From the Perfect World

Eight hundred and sixteenth powerful people

The latest website: Lin Yang is sitting in the cold and dead starry sky of the universe, his eyes are half-opened and half-closed, the illusory time and the long river of history are constantly flowing, reflecting various scenes of the past and the future. .

The aura of nature becomes more and more transparent and clear, without all kinds of acquired contamination, and returns to the original innate.

The true spirit slowly 'rises up', and ascends into an inexplicable place under the 'lift' projected by others who are at the current node.

Not above, not below, not in front and behind.

It can only be described as an 'infinite height'. It seems to be half-detached from countless universes, viewing everything from an extraordinary and unique perspective. From this perspective, the endless and infinite universes completely overlap at one point. Turn, it can appear anywhere in this 'point'.


When the true spirit ascends to infinite heights, it resonates slightly with the Nine Heavens, which also resides in infinite heights, borders and myriad worlds, and countless universes respond. Compared with the normal universe, it is the closest multiverse central place to infinite heights. A vision arises.

The fairyland turned into the sky!

Lin Yang's consciousness gradually became hazy, all kinds of cognitive structures collapsed, and his thinking fell into hazy chaos, leaving only his nature.

It seemed like eternity passed, but also like time eternity, Lin Yang, who followed his nature, saw the light.

In the haze deep in the true spirit, he saw the continuous palace, filled with immortal energy and auspicious clouds.

Among the countless palaces, a palace exudes a unique aura, forming an irresistible attraction for him, as if he should live in that palace instead of the chaos outside this palace.

After the vague idea arises, time is reversed, the void recedes, and Lin Yang with a slight emptiness in his eyes suddenly appears in front of the palace.

In the empty palace, there is only a vague throne, on which sits an emperor wearing an emperor's crown and a black robe. His figure is almost the same as that of the Heavenly Emperor Obsession and Time Knife that he saw before. , but there is a slight difference in breath, which is closer to Lin Yang's breath.

"I am the Emperor of Heaven..."

Lin Yang, who stepped into the hall, spoke in tacit agreement with the emperor on the throne, and the two people's tones were exactly the same, forming a resonance.

Innumerable palaces gathered together,

Lin Yang's body collapsed, turned into a stream of light, flew towards the emperor on the throne, and returned to his original position.



real world.

In Jiangdong Wang's ancestral house, Shusheng sensed the changes in the outside world, and immediately came outside the house, looked up at the broken 'world' manifested in the sky, and said in surprise: "This is the broken Nine Heavens scene, this is the fairyland Hengkong? Has someone proved the legend?"

"Could it be that after this defeat, the overlord has thoroughly seen through the obsession in his heart, breaking the 'I am me'?"

The number saint couldn't help but speculate, and then he raised another thought: "The path and philosophy followed by the 'Immortal World Hengkong' rather than the 'Nine Nether Arrivals' is definitely not the generation of demons, even if what you practice is The Secret Code of Magic Art is also a 'Magic Immortal', although the Overlord is extremely domineering, but it is normal to witness the 'Immortal World Hengkong'."

Instinctively calculated the secret, but the result was blurred, and the number saint's face changed again, thoughtful: "Isn't it the overlord? That's..."

Turning his head to look in the direction of Jade Emperor Mountain, Shu Sheng suddenly noticed something strange in the vision in the mid-air, he retracted his gaze, and looked up at the sky again, the scene of the Nine Heavens that enveloped the entire real world.

The dilapidated Jiuzhongtian is changing rapidly, time is flowing against the current, everything that collapsed is 'regressing' back to the appearance before the collapse, and the heavenly soldiers and generals who have lost their life characteristics are reborn, their eyes are burning, their armor is shiny and shining, surrounding Jiuzhong breath of heaven.


The scene of the Nine Heavens began to distort, and vortexes appeared one after another, each vortex seemed to be the embodiment of the law, some were thunderous, filled with the power of punishment, some were dark and deep, and water vapor gathered, and some It is scorching hot, as if it is ups and downs in the sun.

The vortex after vortex has a total number of weeks, and in each vortex there are vague phantoms standing, watching all kinds of things in the world indifferently, like gods who have no emotion and only act according to the "rules".

"Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, in charge of Heavenly God? It's a pity that there is no figure of great power in the immortal way, otherwise it will be close to the time when the Heavenly Court is at its peak."

The number sage spit out a mouthful of legal principles, and whispered to himself: "Emperor Yang... has proved the legend himself."


"Heaven returns?"

Su Daji's face became more serious.

She had experienced the Battle of Conferring Gods in the last years of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. At that time, the Heavenly Emperor had not yet finally conquered the world. He was fighting with Cheng Tang, the founder of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, who was the king of men during his lifetime and the emperor of ghosts after his death.

The Heavenly Court at that time was almost as it is now. Although there were no immortals who were conferred in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, there were many gods who held thousands of powers and adjusted everything in the world.

"Damn, hope the corrective forces of history kill him."

Su Daji gritted her teeth and fled from here.

Self-proving legends in the Middle Ages formed unconcealable legends and visions. This has caused a great change in history, and the surging historical revisions will naturally not be much weaker.

Legend has it that even if the power is powerful, even if it is the only one in all the worlds, it can only be hated in the face of a historical revision that is too strong.


In the depths of the starry sky in the real world, Jiuxian Mountain.

The two Taoists stood on a mountain that looked as big as a star, looking at the legendary vision that enveloped the real world.

A middle-aged Taoist said: "According to Tianzun's order, when the first self-proving legend of the present age appears, he must be awakened."

"But... Tianzun has not been asleep for a long time, and there are still many thousands of years before the 'end of the era' that Tianzun said. Is it the right time?"

Another Taoist hesitated.

"Everything is determined by the Heavenly Venerable, and the price to pay for sleeping again is better than missing the opportunity."

The middle-aged Taoist spoke.

The two finally walked down the mountain and walked towards the mountainside.

A similar situation happened in the cave and dojo of a powerful and supernatural being, and all the sleeping powerhouses were alarmed.


Outside a frost-covered, dark and cold cave, a fairy reported the matter.

"Kill it, don't let him ruin the big event. This is not the right time. It is not easy for me to wake up and fall asleep. But for those who are new to the legend, the number of projections is at most ten thousand. Go and connect the dharmakaya in the world, and I bestow the peerless The ability of the large formation to suppress the legend, gather the power of the world to suppress and kill this person."

An indifferent voice came from the cave.

"Follow the law of the ancestors."

Tianxian bowed, turned and left.

When the celestial being outside the door left, a cold snort sounded, echoing here.

"The remnants of heaven..."

"Since the heavens have fallen, don't try to rebuild them again. It's my turn to take the position of ruler of the heavens and worlds."

The great supernatural being who coveted the position of Emperor of Heaven murmured.

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