to Chen Rui during a break before the documentary was played.

"Yes." Chen Rui nodded.

"I don't know where the three green-eyed man's magnetic disks were obtained." Bill Bob asked.

Sitting next to Chen Rui, some scientists from various countries in the back row hurriedly pricked up their ears to listen.


"Chen Rui said.

Bill Bob closed his mouth.

"Where is China?" At this moment, a scientist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences interrupted and asked anxiously.

"Daqingshan. Radiant Valley."

Countries are not unfamiliar with the Daqingshan Radiation Valley.

More than two years ago, in a valley in Daqing Mountain, there was a violent sound of gunfire, and there were military helicopters in the air to provide force support. This scene was captured by the reconnaissance satellites of various countries above the atmosphere.

Then, the news of the mutant giant rat and the fragmentary fragments of 12 prehistoric nuclear reactors spread on the Internet.

caused a sensation all over the world.

It spread all over the world.

Known as one of the top ten mysterious events in the world.

The event was thought to be due to the deep hole in Radiation Valley being sealed off by thick concrete pillars. In addition, after more than two years of precipitation, it was gradually forgotten.

No one would have thought that the Radiation Valley was the nuclear reactor base of the prehistoric green-eyed man, and the three magnetic disks that shocked the world came from there.

After today, the crazy Chinese will definitely go and dig up the concrete pillars. To dig three feet into the deep hole.

On the screen, the movie begins.

This is a documentary.

The picture is very clear.

The voiceover commentary spoke the language of jjww green-eyed people, and the subtitles in green-eyed text appeared at the bottom of the screen, which can be ignored.

No one in the auditorium knows these words. Of course, there are countless linguists around the world, and scholars of ancient texts are trying to decipher and study these words.

compared to. Alien text on golden book.

These texts are much less difficult to decipher.

Because, there are images for comparison.


Just watch the video.

First, a bird's-eye view, a huge aerospace plane parked on the tarmac. very impressive.

Aerospace aircraft is the abbreviation of aerospace aircraft, which is a new type of aircraft that can both aviation and spaceflight.

It can take off horizontally like an ordinary aircraft, and can directly accelerate to break through the atmosphere and enter the earth's orbit to become a space vehicle. After returning to the atmosphere, it will land at the airport like an aircraft.

It's an aircraft of the last.

Via this one overhead image. Scientists have to admit that the space plane of the green-eyed man is 108,000 miles away from the space plane of human beings at this stage.

The green-eyed man's space plane is huge. It is more than ten times larger than the so-called x-series aerospace planes in the United States.

Than the world's largest aircraft, known as the 'dark cloud made of aluminum'. An 225 that can fit into eight average-sized houses is several times larger.

Absolute giant, like a real aerial fortress.

Just like the aircraft in science fiction.

There are cars coming and going on the apron.

In contrast, huge aerospace planes, from a high altitude, these cars look like ants.

The car is very strange, it doesn't have a cab, it's like a big box with four wheels.

There is no cab, and everything is automatically controlled by the computer. Hundreds of cars are driving in the vehicle driving route marked on the apron, in an orderly manner. The driving route is very regular and very standard, like a line drawn with a ruler.

The strangest thing is that the car has no tailpipes.

The power source used is unconventional power, nature's ubiquitous water.

As you can see in the picture, a car suddenly stopped. Several green-eyed people trotted to the front of the car, twisted a small lid, and poured sea water into it, and the car suddenly started again.

At this time, a picture appeared in the minds of many people. After today, it is estimated that governments, governments and institutions around the world have begun to study seawater energy.

The international value of oil is also going green.

After all, seawater proved in the video that it can be used as energy, which is the future direction of energy development.

The strangest thing is that all the scientists in the auditorium stared wide-eyed.

The workers in the picture are robots.

The robot's behavior, movements, and facial expressions suggest that they possess a high level of intelligence.

Countless robots with silver-white metal shells stuffed various materials in the car into the aerospace plane with very high efficiency.

These materials include pieces of glass, various equipment, machines, various plants on the earth, including plankton, moss, ferns, gymnoids and quilts, etc., various animals, including: arthropods, insects, fish, amphibians, etc. , crawling, birds, breastfeeding, etc.

And microbial colonies, including bacteria, slime molds, fungi, microalgae, etc.

There is also soil, water, and other substances necessary for the cycle of nature.

After everything is loaded.

The huge aerospace plane took off, making a piercing howl. (To be continued)

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