[Baiwen: The last question, Lord Ning Guang, come on! ] 【

Yun Pansy: This picture uses red as an element, does it happen that the color of the brush is red, or is red the symbol of the person in the painting?】 [

Xingqiu: First of all, this person is definitely not Chongyun, Chongyun does not have such long hair. [

Kavi: This should be Miss Nilu, right? He has long red hair and uses a sword.

[Nilu: But today is the first time I know Miss Youra, but this is a problem of a parallel world, and maybe I have some intersection with Miss Eura in that world.

[Diona: Nobody guessed it was Diluc? He is also a red-haired ponytail and uses a two-handed sword. Most importantly, this face is exactly like him. [

Diluc: ............]

[Wendy: Haha~ This face is really quite similar, so to speak, the picture is really Diluc's master! @琴, you think so too, right? [

Jean: I can only say that the probability of being a senior is a little higher. [

Diluc: @温迪, suddenly want to have dozens of cats in the tavern. 【

Wendy: Master Diluc o o(╥_╥)】

【Ding! The answer time is over, and the correct answer is now announced! 【

Time is up! 】 The correct answer to this question is A! [

Congratulations to Kaiya, Ning Guang, and Collet for answering correctly.]

[The total points ranking of the current participants is as follows:]

[Condensing light, four points; Kaia, three points; Arataki one fight, two points; Collet, two points. 【

The answer space has been disbanded, and the rewards of each contestant are being settled, please wait later...】After

the four Kaiya were teleported back, there were already people waiting where they disappeared.

At a glance, Kaia saw Diluc not far away with his arms hugged to his chest and looked cold.

Kaiya raised his hand and smiled: "He~~ Did Master Diluc come to see me on purpose?"

Diluc: "Don't get me wrong, I just happened to pass by here." "

Yes, yes, oh~ In the answering space for so long, I didn't even drink a sip of water, and my throat was very dry." At this time, it would be nice to have a drink of Death in the afternoon.

In the face of Kaia's hint, Diluc was indifferent, "Then go back to the Morning Light Winery?" I think Adeline should be happy to take care of you. Hearing

Adeline's three words, Kaia's courtesan was rarely stuck.

This woman, who has made him die several times, is really difficult to deal with.

Seeing Kaiya's deflated look, Diluc was called a kitten by Kaiya because of the last question, and he had cleared half of it.

As for the remaining half....

Diluc believes that for a long time to come, Jean will make Kaia live every day to the fullest.

In the Jade Pavilion of Liyue.

The moment Condensation returned, he was surrounded by several secretaries.

"Congratulations to Lord Ning Guang for winning the first place!" Several people said in unison.

"It's nothing, don't fuss, let's finish the work that you didn't finish before."


Inazuma's Araki station.

Akira, Genta, and Mamoru also surrounded Arataki.

"The boss is amazing! Answered two questions correctly!! Kuki

Shinobu was also very surprised by the luck of his boss.

"Hahahahaha, what is this, Uncle Ben is the embodiment of strength and luck. After waiting for the live room reward to be distributed in a while, I believe that more people will join the Arataki faction! "

Kole of Meru Castle is also at a loss at this time.

The master, senior Varushan, Lord Saino, Senior Kavi, and Lord Elheisen all came to the hut to care for her.

Just like when she was about to apply for a certain academy in Meru before, the atmosphere of several people's discussions was very "harmonious", and she couldn't even put her mouth in.

But fortunately, when she was at a loss, the voice of the live broadcast room sounded.

[Participants, please note that the reward has been settled. 】

【The contestant had the highest score in condensation, and also answered all the questions correctly, and was awarded a top-of-the-line version of the magic box. 】

【Kaiya won the second place and was rewarded with a diamond version of the magic box.】 】

【Araki Kazudou and Collet tied for third place, each rewarding a gold version magic box.】 As

soon as the voice in the live broadcast room fell, a box full of question marks appeared in the hands of each of the four people.

It's just that Condensation is purple in his hand, Kaiya is white, and Kole and Arataki are golden in their hands.

Condensing Light was the first to open the box.

[Congratulations to Condensing Light for obtaining the skill: Heavenly Movement Group Jade Pavilion! ] 】

【When in battle, you can smash a replica of the Jade Pavilion at the enemy anytime and anywhere, cooldown: 48 hours.] 】

【The power of the skill changes with the power of the Jade Pavilion itself, if the Jade Pavilion is completely destroyed, the skill cannot be used temporarily until the Jade Pavilion is rebuilt.】 【

Toma: Can you also reward skills? I just don't know how powerful it is? [

Mona: Surpassed the power of the seat of fate, unable to perform divination. 】

【Cutting Moon Tsukiyang Shin-kun: Is it the Jade Pavilion when he fought the demon god Orcel? 【

Grandma Ping: Although there is a cooldown period and many restrictions, it is still a powerful skill. 】

【Rishan Dieshui Zhenjun: I'm going to visit the Jade Pavilion and add a layer of protection to its periphery. [

Candice: The immortals have all come forward, and it is something that came out of the top version of the magic box, and I am a little curious about the power of this skill now.

[Amber: Also curious. 【


【Ding! To satisfy everyone's curiosity, an animation of the demonstration of the skill will be played. 】Everyone

was very curious about the things rewarded in the live broadcast room, and immediately looked at the demonstration animation on the light screen.

What is shown in the picture is the image of the traveler and the Liyue people once fought Orcel.

It starts from the final return machine where the traveler's protection is improved, and ends when the condensing light smashes into the Jade Pavilion.

When he saw the mushroom cloud rising on the surface of the sea, Orcel was blown up and there was no dregs left.

People who don't know this plot in the live broadcast room have all become like this—— ̄△ ̄!

[Naxida: Being able to smash down the Jade Pavilion without consumption is really a powerful skill. 】

【Kamisato Ayato: Such a power should be comparable to the knife that Lord Thor opened up the Imaginary Blade in the first place. 【

Kujo Jura: Impossible! When pigs fly! [

Dolly: It's a pity that this is a skill, and you can't trade it with Mora. 】

【Lisa: This is a live broadcast for the whole Teyvat continent, I believe that Liyue has this level of skill as a hole card, which can deter all the little ones. 【

Ph.D.】 It is worth studying that can make people acquire powerful skills. 】

【Zhongli: Congratulations on Condensation, this skill can be said to complement you. However, this skill is very powerful, so don't use it lightly. Please also protect yourself from being exploited by people with ulterior motives. [

Condensing Guang: Thank you Mr. Zhongli for your warning, @全体, I, Liyue Tianquan Star Condensing Guang hereby solemnly promise that I will never use this skill lightly, but if someone deliberately destroys the peace of Liyue, don't blame me at that time. 】

【Treasure Thief Group member: Is it still too late for us to go to the Thousand Rock Army and turn themselves in?】 】


After experiencing the storm of the Condensing Light Lottery, everyone's attitude towards the interactive live broadcast room has changed.

If it didn't matter if it was just hip-hop before, then at this moment, everyone hopes that they can choose themselves in the next Q&A session.

After all, such powerful skills can be obtained, and the magic of this interactive live broadcast room is probably far beyond everyone's imagination.

Just when everyone was looking forward to the reward in the live broadcast room, another explosive message popped out.

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