From the Island Owner to the King

578 Chen's 3 Branches

Leaving Pinghegang County and entering Gaspar County, the road is very desolate and sparsely populated. The residential areas along the road are also abandoned, and the extremely fertile farmland, plantations, and mountains and forests are also desolate and overgrown with weeds. 【Full text read..】

The original sea people migrated out from here on a large scale. Due to traffic and population reasons, the Tortuga Island Kingdom government did not migrate people in.

But it's better when you enter the section of Livingstone County. One-third of the land in Livingstone County belongs to the royal family. On these lands, farmers in uniform are hard at work, weeding, fertilizing, watering, and picking. ,...... These farmers come from various countries and are veterans of growing vegetables and taking care of orchards. The number of these farmers exceeds 2,000, and they are distributed in the central area, the southern area, the Pinghe port area, and the 47 vast areas in the western area. on fertile land.

The 47 plots of land are owned by the royal family, with a combined area of ​​more than 500,000 mu, full of prehistoric vegetables and fruit trees.

A 2,888 yuan fish scale fruit that Chen Rui saw in Dinghai Walmart came from an orchard here. Last year, 300,000 fish scales were harvested here.

Leaving a section of Livingstone County and entering Gassonali County, in Gassonali County, there is a foreign corps stationed, the 3rd Foreign Infantry Battalion has a total of 350 people, and there is a border patrol with a number of 170 people belonging to the Royal Army. Teams, patrolling the border, cracking down on illegal entry.

In fact, the Foreign Legion is not strictly speaking the Foreign Legion. 70% of the officers and soldiers of the Foreign Legion, together with their families, have obtained Tortuga Island citizenship. Their beliefs are not fighting for the dollar, but for the king. fight against the country.

Chen Zhaoqing has been here several times because of his work. He knows the battalion commander here, a Frenchman, who is now a French native of Tortuga Island. The battalion commander and his family have obtained the nationality of Tortuga Island. .

However, due to military regulations, Chen Zhaoqing was not allowed to enter the military camp.

Chen Zhaoqing's destination is a small village of less than 400 people.

The village is populated by coffee plantation workers and their families.

The coffee plantation is the property of the royal family, and this property will be traced back for a long time. This involves the second phase of the island-purchase fee of the Peace Port Secret Covenant. Josesi Budi's regime has only acquired one-third of the sea's territory, and there is also a Rafael Hurd government in the south.

Therefore, Joseci Budi's regime did not fully implement the Port Peace Treaty. As compensation, Chen Rui obtained a part of the coffee plantation in Hai's, a bauxite mine.

The coffee plantation here is one of more than a dozen coffee plantations. It is managed by a coffee company under the royal family's assets. This coffee company belongs to the humble industry of the royal family's assets.

Although unremarkable, it is also a very large industry.

The air in the sea is fresh, there is no pollution, the climate is humid, and the mountains are foggy and rainy all year round. This climate creates excellent coffee.

After the introduction of advanced coffee planting, roasting and grinding processes, Haidi's coffee tastes more mellow and fragrant. It's very smooth to drink,...,

The 46 tons of coffee produced by more than a dozen coffee plantations every year are not only supplied to Tortuga Island, but also supplied to China, becoming the most high-end coffee in China and widely praised by coffee shoppers.

Chen Zhaoqing's village of people who arrived in the sea.

The residents of the village warmly welcomed Chen Zhaoqing's arrival.

It can be seen that Chen Zhaoqing has not come to this village for the first time.

Before, in order to improve the basic living conditions of this village, I came here many times.

The residents here are very familiar with Chen Zhaoqing. They were also very enthusiastic, and they all brought out their own food to entertain Chen Zhaoqing.

It can be seen that the village is richer than before, and new houses have been built. The food is also relatively sufficient, and there is r food, everyone looks very strong and very healthy, and the spirit of the people who are separated by a border line has been greatly improved. The people looking at the opposite sea across the border have a kind of arrogance in their bones... It's hard for anyone to imagine that when they were hungry, they used mud cakes to satisfy their hunger, a kind of mud and salt. Three-ingredient "mud cookies" with butter.

As workers and family members of the coffee company's coffee plantations, they were among the few allowed to take Tortuga citizenship after the North West Province was incorporated into the Tortuga Kingdom.

Their arrogance towards the people on the other side of the border is also estimated to be that they have the identity of a wealthy country, and their lives are relatively prosperous.

However, although they are rich, since the Northwest Province was incorporated into the Kingdom of Tortuga Island, workers in coffee plantations have been paid in Tortuga dollars, and their wages are basically slightly higher than ordinary workers.

However, the living infrastructure of the village is relatively backward, there is no school, no clinic, no safe and hygienic water supply system, as well as power supply, grocery store, etc. The people of the village still retain some bad living habits and are used to eating with their hands , People share a water source with livestock, go to a witch doctor when they are sick, and dig out the corpses of their ancestors every year and circle them a few times a year, ..., Voodoo of the sea has a great influence in the village.

The purpose of Chen Zhaoqing's visit to the village is to coordinate the government and the government to improve the village's living infrastructure and teach them to change their original living habits.

Thanks to Chen Zhaoqing's efforts, the village has changed a bit. There is a clinic. At least now the villagers know to go to the clinic when they are sick, and they will not go to the witch doctor anymore. There is an elementary school. Like other elementary schools on Tortuga Island, the school teaches, Basic arithmetic, simple knowledge of nature, geography,  ….

There is a small shop in the village that sells some daily groceries, snacks, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

The lives of the residents of the village have really changed a lot.

This is one of the villages in Northwest Province. There are hundreds of villages like this in Northwest Province, with 50,000 to 60,000 people. There are more than 30 in Pinghe Port District, which are distributed in different places.

The government and the government will send capable staff to these villages to improve or change these things, so that they can break free from ignorance.


Chen Zhaoqing returned to Pinghe Port, where he lived, as a government employee at the department level, the government and the government provided him with accommodation, a house of 6 to 70 square meters, very spacious, and very complete living facilities. Also very comfortable. There is also an Audi, the only shortcoming is that the wife and son are not around.

Chen Zhaoqing's son is 2 and a half years old. Born on the island, the big character is called Chen Dafu, and the name is quite earthy. Chen Zhaoqing's uncle Chen Guodong took the name himself. The significance of this is very important. Chen Guodong himself is a prince, and his son is a king. Just like the ancient elders or teachers gave names to younger generations or students, with this relationship, the relationship became a little closer.

the next day.

Chen Zhaoqing got up early in the morning, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and ate a casual breakfast. He was dressed very formally, in suits and leather shoes. Lined with a blue shirt and a black tie, his face was clean-shaven, he had short hair, and he looked neat and tidy, with a brown briefcase in his hand, sitting in an Audi car. …

It's hard to believe that he worked as an assembly line in Nanwan a few years ago, earning a salary of 3,4000 yuan a month. The work is tiring and hard, and the same work is repeated day after day, which is boring. Numbness, no future in sight,... A loser in life, now Chen Zhao is young and proud and has a bright future. A very successful person in life.

Chen Zhaoqing drove to the government and government office buildings in the center of Pinghegang County.

This is a four-story western-style building with a very large area.

In the past, this was the government office building of the sea, and the Northwestern Province was merged into Tortuga Island. After the Northwestern Province was divided into four districts, this place, after a little renovation and decoration, became the government office building in the Heihe Port District.

This office building accommodates more than 300 people. The Finance Bureau where Chen Zhaoqing is located works on the third floor of the office building.

Chen Zhaoqing parked the car in the parking lot downstairs and got out of the car.

"Brother Qing, good morning." A young man walked down from the car next to him and greeted Chen Zhaoqing.

The young man's name is Chen Zhaofeng, from Malaysia.

The Malaysian branch of the Chen family moved to Malaysia to escape the war in the late Qing Dynasty, intermarried with the local Chinese family, prospered, and settled there.

Chen Zhaofeng's family is a branch of the Malaysian branch, a branch that has spread its branches in Malaysia, and has long since broken contact with the Malaysian branch.

Therefore, when Tortuga Island was founded, Chen Zhaofeng's family did not join Tortuga Island nationality.

Until last year, Chen Zhaofeng accidentally heard his grandfather tell him that his ancestors came from Dahe County, Xijiang, China. In the late Qing Dynasty, due to the war, their ancestors moved to Jambi, Malaysia, and then again to Bengkulu. Now The place where I live... I hope that Chen Zhaofeng will have the opportunity to visit the ancestral land, pay homage, and recognize his ancestors.

Chinese people, especially the older generation of Chinese people, respect tradition very much, pay attention to clan blood ties, and return fallen leaves to their roots, recognizing their ancestors and their ancestors. There was no chance in the past. Now China has been reforming and opening up for many years, and there is a chance. Chen Zhaofeng's grandfather hopes that Chen Zhaofeng can go back to his ancestral place to worship and recognize his ancestors.

Chen Zhaofeng heard a move in his heart, and before his grandfather could finish speaking, he ran into the ancestral house and pulled out a yellowed genealogy from an old box.

Chen Zhaofeng suddenly became excited and almost jumped up holding the family tree.

did not expect,.......

Unexpectedly, my family is really a member of the Chen family in Tortuga Island. Their ancestors share the same ancestor as the Chen family in Tortuga Island, a Malaysian family with three famous surnames Chen family in Tortuga Island.

Unexpectedly, my family has been fishermen from the beginning of the great-grandfathers, and suddenly has a very prominent identity, a branch of the royal family, ..., a prominent and wealthy identity.

He has a certain understanding of the three branches of the Chen family in Tortuga Island, the Yamato Chen family, the Fenghe Chen family, the Malaysian Chen family,  ….

The three tribes of the Chen family can not only get a villa-like house in Qingshan Town, Tortuga Island, but also receive a generous royal allowance every year. There are also 40,000 to 50,000 US dollars, even if you don't need to work, enough to ensure food and clothing.

Moreover, although the three branches of the Chen family have no explicit privileges on Tortuga Island, there are still many hidden privileges. For example, they can freely choose their jobs, join the army, engage in politics, and enter the companies under the royal assets. It is easy, promotion is often faster than others, and there are more opportunities.

When Chen Zhaofeng knew that he belonged to the three branches of the Chen family, he knew that his destiny had been rewritten. In the future, he would no longer have to go fishing in a boring way in the sea, the scorching sun, and the life he wanted to live. The life of the money man,  …

Then, after Chen Zhaofeng told his family and several uncles that his family belonged to the three Malaysian branches of the Chen family in Tortuga Island, he was a little surprised.  …

Then, more than 40 people from a small Malaysian branch of Bengkulu came to Tortuga Island, took out the genealogy, worshiped the ancestral temple, and then continued their generation and joined Tortuga Island. Nationality, allocated a house in Qingshan Town, starting from this year, you can receive royal allowances.

Chen Zhaofeng entered the government department and was assigned to the Pinghe Port Construction Bureau as a clerk.

"Morning, Xiaofeng." Chen Zhaoqing nodded with a smile and said.

The two walked up the stairs to the third floor and chatted casually.

Chen Zhaoqing came to the third floor, met acquaintances from time to time, greeted each other, and then walked into his office. As the section chief of the Finance Bureau and the important bureau section, Chen Zhaoqing also had an office, and he was the section chief in charge of 12 people. .

"Morning, Section Chief Chen, I'm here so early today. Seeing Section Chief Chen smiling, I'm in a good mood." A clerk walked into the office with a teapot and enthusiastically poured a cup of tea for Chen Zhaoqing.

"Xiao Lin, tell everyone to come to my office and have a meeting in the morning." Chen Zhaoqing picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and said to Lin Senmu.

"Okay, Chief Chen."

A few minutes later, everyone crowded into Chen Zhaoqing's office.

Looking at the dozen or so people under him, Chen Zhaoqing nodded with satisfaction, and was a little proud that he was an ordinary high school graduate who was in charge of 12 men who graduated from prestigious schools.

All 12 people are elites, capable, with excellent ability, and they have a strong Tortuga Island style of doing things. Graduated from National University, Chen Zhaoqing never thought that this day would come when he was working in Nanwan.



Chen Rui was about to enter the Phoenician space after spending two days on Tortuga Island. (To be continued.)



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