On this day, the weather was clear, the sky was cloudless, the seagulls were flying on the sea, the gentle sea breeze was blowing on Chen Rui's face, and the smell of the sea was very refreshing.

Chen Rui was sitting on the starfish yacht. The starfish yacht beat waves on the sea and sailed towards the abyss.

After more than an hour, it entered the waters of the Bermuda Triangle.

After half an hour, they reached the surface of the abyss.

The sea is calm without waves, dark blue as ink, and the sea is very deep.

Under the calm sea, there is an underwater abyss that is more than 80,000 meters deep.

Chen Rui stood on the yacht deck, took a breath, and jumped into the sea.

Perform water escape in the sea.

Chen Rui was like a sailfish in the sea, running fast and escaping to the bottom of the sea.

Escaped to the bottom of the sea, it was as dark as ink, and the abyss of the sea with bubbles surging constantly entered Chen Rui's eyes.

Chen Rui took out the water-proof beads, and then another water escape.

Chen Rui entered the Phoenician space through the vortex at the bottom of the abyss.

At the source of the Endro River, at the outlet of the whirlpool, a huge temple stands tall, forming a huge holy city with the temple as the center.

In the holy city, people come and go, very lively.

On the Endra River, the boats of believers who came to the holy city for pilgrimage from all over the Tyre continent covered the river, carrying a large number of treasures.

Only 16-year-old Alyssa became an apostle of God, the apostle of God in the world, the Pope, the sword of religious power, the power of the church, the power of the church, the seat of the temple and the holy city under Chen Rui's divine metaphor. There are 12 saints under the Pope. 24 ascetic. 72 believers spread the faith of God on the continent of Tyre.

The 15-year-old Ren, under Chen Rui's divine metaphor, became the acting ruler of God in the world, holding the sword of kingship and ruling the secular power. Under Chen Rui's theocracy belief and the assistance of the church, he unified the Tyre continent. Build a Holy Empire.

Chen Rui paid a city tax of 2 copper coins at the city gate to enter the holy city.

The holy city is very huge, with tall city walls, huge gates poured with copper juice, and a wide main street that can accommodate 4 carriages in parallel, leading directly to the Temple Square.


On the street, pedestrians are very busy, and there are various shops on both sides of the street. Rice shop, gold shop. Restaurants, gem shops, artisan workshops, and business are very prosperous.

On the streets, guards can be seen patrolling from time to time. The soldiers wear silver-white armor, helmets with a feather on their heads, and a sword and shield pattern is tattooed on the chest of the armor. They hold long swords. These guards have a cold expression , full of iron and blood, with his head held high, his face full of arrogance. They have arrogant capital. They belong to the Knights of the Temple. The Knights of the Temple is loyal to the apostle of the gods in the world, Pope Eliza. With a staff of 12,000, it is the most elite army on the mainland, as famous as the Knights of the Temple. Only the Pegasus Knights of the Holy Empire.

After just a few years of development, the Holy City has become the largest city in the Tyre mainland, with a population of more than 1 million.

This city is directly governed by the church, including the land near the Holy City that extends to the Marne River connecting the Swan Lake in the lower reaches of the Enzhuo River. This huge area of ​​land belongs to the church's territory.

Chen Rui walked along the street to the Temple Square.

There is a huge statue erected in the temple square. This statue looks a little like Chen Rui. Looking up from the bottom, from the perspective of people, the stone sculpture is full of the majesty of God, and the eyes are low, looking towards Below, his eyes revealed kindness to all beings.

The central building at the back of the Temple Square is the Temple.

On the side of the temple, there is a side hall, which is the storage room. Chen Rui's purpose is the storage room.

Chen Rui entered the storage room with a soil escape technique. The storage room is very large. Various items are stored in different categories. Swan Lake pearls, maca gems, and various gems are packed in buckets, one bucket by one bucket, and dried in the sun. The root of the gods, the boundless grass, the chia leaf, the catfish glue stored in the box, the gall glue, the stacked blood dragon wood, on a table in the stone hall, and a list, 17 buckets of swan lake pearls , Maca gems 28 buckets, 487 sage roots, 1701 boundless grasses, 2811 Jialuo leaves, 1890 boxes of catfish glue, 2700 boxes of gall glue.

The only task Chen Rui explained to Ren and Alyssa was to collect the goods on a list given to them and store them in this stone hall. Chen Rui would come and collect them every once in a while.

Of course, Ren and Alyssa did the task assigned by Chen Rui with great devotion. They took it as the most important task of the church and the empire, and used the power of kingship and religious authority to collect the goods on the list on the mainland.

This stone hall storage room collects almost 80% of the goods on the mainland's inventory.

Chen Rui put these things into the Pregnant Sea Pearl Space.

And in the stone hall left things brought down from above, exquisite porcelain, cotton cloth, silk forging, silk, various exquisite handicrafts, sharp swords and a lot of salt, grain, spices and so on.

The civilization of Tyre originated from the Phoenicians, a sea people on the surface of the earth 3,4000 years ago.

Due to the lack of competition and integration of foreign nations, the development of the Phoenician civilization in the Tyre continent was very sluggish. Our modern human beings have developed into a highly civilized modern civilization, while the Phoenician civilization is still in the period of the Western Middle Ages, which has just broken away from primitive barbarism.

Therefore, don't rely on the advanced technology of the Phoenicians. The most important part of civilization, ceramics, can only be made of pottery. , There is very little iron, the material of clothes is mostly linen, nobles wear more delicate textiles, spun from a kind of plant fiber, the farming method is very simple and primitive, and there will be no intensive farming like modern times, fertilizers, large-scale agriculture ,

Therefore, the fine china, cotton cloth, silk forging, and sharp swords brought down from above are the most luxurious things in Tyre.

It's called something from the realm of the gods.

Nobles can have a piece of cotton, silk clothes, and a fine china in a prominent place in the living room. crafts. Serve guests with rice cooked with polished rice. Sprinkle spices on the barbecue, and look like a superior person in front of other nobles.

Nobles do not have anything from the realm of the gods, they are like bunnies in the countryside, unable to hold their heads up in front of other nobles.

A noble banquet, if there are nobles who do not have a decent cotton or silk clothes. It would be very embarrassing, and would become the focus of contemptuous eyes. If there was no porcelain or divine art craft "town hall" in the conspicuous place of the living room, then the nobleman was either poor or a scumbag with little knowledge.

Every knight dreams of buying an "Excalibur", because the knights found that the iron sword in their hands clashed with the "Excalibur", and it broke with a single cut.

The goods that Chen Rui brought down from above became the most extravagant things in the Tyre continent. They were very expensive, and only fiefdoms and wealthy merchants could afford them. Ordinary nobles and commoners who lost their land could not afford it.

A fine piece of Jingdezhen porcelain has dozens of matts on a small piece. Large ones cost hundreds of gold mates.

You must know that a gold mat is a lot of wealth for the common people in Tyre. 1 copper Seth coin can buy a piece of black bread, 1 silver peso = 100 copper Seth coins, 1 gold mat = 100 A silver peso, a gold mate can make a family of three commoners live for half a year, and they can live very well and eat very well. A good knight earns about 100 gold mates a year.

A large piece of Jingdezhen porcelain is equivalent to a knight's income for a year.

A printed cotton cloth costs dozens of gold mates, a silk forging is more expensive, the price is hundreds of gold mates, and a sharp long sword forged with modern alloy forged steel requires at least a thousand gold mates.

As for the refined salt that sells for 2 yuan a pack in the supermarket above, here is a pack of 2 gold mates, as well as snow-white grain, ichthyosaur oil, and spices. These things can only be enjoyed by big nobles and wealthy businessmen every day. Affordable, and the small nobles can only enjoy the luxury once in a while, as for ordinary civilians, they can't afford it at all.

Chen Rui filled the storage room with refined rice, refined salt, spices and silk, cotton cloth, swords, porcelain and other scarce goods, enough to offset the value of the collected things and there are still remaining.

Chen Rui left the Phoenician space through the vortex——

The guards guarding the storage room of the stone hall found that the original goods had turned into white-flowered polished rice, white-flowered snow salt, pieces of exquisite porcelain, pieces of cotton cloth with exquisite patterns, silk, and cold light. When using the sword, although he was shocked by the vast power of the gods, he was no longer surprised, because this happened three times before.

Only a few people know that the things of the gods that made the mainland crazy flow out from here.

The guard immediately reported to the captain of the guard, the captain of the guard reported to the captain of the guard, and the captain of the guard finally reported to Pope Eliza.

The representative of the Holy Empire also came over after Wen Xun.

Because the goods on the purchase list were purchased from the merchants with the money of the church and the treasury of the Holy Empire, a huge amount of money was spent. Therefore, these goods are also divided by the church and the Holy Empire according to the proportion of the spent funds. Generally, The church is divided into 4 floors, and the Holy Empire is divided into 6 floors. As for the church and the Holy Empire, after these things are distributed, whether it is rewarded or sold, no one can control who.

Because, the Church and the Holy Empire can distribute the things that come to the God Realm after a period of time, and accumulate a lot of wealth——

Chen Rui floated to the sea, looked towards the sea, and found that the yacht was quietly floating about 100 meters to the left.

Chen Rui swam over and climbed onto the yacht.

He raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch. It only took less than 2 hours since he entered the sea and returned to the yacht.

Chen Rui set the yacht to autopilot, targeting Tortuga Island.

After more than 1 hour, return to Tortuga Island.

Chen Rui parked the yacht in the port.

Next to it, there are a lot of luxury yachts moored, densely packed, so many yachts can’t be parked in the port, and they have already parked outside the port. This is the owner of the yachts, rich people from all over the world who participated in auctions——

a week later.

The feast of auction treasures known to half the world begins.

Chen Rui took out countless treasures to be sold at the auction.

More than 12,000 millionaires participated in the auction in person, and 78,000 millionaires participated in online auctions and telephone auctions.

The auction hall is full of darkness, and all those who are qualified to sit here are rich people who are worth tens of millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars, or represent a certain billionaire.

The auctioneer hired Huang Dazhong, who has the qualification of 'white glove', a well-known domestic auctioneer. He is good at using succinct and powerful language and rich gestures to hoist the atmosphere of the auction site, control the rhythm of the auction, and can, through observation, Accurate insight into the minds of potential buyers off-market.

Huang Dazhong, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, stepped onto the auction stage and said with a smile, "Welcome everyone! All guests are welcome to participate in this special auction! All the items to be auctioned next are owned by the king of Tortuga Island, the famous Provided by the adventurer Chen Rui, there are precious diamonds, bright gems, fine cultural relics, and items from the Phoenician space that everyone is very concerned about. The auction, alright, let's start the auction now."

"The first lot, the gall glue, is made from the bones of a wild beast called 'gall' in the underground space, added with more than a dozen precious medicinal herbs, boiled and concentrated. After condensation, it forms a solid gel. Benzhengyuan, strong medicinal effect for strengthening muscles and bones, 500g first-class block, the reserve price of each block is 400,000 US dollars, and the bidding begins."

Bidding is fierce.

'Gal glue' has long proven its miraculous effect.

"Okay, the results of this auction are out. Please contact our staff after the auction ends."

Soon, the first set of 200 pieces of 'gall glue' was auctioned, and the price was very high, with an average of $640,000 per piece.

"Of course, don't be disappointed if you didn't get it. We will have a lot of good things waiting for you to come and shoot. Now we have the staff for the next auction item."

"A string of pearl necklaces is made up of 72 Swan Lake pearls. Each Swan Lake pearl is the finest Swan Lake pearls carefully selected. The size, roundness and luster of the pearls are the most perfect. The top-of-the-line, this string of pearl necklaces starts at $72 million, with an increase of no less than $1 million each, and bidding begins."

"Well, congratulations on the sale of this precious Swan Lake pearl necklace for $114 million by this beautiful lady." (To be continued.)

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