After Kaiya saw Condensing Light gain a powerful skill, he was also itchy, and immediately opened the magic box in his hand.

After a flash of light, a strangely shaped fruit appeared in Kaiya's hand.

[Congratulations to Kaiya for obtaining the Otherworldly Treasure Devil Fruit - Burning Fruit! ] "

Devil Fruit?" Kaia looked at the thing in his hand unclear, but listening to the name, it didn't seem to be a good thing.

[Devil fruit is a treasure of another world, as long as you eat a bite, you can obtain the corresponding ability. ] 】

【Burning fruit belongs to the natural system, can elementalize the body, and even become the flame itself, can be completely immune to physical attacks, the weakness is that it will be extinguished when encountering a large amount of water. 【

Since the flame theoretically has no upper temperature limit, it has great development potential. 【

PS: The fruit is extremely difficult to eat, and only those who eat the first bite will gain the corresponding ability. After

some explanation in the live broadcast room, the people in the whole live broadcast room were excited.

[Dolly: Is Captain Kaia going to cut love?] You can spend as much as you want. [

Goro: This kind of treasure is definitely not something that money can take. [

Doctor: This kind of magical fruit is indeed attractive. 】

【Abyss Mage: Let's go find Kaia right away, and we have to grab the thing no matter what!】

[Amber: This is troublesome. [

Jean: Senior Diluc is now by Kaia's side, there will be no problems in a short time, I will immediately go to support them.

[Diluc: No need, Kaia has already eaten the fruit, it is indeed a very magical fruit. Two

minutes ago....

Kaia actually wanted to give this thing to Diluc.

But Diluc seemed to see through his intentions, and before he spoke, he said directly: "This thing is your own, and how to use it is also your freedom."

"But I'm the Eye of the Fire God myself, and this thing is the icing on the cake for me."

"Besides, as long as this live broadcast room is still there, it may not be possible to get something better."

"Moreover, what I am pursuing now is no longer power."

It was rare for Diluc to say so much to him in one breath, and Kaia was a little stunned for a while.

Then he smiled slightly, "Then I wish Brother Yi that you will have what you want to do by then."

Kaia immediately picked up the fruit and took a bite.

The moment the juice flowed out, a taste that could not be Xiong Rong suddenly exploded in the mouth.

"Gag ~~~~!"

Kaiya quickly covered her mouth, did not dare to bite again, and forced herself to swallow.


After taking many deep breaths, Kaiya slowly eased up.

This thing is a compliment to say that it is unpalatable, this smell, just now he almost died in place.

Diluc said, "So, you should have obtained the ability of the fruit by now, right?"

Kaiya nodded, "I do feel an indescribable change in my body. As

soon as Kaia finished speaking, he saw Diluc take out the wolf and slash at him at a lightning speed.

Suddenly, the two were very close, and Kaia was defenseless, and was directly pierced on the shoulder by Diluc.

Kaiya was taken aback, but he soon realized that he had nothing to do.

The place that was penetrated turned into a raging fire, and then restored.

Diluc withdrew his weapon, still expressionless, and said, "It seems that the effect of the fruit is real." And

what happened in the past two minutes was also uploaded to the light curtain of everyone in the live broadcast room.

[Albedo: Although the fruit will only take effect in the first bite, I also ask Captain Kaia to put away the remaining fruit, maybe it will be a new type of alchemical material. 】

【Yura: If you are immune to physical attacks, then the task of cleaning up the ruins and guarding the ruins in the future will be given to Kaiya. 】

【Sugar: Kaiya is the Eye of the God of the Ice Attribute, and now that he has gained this ability, doesn't it mean that he can play elemental reactions by himself? [

Jean: The upper limit of the fruit's ability is extremely high in the live broadcast room, and it seems that it is time to arrange a port training for Kaiya.

[Diluc: @琴, that's great. 】

【Kazuto Arataki: Then next, it's Uncle Ben's lottery. Araki

Kazudou was already itchy, and immediately opened the magic box.

As the magic box opened, a golden paper with a magic array drawn appeared in Arataki's hand.

"Huh? Is the reward just such a piece of paper? Arataki looked the paper in his hand up and down repeatedly, but he didn't see why.

Worried that Arataki would break the paper, Jiuqi Shinobu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, boss, wait for the explanation in the live broadcast room, this piece of paper is definitely not an ordinary thing."

Sure enough, after Kuki Shinobu finished speaking, the explanation in the live broadcast room also followed.

[Congratulations to Kazuto Araki for obtaining the God Charm X1]

[This charm has the effect of communicating through time and space, and can forcibly pull designated people, gods, ghosts, and demons in front of the user. 【

As long as you draw any pattern on the paper when using it, and at the same time think of the name of the summoned person, you can successfully summon it, even if it is deceased, you can bring it back to earth.】

As soon as the live broadcast room finished explaining, countless bigwigs all began to pay attention to Arataki Yidou.

The bird cage in Zhong Li's hand almost fell to the ground without holding it steadily;

Diluc also didn't care to test the burning fruit with Kaia, staring at the light curtain in the live broadcast room;

Coral Palace Xinhai looked at the explanation in the live broadcast room just now, and his breathing became rapid.

Kuki Shinobu immediately realized that this piece of paper would be a big problem.

As soon as she wanted to say something in the live broadcast room to divert everyone's attention, she saw two thunderbolts that could cut through the sky directly fall not far away.

The one who came was none other than Inazuma's supreme ruler, Lord Thor, and the head of Narujin Taisha Shrine, Yae Miko-sama!

Yae Miko's face no longer had the crumbly smile of the past, and now only caution remained.

Not to mention Lord Thor.

Lei Ying stared at the talisman paper in Arataki's hand, and his eyes revealed an inevitable posture.

The death of her sister was an eternal pain in her heart, and she had a lot to say to the truth.

So even if you pay a price, this piece of paper must be obtained!

But I'm not very good at negotiating, so please, Yae Miko!

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