From the Perfect World

Eight hundred and seventeenth legendary vision

The latest website: In the haze deep in the true spirit, Lin Yang sat on the throne, and his thoughts became clear again.

Thinking of the Heavenly Emperor who was sitting on the throne before, he secretly said: "When I realize who I am, and when I have proved the legend, it is not surprising to see some great figures in the depths of my nature..."

"Not to mention that Buddhists will see the self-transformed 'Tathagata' in the depths of their nature, and other great masters will generally see the figure of 'Lingbao Tianzun' when they prove the legend."

Lingbao Tianzun is the symbol of "existence", from existence to non-existence, from birth to end, it is also the aura of creation of all things.

Therefore, when the living beings in the world realize the legend, most of them will see this "aura of good fortune" in the depths of their nature, because nature comes from nature, and there is an inseparable relationship between the two.

"Secondly, those who have not seen the figure of Lingbao Tianzun will see the figure of Daode Tianzun. He is the incarnation of the Dao, the symbol of the "existence" of the heavens and the world, and the foundation of existence. The natural aura of every living being comes from the Dao Outflow, now rebelling against the innate, deep into the nature, it is normal to see the 'incarnation of the great way'."

"In the original time and space, Meng Qi saw Yuanshi Tianzun who symbolizes 'coming from nothing' and is the cause of all things and all effects..."

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Yang figured out why he saw the figure of the Emperor in the deepest part of his nature. This is something that has never happened since ancient times, when many legends have proved the legend.

"The Emperor of Heaven is in charge of time and time, and he is in charge of the three lives. It is one of the symbols of time... and all my projections are the projections of the Emperor of Heaven who 'takes over'. It is extremely deep, and not long ago, it also integrated the obsession of the Emperor of Heaven."

"Everything is bringing me closer to the Emperor of Heaven, almost indistinguishable from each other. In the end, even the figure of the big man I saw in the spiritual light of my nature when I realized the legend became the Emperor of Heaven."

After figuring out his doubts, Lin Yang adjusted his self-awareness structure. The scenery in front of him darkened for a moment, and then brightened immediately, and the somewhat familiar starry sky came into his eyes again.

He can see mature and illusory stars shining one after another, which are different from the countless stars in this nascent universe, more ancient and vast, as if each star has a sense of a star field in this world.

"The stars shine into the sea..."

Lin Yang whispered, he was no stranger to this vision.

The stars shine into the sea, only when the celestial beings with profound foundations prove the legend,

Manifestation is not a vision that everyone can witness. From the birth of this era to the current node when the end of the catastrophe is about to come, so many ten thousand years add up to prove the vision of "stars shining into the sea" I can also count them.

Although it does not mean that you have accumulated a lot in the stage of celestial beings, and you will be able to become a good fortune if you prove the "star shines into the sea" at the time of promotion, but it is almost inseparable. The future who can prove this vision is also the perfect person of the legendary realm. I don't know how much stronger than the normal legendary power.


real world.

The illusory stars all over the sky gradually dimmed, no longer dazzling.

"Sure enough, I have proved that the stars shine in the sea."

Su Daji wasn't too surprised. After changing her appearance, she turned into an ordinary old woman, wandering around in a small city, just like ordinary people everywhere.

She couldn't help becoming tense in her heart, and she couldn't maintain her mood since the last year of Fengshen.

Back then, even though there were many enemies of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, there were many rumors of great powers, and more than a dozen people with great magical powers participated in the battle, but Su Daji had never been so nervous.

At that time, she was the concubine of King Zhou, and she was guarded by many angels. There were even legends that she was powerful enough to guard the capital of Yin and Shang kings. The kings of Yin and Shang were vertical and horizontal.

But today is different from the past, she is alone and has no help, even to find Yuan Hong, the great sage of Meishan, is useless. At this time of sleeping not long ago, it may not be easy to win Lin Yang, who has certified 'Stars Shine into the Sea'.

"If you don't recover to the level close to good fortune in advance, you can't drive the 'Bitter Sea' to knock down the life level. If you want to take Yang Emperor forcibly, Yuan Hong will inevitably be injured, which will affect the next re-sleep. This may affect whether Yuan Hong Can survive to the current node smoothly."

"The future troubles are so great, He will never be willing."

Su Daji, who looked like an old woman, was thinking about it, and thought: "Unless Emperor Yang will personally step into the secret room left by the Lingbao Tianzun to separate the common sense of life and death, then even if Yuan Hong wakes up, the consequences will also be borne by Him." However, with the lesson of the Jinao Banquet, how could Emperor Yang visit Jinao Island again."

With the secret treasure from when she was the concubine of King Zhou during the Conferred God Period, which can cover her own traces to a certain extent, although Su Daji was nervous, she was not particularly flustered.

If Lin Yang hadn't been in charge of the mysterious No. 1 Time Knife, even if she had become a legendary power with extremely terrifying strength, she wouldn't be as nervous as she is now.

Everything seems long but really short, while Su Daji's thoughts were tumbling, the vision of stars shining into the sea just disappeared.

"The fairyland is in the sky, the heavens rule the world, and the stars shine into the sea... He has just entered the legendary realm, and he needs to stabilize for a period of time to carefully understand the difference between the legendary realm and the dharmakaya realm."

10% legendary power, with countless projections, realizes that I am me, whether it is described as him, she, or it, it is not accurate, so Su Daji used "he".

She secretly said: "As long as the time is long enough, the changes caused by the dharma bodies that came to the Middle Ages will accumulate, and eventually the river of time will throw the creatures that do not belong to this time back to the time they should be in. I have the protection of secret treasures. Will not be thrown out of the Middle Ages and perish in the long river of time..."

"As long as you delay for a while and return to the current node, you don't need to be afraid of Emperor Yang anymore. No matter how strong he is, he can still handle..."

Just when Su Daji thought of this, the sound of indistinct running water suddenly sounded in the sky above the real world, and an illusory long river manifested in midair.

"Time and the river of fate? No, it's just a phantom of the river of time, and it doesn't involve the river of fate."

Su Da thought.

The vague sound of running water gradually became clearer, and the illusory river also had a tendency to change from illusion to reality, but it stopped when it reached a certain critical point, and became a half-empty and half-real state.

What had been blurred until now became clear.

An indistinct Xuanpao Emperor stepped on the illusory long river, looking down on everything with a posture beyond time, the 'two ends' of the illusory river began to bend, and seemed to turn into a circle, surrounding the vague Xuanpao Emperor Those who become the emperor's outer ring.

"Time surrounds me? Vision from the other side?"

The exclamation of several saints resounded from Wang's ancestral house.

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