From the Perfect World

Chapter 1534 That Day, Ten Thousand Holy Falls to the Altar

Time flies, and a century is fleeting.

In the prehistoric continent, a school stands on the top of a mountain.

The freshmen have been in school for a few days, and most of them have adapted to school life. At this moment, they just catch up with a history class.

Although many students are not interested in the history class, the history class is a compulsory course that is strictly checked and has to be taken.

In the classroom, a middle-aged tutor stood on the cloud platform, and his words spread to the ears of all the students.

"Students must know that in the history of mankind, it was an extremely miserable era for the human race. Not only was it precarious, but they even lived worse than pigs and dogs."

"During those years, no one could be sure whether tomorrow or the accident would come first, and whether the village I lived in would be slaughtered by all races in the next moment, and the human race was in constant fear."

"Until that day comes..."

"The human ancestor fell to the sky, the double emperors of all races fell, the wheel of merit descended to the great thousand, the origin of the multiverse changed drastically, thousands of saints fell to the altar, and the prehistoric and desolate races fell into the quagmire. The 'gods' of the past were all reduced to slaughter the 'soul beast'."

The middle-aged tutor slowly talked about some things in the past.

Soon, the class came to the free question and answer session.

A female student in her early twenties with bright eyes and bright teeth was not timid, and boldly asked: "Teacher, after that day, the prehistoric era will end, and the human era will come..."

When talking about this, the girl hesitated a little, and continued: "But many people are complaining, this era is not so much a 'human history', it is better to say it is a 'soul and beast calendar', a 'cultivation calendar',' Merit calendar'."

Many students showed it with their eyes, which is what they wanted to say.

The middle-aged instructor was not angry when he heard the words, and smiled lightly: "You are still young and have limited knowledge, but after two years, you will no longer have similar doubts."

"Regardless of the Soul Beast Calendar, the Cultivation Calendar, or the Merit Calendar, all essences are human races, us humans."

"So at the beginning, when this era was named, it was the human history."

The instructor recalled the earth-shaking changes in the multiverse in the past hundred years, and sighed: "After the ancestors felled the sky,

When our human race kills the ten thousand races, the soul, soul power, and flesh and blood of the ten thousand races will condense into one essence and become a 'spirit ring'. "

"Even mortals who haven't reached the first level, after absorbing the 'spirit ring', they can get seventy-eight percent of the power of that soul beast. Not only will their physical fitness and mental ability be greatly improved, but they will also be able to get the 'spirit ring'." Soul ring' comes with a special ability to become a soul hunter."

"This is also the origin of the first large-scale extraordinary professionals in the human race."

The middle-aged mentor is a soul hunter. Because of his intelligence, he was given a demigod-level soul ring in the past. Since then, he has been transformed from a mortal to a demigod.

The students under the cloud platform nodded their heads when they heard this, probably they have heard of it.

"In the fifth year of the human calendar, the number of soul hunters of the human race has exceeded 100 million, and there are also millions of soul hunters above the fourth rank."

"When everything was booming, the great lord launched a new cultivation system, which is what you all know - the cultivation system."

"Cultivation is real, insight into the original runes of all things, and its strength is far beyond that of the first profession of all races, 'Arcanist'."

"Since then, most soul hunters have also practiced comprehension, and many people who have difficulty obtaining powerful soul rings have chosen to cultivate. Their idea at the time was very simple, to become stronger through comprehension, and then hunt and kill powerful soul beasts. Get the opponent's strength."

The voice of the middle-aged tutor is very powerful, gradually making the students seem to have returned to nearly a hundred years ago.

It was a great era full of opportunities. Many people who survived the massacre of thousands of races, as long as they had the ability and wisdom, could obtain the soul ring bestowed by the high-level human beings.

Not to mention the spirit rings of the demigod level, even the soul rings of the spiritual level, or even the holy level, have been obtained before, and they have become the fifth-order life forms that can be counted in the multiverse at that time.

Not long after, a handsome male student who looked like a girl asked, "The number of soul beasts is far more than trillions, which is more than a billion times that of our race, but judging from the current situation, in hundreds of thousands of years Afterwards, after millions of years and even longer years..."

"The soul beast may become an endangered species and face the risk of extinction."

He is very far-sighted. When the profession of soul hunter was born for a hundred years, he thought of the situation he might face in the future.

The middle-aged mentor gave him a surprised look, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Zu didn't expect this."

"In the prehistoric calendar, all races have committed irreparable crimes against human beings, which are too numerous to write down."

"Therefore, the first batch of soul beasts in the multiverse are all indestructible. Even if they are killed and become soul rings, they are still immortal and will return in the years to come."

"There are even rumors that after the origin of soul beasts changes, when the number of a certain group of soul beasts falls below a certain level, the fertility of that group of soul beasts will be greatly enhanced. It will be exaggerated to hundreds of babies per birth, and the growth time will be shortened many times."

What the middle-aged tutor said made it difficult for many students to understand. What kind of means can they do this?

"Teacher, I often hear people mention the wheel of merit. So, can you talk about the wheel of merit?"

The female student who spoke first asked curiously.

"The so-called 'merit' refers to all the things that are beneficial to the human race. Depending on the size of the matter, the 'merit' that can be obtained after doing the corresponding thing is also different."

"With 'merit', you can get corresponding treatment, of course, the premise is that you don't violate the law."

"It is said that a person with extremely high merit and virtue will be favored by the great lord, and will bestow various amounts of heaven and earth mysterious energy, so that all dharmas will not invade, and evil will not be approached."

"For an extraordinary person of the human race, if he wants to become a fifth-level cultivator, whether it is a fifth-level comprehension "immortal" or a fifth-level soul hunter "old god hunter", he must have a certain degree of "merit". Otherwise, no matter what , and can’t break through that boundary.”

"Unless you are strong enough, even the wheel of merit can no longer restrict you."

Although the middle-aged mentor said so, it is very clear that no one can surpass the wheel of merit.

There has always been a rumor among the high-level people of the human race that unless they reach the end of the ultimate realm and become an existence like the human ancestor, otherwise, even the ultimate, even if the 'world' returns, they will not be able to compete with the wheel of merit.

Even if Tiandao Gaia is still there, it will be smashed to pieces by the wheel of merit, not to mention that some people say that Tiandao Gaia has become one of the raw materials of the wheel of merit.

"If the 'merit' is so high that it is unbelievable, then Ren Zu will personally bestow it—the holy position."

"This is also the only way to get the 'holy seat', and it's also the so-called sanctification of merit."

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