Chen Rui, the fighter, was put into the Pregnant Sea Pearl space.

And the 'Book of the End'.

It is said to be a book, but there are no pages, but pieces of granite stone slabs that are cut flat and smooth and rectangular. If you count them roughly, there are hundreds of slabs, and one side of the slabs is engraved with English letters. This is a prophecy. , Before 2067, the major events that happened to human beings are recorded on the slate. Some prophecies are recorded very vaguely, and some prophecies are recorded very clearly. Even the specific time, the cause, the process, and the result are all recorded.

Chen Rui found a prophecy on a rock wall, ,,,, pig, pig, island, novel ww.zhuzhuda (In the 14th century, hell came to the world, and the Black Death ravaged any European country with the spread of plague bacteria. a corner, and the immediate neighbors of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.)

This is the first prophecy on the prophecy rock wall, recording the plague that occurred in the Middle Ages, the greatest disaster in human history.

,-,, (From 1918 to 1919, a plague derived from animal viruses, the Spanish flu, killed 25 million to 40 million people in the world within 6 months, bringing a huge catastrophe to mankind .)

This is another prophecy of a plague catastrophe in humans, recorded in the early 20th century with the Spanish flu.

The Spanish flu was the second largest plague in human history after the Black Death in the Middle Ages.

In the spring of 1918, the first wave of the Spanish flu occurred. Basically just the common flu, the second wave occurred in the fall of 1918, the Spanish flu infected an estimated 1 billion people worldwide, killed 25 million to 40 million people, and many were normal in the morning. Get sick at noon and die at night. October 1918 was the darkest month in American history. 200,000 Americans died this month. The average life expectancy in the United States in 1918 was reduced by 12 years than usual.

Influenza spread all over the world, from the Eskimo tribe in Alaska to the island of Samoa in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

The Spanish flu disappeared completely within 18 months. The diseased strains have never been really identified.

Chen Rui found the prophecy of meteorites falling from the sky to hit New York in these slates.

OnJuly4,2022,,,,,. (July 4, 2022, the Independence Day of the United States, the 'Little Apophis' meteorite hit the earth, the meteorite landed in the Atlantic Ocean 12 kilometers northeast of New York, and the tsunami caused by the meteorite hit New York, and the entire New York became a vast ocean, caused more than 2 million deaths, and the United States, known as the world's number one power, suffered a fatal blow.

The meteorite that brought disaster to New York is called 'Little Apophis'.

In Egyptian mythology, 'Apophis' is an ancient demon of evil and destruction. Its purpose is to bring catastrophe, destruction and death to mankind. Therefore, the last astronomer named the meteorite that destroyed New York as ' Little Apophis'.

Today is April 21, 2021. It is just over a year before the 'Little Aposphie' meteorite landed on Earth and the destruction of New York.

Chen Rui ignored the slates that recorded prophecies that occurred before 2021. The prophecies recorded by these slates were outdated.

After 2021, there are more than a dozen slates. It records the major events that will take place at the end of mankind from 2021 to 2067.

Chen Rui glanced at it roughly.

The content of the prophecy is very many and very complicated.

Including, the major disasters that will occur in the future of mankind, the major world economic crisis, the major wars that have occurred, and the major achievements created by human beings.

Chen Rui learned on the prophecy slate that a financial tsunami that surpassed "Black Thursday" and "Black Friday", which economists in the future called once every 100 years, was just around the corner.

The world is in a relatively stable period, and the global economy is developing rapidly. For example, in China, after the reform and opening up, after 30 years of gold, the economy developed like a blowout, with an annual economic growth rate of more than 10%. In 2015 and 2016, China After a period of transition, China's economy has once again ushered in a take-off.

The economy of the world's largest economy, the United States, has also continued to develop steadily. The most direct manifestation of the hot economy is that the price of oil has exceeded the peak of $180 per barrel in 2021. The world's economy is hot, but in the world There is a huge crisis hidden in the hot economy, the excessive expansion of credit consumption, causing false prosperity in the market, excessive stock speculation, stocks cannot reflect the actual situation of the economy, resulting in false economic prosperity, covering up contradictions, and the gap between the rich and the poor is too large.

Finally, at the end of 2021, the world economic crisis broke out in the two financial sources of New York in the United States and Dinghai in China, and then swept the world. In 2021, the two largest economies in the world, the United States and China, have an accident, and no country can be spared. The financial tsunami swept the world.

Americans are going to be a little unlucky. They have just experienced the heavy blow of the world economic crisis. Then in July of the following year, a meteorite hit New York, hitting the United States again. (To be continued.)

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