From the Perfect World

One thousand two hundred and seventy brother

A few months passed in a flash.

This day, when the little girl was cultivating in the back mountain as usual, her heart throbbed suddenly, which made her a little dazed.

"Is this just a whim?"

She stretched out her hand to press the chest that had just taken shape, trying to suppress the throbbing, but unfortunately it didn't work. As time passed, the throbbing feeling in her heart became more and more intense.

When she was anxious, she suddenly felt a mana wave coming from the sky.


The little girl frowned. There are only a handful of monks who have passed through Zhu Village in the past ten years, and even counting the upper era, there are only three monks. Now when she had a whim, another monk appeared in the nearby sky. Had some bad premonition.

"Could it be a demonic monk who wants to kill the villagers to sacrifice some evil magic weapon?"

Thinking of this, the little girl became a little anxious. At this moment, she didn't care whether she was the opponent of the 'Demonic Monk', so she jumped onto the branch and ran towards Zhu Village.

After a while.

The panting little girl returned to the village and opened the door of the house, ready to take Uncle Lin to avoid the limelight.

However, what I saw were two people, besides Uncle Lin, there was also a handsome young man wearing a brocade robe with fair skin like jade.

Seeing the appearance of the handsome young man, the little girl was stunned, tears streaming down her face, she murmured: "Brother."

Even after being separated for more than ten years, the little girl could still see a familiar outline from the handsome young man's face. It was the brother she had been thinking about day and night.


Seeing the little girl in tears, the handsome boy also put down his teacup, with a complicated expression, memories appeared in his eyes.

"Cough cough...cough cough."

Uncle Lin was sitting on the rattan chair, holding a cane with both hands and said with a smile: "After you left, Da Zhuang, Er Ya has been talking about Brother in Uncle's ear every day, and sometimes Er Ya calls Brother Brother in her dreams."

"Brother, you are finally back."

The little girl sobbed while touching her tears.

The handsome young man had a thousand words in his heart, but the words stopped at the end of his mouth. The man stood upright, bleeding and sweating but not crying, what a proper way to cry.

He looked at his younger sister with reddish eyes, and said gratifiedly, "It's good that the sea of ​​suffering has melted away. Uncle Lin has taken care of you these past few years. It seems that I haven't been wronged after I left."

The handsome boy's expression turned serious, and he turned his palm over and took out a bag that was emitting precious light.

"Storage treasure Qiankun bag."

"Here are some practice resources I collected, as well as life-prolonging elixir. The core exercises of the God Dynasty cannot be passed on to the outside world. I got some practice formulas from other places."

The handsome boy threw the Qiankun bag to the little girl, and then told the method of sacrifice and opening the storage bag.

Uncle Lin didn't interrupt when he saw this, he stroked his long beard and watched the scene with a smile.

Even though the correction power of the world view has been subtly affecting this world, everything he did back then caused a slight deviation from the original history, even though Lin Yang's original intention was not at all tens of millions of years later. At that time, the ripples he caused in the world still exist.

If it weren't for the power of correction to make everything move closer to the plot of the original time and space, everything in this world would have changed drastically from what he remembered.

Da Zhuang in this time and space did not take away the grimace mask before he first left, but it was just a small change. The real change with a big impact is that Da Zhuang, who should have been dead for a few years, is still alive and kicking, and he has truly tapped the potential of the Eucharist , practiced for a little more than ten years, but it is no longer the case, it can be seen that Yuhua Shenchao has cultivated him.

"The brothers and sisters who were supposed to be born on Zandi Star were born on this planet."

Uncle Lin was wearing a cane, and seemed to be dozing off because of his old age.

Through the projection eye of Immortal King Tomb, Lin Yang seems to be able to see the infinite evil thoughts entrenched on the brothers and sisters, which is possession and curse.

Someone is cursing the little girl's elder brother to die sooner, wanting to occupy this identity and become the elder brother of the future generation of strong women.

There are also people who are extremely greedy for the little girl who is just about to bloom, wanting to possess everything about her, leaning on their thighs, and shouting confidently after countless years——

My sister is cruel! Who dares to touch me?

There are also people who have deep plans to let the future empress give birth to one hundred and eight treasures for him, forming a heavenly and earthly demon formation, stimulating the blood of the empress in her body to push everything in the world.


The ocean of desire is so illusory that it doesn't seem to exist in this world. Even if the realm is as deep as Lin Yang's, and he vaguely grasps the mystery of the world view, he can only vaguely feel the existence of these thoughts. He even doubts that this ability is New features that are not yet fully enabled in 'system'.

After a while, the little girl who didn't know how many people coveted her finally opened the universe bag, and then she was stunned.

The treasures in the Qiankun Bag were beyond imagination, even if she only knew a few of them, it still shocked her. Those were all the "legendary treasure medicines" she had heard about in the city.

She thought of something at this moment, and said anxiously: "Brother, are you leaving soon?"

"Getting smarter."

The handsome young man smiled, but there was a haze between the brows that the little girl couldn't see.

The Yuhua Dynasty is an imperial dynasty founded by the Yuhua Emperor, not a sect or other orthodox system. Everything in the Yuhua Dynasty revolves around the royal family with the blood of the Yuhua Emperor flowing in its body. The old emperor of the Yuhua Dynasty could not hold on any longer, and the time had finally come for the emperor who had oppressed the Yuhua Dynasty for thousands of years since his ascension to the throne.

And those who are qualified to succeed are all amazing. Not to mention that there are many saints and saint kings in the previous generations of royal families, even the new generation of feathered royal families has six or seven people who have achieved the secret realm of Xiantai. They are proficient in everything, Everyone has great ambitions, and no one is willing to give up this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity.

The power of the Yuhua Dynasty is so strong that even in Zandi Star, they completely ruled Zhongzhou, and the most fertile areas of all ancient life stars belonged to the Yuhua Dynasty.

Holding the Qiankun bag in her hand, the little girl guessed that her brother had an unspeakable secret, she bit her lip lightly and said, "Brother, how high is your cultivation?"

She also tried to look, but in the end saw nothing.

After a moment of silence, the handsome young man sighed softly, "Sendai."

As for the number of heavens in Sendai, he didn't say it. It is possible that he has just become Xiantai not long ago, and he may have surpassed the first level.


The little girl stayed where she was, suspecting auditory hallucinations.

She practiced hard for ten years, but it turned out that she had just opened up the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and her brother who practiced not long before her had crossed several secret realms one after another, and reached the last secret realm on the road of practice, and was in the same great realm as the saint .

For the first time, the little girl realized how terrifying it is for a person with talent and resources to cultivate.

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