From the Island Owner to the King

539 'Hehe! ' several meanings

Taylor Martin used two prophecy slates to record the cause of the world economic crisis, the process, and the results.

Chen Rui put hundreds of slates into the Pregnant Sea Pearl Space.

After confirming that there are no omissions.

Chen Rui used the earth escape technique, escaped to the top of his head, and found the giant statue buried in the ground that guided the entrance of the underground space, and put it into the pregnant sea pearl space.

Back to camp.

The next day **pig**pig**island** novel www..

The team goes on-

In the United States.

Americans are like bear children who have no good food, and they start to make trouble again. Demonstrations are held in various states, especially New York, which is almost against the government and the government.

The reason is that all Americans believe that the government is hiding the truth.

The results of the investigation of the predicted rock wall released by American scientists are that the rock paintings on the predicted rock wall are pranks of modern people.

As a result, of course, all Americans don't believe it. They think that the government and the government are dishonest in this matter, and they have deliberately concealed the truth. The government and the government do not want to admit that the people know too much.

Not only Americans, but even people all over the world don't believe the survey results released by the US government and the government, the pranks of modern people, bullshit! ! Make the whole world fools? ! Then you are a fool yourself! !

Media all over the world say the US government and government are fools.

However, when a meteorite hits New York, people all over the world will say, "It's none of my business. It's a pleasure to sit on a bench and watch the flooding of New York."

However, the Americans will definitely quit and hold demonstrations to protest that the government has deceived the people. Request the announcement of the truth about the predicted rock wall.

Americans are very weird. Americans love to express their opinions. One of the ways is to "go to the street", which is as simple as eating and drinking. Many people's "going to the street" is a demonstration.

The police don't care what you are and what your doctrine is. Even if you are naked to promote environmental protection, 'naked in battle' rally, even if you oppose the incumbent president, call the president shit, (In the United States, if you call others, they will sue you for violating personal rights and reputation rights, but. Call the president a little bit. No shit, the president was elected to scold.) As long as you don't block traffic,

As long as you don't chant slogans in residential areas, you can get permission to move.

Regarding the survey results of the prediction rock wall announced by the U.S. government and the government, they panicked. Americans who love to express their opinions must express their opinions, and the states have done so. New York was the area predicted by the petroglyphs to be hit by the meteorite, and the demonstrations in the United States were even bigger. I have to fight against the government and the government—

A group of people walks in the Alaskan wilderness.

27 days into the Alaskan wilderness.

Every member of the team is very embarrassed and ruined. They haven't changed their clothes or showered for 27 days. Don't laugh at anyone.

Everyone's spirit has changed a lot, and they have become more energetic. I am more optimistic, and I have learned a lot and realized a lot in the wilderness crossing. These will benefit every team member for life.

Get the most. Great fame all over the world.

Tao Ling, Ye Xiao, and Ding Yi are very popular in China, and the number of followers on Weibo and Bo has suddenly reached the top ten. I heard that they are still in Arrasla, and they have received scripts and high-quality advertisements. Soft hands, I heard that Tao Ling's advertising value has exceeded 100 million.

"Everyone, I see the telephone pole." Anna Ellie said excitedly.

A row of high-voltage poles was erected in the wilderness, and the wires stretched all the way to the end of the wilderness.

"We're walking along the poles and we're sure to find people."

"Yes, we must be able to return to the civilized world along the telephone pole."

"Finally, I can go home. I feel that this month has finished all the hardships of the rest of my life, but it feels very good, leaving work, life, family, no pressure, no need to think about anything, and work hard for survival , I really hope to do it again.”

"I just want to say right now that you are welcome to suffer."

Two days later, the group walked out of the wilderness and returned to the civilized world.

In Brock Town, the respective families of the players have been waiting in the town to welcome the players back.

Then there were the hordes of journalists who had rushed in, and the American public ready to welcome the heroes back from the Alaskan wilderness.

Because the team members were too tired and busy reuniting with their families, they refused to be interviewed by reporters.

That night, all the team members, their families and Chen Rui held a party at a local bar in Brock Town and invited others.

the next day.

Chen Rui said goodbye to the team members one by one.

Chen Rui was going to take a day off in Brock Town.

In a hotel in the town of Burrek.

Chen Rui turned on the computer.

Open the document, flip your fingers up and down on the keyboard, and lines of words appear on the computer screen.

Two hours later.

Click to open, click to network, log in to the author's background, copy, paste, upload, etc.

Chen Rui checked the collection, high order, all orders, a series of numbers that the author will never reach, although Chen Rui is too serious, sometimes it takes a week or even a month to update a chapter.

However, no one complained about Chen Rui, the readers understood Chen Rui very well.

Every time a chapter comes out, I can receive rewards from dozens of leaders.

For Chen Rui, these hundreds of thousands, millions of figures are no longer interesting, even if the monthly income is millions, for Chen Rui, it is only a fraction of the fraction.

Chen Rui clicked the webpage.

Login to Q/Q.

Many people were surprised to find that Chen Rui's Q/Q brightened.

"@陈瑞, if you don't go online again, the United States is going to explode, and the Americans are already burning their ass."

"@陈瑞, go watch the news, the investigation results released by the U.S. government and the government on the prediction rock wall."

"@陈瑞, here is the link."

what happened! ?

Chen Rui clicked on the link sent by Q friend.

This is a news from Xinhuanet.

The press release was a week ago.

The U.S. government and the government announced the results of the investigation of the predicted rock wall, predicting that the rock wall is a prank for modern people.

The investigation results released by the U.S. government and government have been questioned by many people. They suspect that the U.S. government and government have played the role of liars and concealed the truth. This has aroused the dissatisfaction of many Americans. "Truth, don't deceive" protest march. This move has been widely supported by all walks of life in the United States. This move has made the U.S. government and government devastated. The U.S. government and government seem to be determined not to speak.

Chen Rui clicked the link and opened the Q/Q group.

"@陈瑞, predicting whether the rock wall is a prank of modern people as stated in the survey results released by the US government."

Chen Rui posted a message in the Q/Q group, "Haha~!" (To be continued.)

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