From the Perfect World

Chapter 1533 Modifying the origin of multiple elements, ending the curtain on all races

The silver land, which was supposed to be in a great battle, was dead silent, and no one dared to cause trouble again.

In addition to the various weirdnesses of the silver land, whether it is the holy throne of the ten thousand races or the strong human race, they are all shocked by the scene in front of them.

The pan-consciousness of the multiverse...

Heaven Gaia dissipated.

Just like a mortal blowing bubbles, they dissipated silently.

If it weren't for the mutation of the multiverse at this time to tell them that everything is true, everyone would wonder whether Tiandao Gaia had changed into a form of existence that they could not understand, rather than disappearing into thin air.

The future came to Wu Ming's side as he thought about it.

"I want to refine the weapon and end the misery of my family."

Future said to himself.

Wu Ming nodded in a daze, he hadn't reacted yet.

Everything he saw now gave Wu Ming the illusion of being in a dream.

Has the 'heaven' of all races been overturned?

It wasn't until the future disappeared in front of his eyes that Wu Ming gradually recovered.

Thinking of the words before the future disappeared, he was pleasantly surprised.


Judging from the fact that the future gathered all the innate treasures before the breakthrough, if the future really uses this to refine the weapon, it will give birth to a terrifying thing that far surpasses the innate treasures.

Could it be that in the legend, only the inner universe can control——

Great weapon?

"I was able to witness a great treasure with my own eyes?"

Wu Ming murmured excitedly.

In mythology, the great weapon of the human race's first inner universe sage 'Gu' is called 'Pangu Axe', and after 'Gu' solved the three points in order to suppress the Dao of Heaven and Gaia, he lost the 'Pangu Axe' held by 'Gu' 'It couldn't be stabilized either, and it collapsed in place.

The same is true of "Jun"'s great weapon.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, all creatures who can see the Great Thousand Weapon with their own eyes are all peerless powerhouses who are in the same period, in the same camp or as hostile to the Ultimate.

It's a conversation piece, worthy of anyone's bragging rights.

"My lord, what shall we do next?"

asked a wise man.

Wu Ming thought for a while, then replied: "..."


Space-time turbulence.

In the next step, he came to one of the four great Jedi in the multiverse. For him now, his basic body size surpassed the infinite horror multiverse he was in, and his own strength far surpassed it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to blow out Gaia, who is also the ultimate, in one breath.

In such a situation, the turbulent flow of time and space, which even the emperor-level saints are afraid of, is like walking on the ground to him.

"Past, present, future..."

Talking to himself in the future, his eyes swept across layers of time and space turbulence, and saw many people or things from various eras.

It didn't take long for him to find several special wonders that he needed.

Combined with the origin of the innate spirit treasures collected before, and a ray of the essence of Gaia, the refining tool will start in the future.

In just a few breaths, clusters of light representing the origin of the innate spirit treasure merged together, and an object similar to a round wheel was gradually formed in the light.


As the round wheel became more and more complete, the turbulence of the entire time and space became faintly unstable, and various places were in turmoil, and many places were destroyed and then reborn.

"This is the breath of the inner universe!"

"It's not the world! Could it be that a second inner universe was born outside? What era is the powerhouse?"

Deep in the turbulent flow of time and space, the face of an innate demon god who had been trapped here since Hongmengli suddenly changed.

His whole body was trembling slightly, and his heart was palpitating.

"Someone is refining the Great Thousand Weapon?"

A strong man of an unknown age suddenly raised his head and looked at the uppermost layer of the chaotic flow of time and space.

He could feel that many strange things in the turbulent flow of time and space were thrown at the great tool that was taking shape.

After a while, the trembling breath disappeared from the turbulent flow of time and space, which made the strong men of all ages trapped here unconsciously relieved.

They all know that the nameless inner universe should have broken through the turbulence of time and space and returned to the outside world.

Next, the future went through the remaining three major jedi, also ascended to high latitudes, and rushed to low latitudes.

He was looking for something to refine. After all, the treasure he was about to refine was very special, and the materials needed were naturally even more special. Even if he smelted the origin of all the innate spirit treasures, it was still a little short.

In the end, after going through the four great Jedi, the future of high and low latitudes penetrates the multiverse, and goes to the negative multiverse.

The infinite horror multiverse is very special. It is divided into positive multiverse and negative multiverse. The story of the prehistoric calendar takes place in the positive multiverse, while the negative multiverse is pitifully small because of malnutrition.

Three hours after the sermon.

The future returns to the Great Desolate Continent.

With the round wheel that is about to be fully formed, he went to find the first endogenous and pluralistic ultimate in the true sense of this world——

Wu Ming.

After stepping into this field, Future also found that his previous guess about Wu Ming was true.

It seems to be just a joke, if it is not for the first-generation main god by chance, it seems that it will not be able to accomplish anything, giving people an illusion that they can do what Wu Ming did.


It seems that Wu Ming, who revived him by mistake, is a true endogenous diversity.

Even, it seems to be detached, or semi-detached.

It's just that she is trapped in the prison of her own obsession, and has been in the state of a cute girl, unable to understand her own strength.

"Achieve the Tao in the midst of destruction, and suddenly look back, but find that I can't change the tragedy and restore the pain on the road to enlightenment."

"So there are all kinds of things today."

In an instant, the future appeared in front of Wu Ming who was dealing with the finishing work of the war.

"The cause of the past, the fruit of today."

"eye for eye."

"You have prepared the human race in the territory, and a new era is about to usher in."

Even though Future's words were indifferent and didn't fluctuate much, Wu Ming couldn't help but tremble, and vaguely smelled a bloody storm... No, it should be far above it.

From the perspective of the human race, the sins of all races are too numerous to write down.

Now, finally came the day of reckoning?

"Is this the so-called Great Reckoning? It is indeed the prototype of Emperor Huangtian."

Wu Ming was lost in thought.

Suddenly, he remembered something and asked, "What should I do with the ten thousand races in the territory?"

"Give a chance to reincarnate and become a human race."

When Wu Ming nodded, Future's eyes moved slightly, looking into the depths of the infinitely high sky.

next moment.

A terrifying figure that filled the multiverse appeared in the world, and there was a shout.

"Origin, change!"


A sound like a thunder echoed in the ears of all beings in the multiverse in an instant. Changes in various places continued one after another, and there were strong men from thousands of races screaming continuously, in great pain and panic.

They found that their own form had gradually changed, which was irreversible, strange and frightening.

"Our time is over."

A high-ranking saint groaned in pain.

"Renzu, you are so cruel! How dare you do that! How can you do that!"

A congenital saint was chilled, and his lips trembled.

Apart from the future, only the innate saint can understand what happened just now.

The origin of the multiverse changed at that moment.

If we say that before, wood made fire and wind helped fire, but now, everything may be different.

And every congenital saint can perceive that this change in the origin of the multiverse is closely related to the ten thousand races and the human race. In addition, the basic rules have not changed much.

"Not only can our clan no longer be able to improve their strength through practice, but even after being killed by a human race, it will increase the opponent's strength."

"The ability you are good at will also turn into a halo and become one of the opponent's abilities..."

An innate saint of the dragon clan roared, full of desolation.

As far as it can see, the future of the ten thousand races is full of blood, and the human race, which is not as good as pigs and dogs, will step on the corpses of the ten thousand races to eternal glory.


There are almost two chapters left in the prehistoric calendar.

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