From the Perfect World

One thousand two hundred and sixty-nine

Ten years passed in a flash, and the little girl grew from the airport to a slim girl. Even the rustic clothes in the village couldn't hide the beauty of the little girl, and I don't know how many people of the same age secretly lost their souls.

In these years, she has been insisting on practicing. After practicing every day, she is also looking forward to her brother's return, but the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Her brother has not returned for many years. I came here once a year ago, saying that Da Zhuang asked him to report his safety, and he would return to his hometown with honor after the selection of the God Dynasty.

On this day, the little girl who was cultivating in the back mountain suddenly stood up and shouted on the spot, and her beautiful voice echoed in the mountains and forests.

She didn't care about anything else, she jumped among the old trees with a vigorous figure, but returned home from the back mountain in a short while.

As soon as the door was pushed open, the little girl said excitedly: "Uncle, I have successfully opened up the 'sea of ​​bitterness'."

There seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes, and a tear could be heard in her voice.

After practicing day and night for a full ten years, she officially stepped into the first realm of practice. This is still with the help of the power of origin. If it is only on her own, she might persist in practicing for 30 to 50 years before she can open up the sea of ​​suffering. , to become a monk.

These ten years of practice have also made the little girl deeply realize that what the masters of Yuhua Shenchao said was right, her roots are not even comparable to ordinary people.

"He opened up the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and he is a monk in the secret realm of Lunhai."

The old and weak voice came out, and with just one sentence, the old man could be heard coughing several times.

Uncle Lin smiled and said, "Come on, now that the sea of ​​bitterness has been accomplished, it's time to move towards the fountain of life."

After achieving the state of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, the little girl's insight was much sharper than before, and she immediately heard Uncle Lin's weakness.

She was anxious in her heart, but there was nothing she could do about it. In the end, she could only grit her teeth, and even the joy brought about by her breakthrough after ten years of penance was somewhat diluted.

Even if his old eyes are dizzy and he can't see too far away clearly, Uncle Lin can guess what the little girl is thinking at this moment. The old man has raised the little girl for more than ten years, and it is impossible for the little girl to hide her emotional changes from him.

"Girl, don't worry, your uncle won't die before you become a fairy, isn't it going to be another ten years?"

Uncle Lin coughed several times, and said: "But uncle's teeth are not as good as they used to be, and you can't eat too hard food. You don't need to bring game back after you finish your practice next time. The smell makes people drool. It's a pity that uncle bites. It's not moving."

After speaking of this, Uncle Lin chuckled and said, "It would be a blessing if the boy from this family married a girl. He is so good at cooking at a young age, which reminds Uncle of your aunt."

Hearing this, the little girl was immediately ashamed and annoyed, and stomped a few times on the ground fiercely, which caused cracks to spread, and her strength far surpassed that of the strong man.

"Drink porridge!"

The little girl's face was cold, and she could vaguely see the blush under her ice-clean face. She put on her apron and walked towards the kitchen.

Uncle Lin wanted to stand up to help, but maybe he was too fast, and accidentally twisted his waist, and sat on the bed for a while, moaning softly.

While grinning his teeth in pain, Uncle Lin remembered something, and he sighed: "The story of that young emperor back then has never been told to you.

It seems that after being exposed to real practice, I am no longer interested in these stories of my uncle. "

The little girl who was busy with her work paused, and she said softly: "I have been concentrating on cultivation for those years, and now I have made a breakthrough, so I just have time to continue listening."

"Oh, I have to be old."

Uncle Lin lay on the bed clutching his waist, and told the story of the young emperor.

"In the world named Eight Regions, there is a country named Shi Country in Huangyu."

"The Human Emperor of Shi Country was young and promising, and he is the world's top expert at a young age, but not many people believe how many hardships the Human Emperor of Stone Country has gone through before ascending to the position of Human Emperor."

"It all started more than ten years ago..."


Half an hour later, Uncle Lin looked at the food on the table and stroked his beard. He looked at the little girl expectantly and said, "Girl, didn't uncle tell you some stories about cooking? You can't be satisfied with The current cooking skills must continue to work hard."

The little girl who just wanted to pick up vegetables thought for a while, then said speechlessly: "Uncle, there is no one who can cook dishes that can shine."

"Those glittering dishes, when others eat them, their clothes will burst open, and there will be a series of groans of unknown meaning. How can normal people do it? Only those who love unique cultivators can do it. That kind of very strong practitioner is at least that much stronger than me."

The little girl gestured with her index finger and thumb as she spoke.

Although she has not been able to become a monk in the past two years, her skill is not comparable to that of ordinary people. She will go to the city every now and then to inquire about some common sense in the practice world. Now she probably knows how many secret realms real practitioners have. .

As she spoke, the little girl propped her chin with one hand and said: "Several venerable beasts fought, causing a river of blood to flow in a radius of 100,000 miles. Any beast that appeared in reality would probably be able to defeat the saint. Maybe only Only the ancient emperor can suppress it."

She still remembered that at the end of the tomb of the gods, the Guangming Continent, which was refined by Chen Nan into a water-blue planet, was less than 30,000 miles in diameter.

Doesn't this mean that any strange beast may be close to the sky-defying level? At least the heavenly masters do not have such terrifying power.

Uncle Lin coughed: "Ten-swallowing sparrow swallows tens of millions of people in one gulp, and although I don't know how powerful the saints are, but since they have the word 'Holy', they may not be much weaker than Tswan-swallowing sparrows. "

The little girl's eyes turned slightly, and she asked curiously, "Are those four beasts of the Venerable the strongest among the Venerables?"

Uncle Lin thought for a moment about those nobles who were qualified to enter the small world of Xiangu, and nodded his head against his conscience.

He went on to add: "It's only weaker than the young emperor, and you'll know after the uncle finishes talking that they are all existences second only to gods."

"Eat first girl."


After a few days.

After listening to the finale of the story, the little girl was a little silent, she sighed: "Shi Hao is so monstrous, but in the end he still died in the hands of the gods of the upper realm, but he fought wildly against the seven gods as a venerable, and in the end he even killed the seven gods. Kill the seven gods one by one..."

The little girl learned some lessons from this story, that is, no matter how talented a person is, once he dies, he is nothing and can only live in the hearts of others, but time is ruthless, and the years will wash away everything. One day no one will remember this Emperor.

"Before you act, you must do what you can..."

The little girl murmured to herself, she deeply remembered this point in her heart.


Thank you Benyuan Daoshi for your reward...

If there is no special explanation, the second chapter is 0 points..

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