From the Soul Engine to the Ji Mechanized Douluo

Chapter 4 The disaster relief food from the Spirit Hall has arrived!

After meditating for a while to recover his soul power, Chen Hong injected the last bit of soul power in his body into the 0.2 generation soul engine again.!

With the injection of Chen Hong's soul power, the 0.2 generation soul engine was successfully activated, and the wheel axle inside began to rotate rapidly.

One lap, ten laps, twenty laps, forty laps, and finally the speed of the 0.2-generation Soul engine successfully exceeded three digits, which is a relatively good start.

With a tired face, Chen Hong looked at the 0.2-generation soul engine in his hand, his eyes shining brightly, as if he had seen a bright future waving to him.

Early the next morning, Chen Hong, who was well-rested, carefully put the 0.2-generation soul engine into his cloth bag, and also put a small piece of soul guide mithril ore into it, then got on the carriage parked at the entrance of the village to go to the market, and met Several uncles from the village who were preparing to take the products to Soto City for sale said hello. Chen Hong held his cloth bag, found a suitable place on the carriage, and fell asleep.

"Haha. I don't know what this kid has been tinkering with these past few days. He is making tinkling noises every day, making it difficult to sleep."

"Keep your voice down and let him rest for a while. I haven't seen him take any rest in the past few days."

The uncle coachman looked back at Chen Hong, who was sleeping soundly in the car. A smile appeared on his face, and he picked up the reins and drove the carriage through the green fields full of spring in the warm and cool spring light.

The spring breeze blew, the grass danced lightly, and the green leaves in the forest also swayed in the wind. Chen Hong opened his eyes and looked at the infinite vitality in the wilderness. He couldn't help but express a heartfelt admiration in his heart: 'The environment of this world is really good! ’


Chen Hong, who had been isolated from the world for several days in the blacksmith shop, could not help shouting under the warm and cool spring breeze, facing the endless wilderness. The sudden shout made the villagers in front of the carriage couldn't help but scream. I was startled, but I found that it was Chen Hong who was going crazy behind him again. The driver couldn't help but laughed and cursed:

"You kid! Aren't you afraid of provoking soul beasts?"

"Hahaha! Look, uncle, there is a patrol team from the Wuhun Palace in the distance, so the soul beasts must run far away!"

Standing on the carriage, Chen Hong rode towards the distance. A team of five soul masters wearing the uniforms of Wuhun Palace field staff waved their arms happily.

Ta Ta Ta! Ta Ta Ta!

Soon, the team of field spirit masters from the Soto City Spirit Hall approached the carriage of Chen Hong and others. They slowed down and the leading bearded spirit master rode up to the carriage and took a look at the red fruits on the carriage. , Chen Hong had already thrown a few to each of the five of them in advance.

The bearded soul master reached out to catch the fruit, wiped it with his sleeve, then took a bite, and exclaimed: "It looks pretty good! Are you from Baiyun Village? I still have some impression of this little kid. "

The uncle driver in front of the carriage immediately said respectfully: "Yes, sir! We are from Baiyun Village."

"What a brat, Uncle Beard! My name is Chen Hong!" Chen Hong expressed his dissatisfaction with the soul master field captain calling him a brat.

"Don't make blind noises when you go out in the future. It's still very dangerous if a soul beast is attracted! We're not always on the road, and there will always be some fish that slip through the net. If you meet this little soul master, it's still very dangerous. "

The bearded spirit master scolded Chen Hong with a straight face, then called his teammates and galloped towards the wilderness ahead.

The average soul power level of this team of soul masters is only over thirty. It was specially formed by soul masters from several nearby villages united by the Wuhun Palace in Soto City to drive away dangerous soul beasts on the people's route into the city.

If the five-person team cooperates tacitly, they can easily defeat the soul beasts that are below the thousand-year level and maintain the safety of the people on the road.

Otherwise, with the current dense vegetation coverage of Douluo Continent, if there is no Wuhun Temple to maintain road safety between villages on time, it will be very dangerous for ordinary people without innate soul power to travel far away.

Moreover, most of these field soul masters from the Wuhun Palace are local soul masters from local villages, so they can get along well with the local people.

Although he doesn't know what other people in this world think, in Chen Hong's view, Wuhun Palace, which is based on the belief in angels, has shown advancement beyond the times in this feudal aristocratic society.

Therefore, Chen Hong still has great goodwill towards Wuhun Palace, an extraordinary force organization. This is why he is prepared to report the news of the discovery of soul-guiding mithril veins in Baiyun Village to Wuhun Palace in Soto City instead of asking for help. Entrust the city lord.

At least, Wuhun Palace will give Baiyun Village enough compensation. As for the feudal nobles? Tiandou Empire? Sorry, Chen Hong never believes in these guys with buttholes and heads.

Of course, there is another important reason why Chen Hong has a high initial favorable impression of Wuhun Palace.

And that reason is.

Soto City, after two days of traveling, Chen Hong finally arrived at this magnificent town. When Chen Hong arrived in Sotuo City, his first stop was to carry his cloth bag and go to the Wuhun Branch Hall to receive this month's disaster relief food!

Father! The disaster relief food from Wuhun Palace has arrived!

Outside the branch hall of Wuhun Hall, Chen Hong was holding a small purse containing gold soul coins, feeling quite happy. Although Wuhun Palace doesn’t give a lot, I can’t help but give it every month!

Although there are only a few gold soul coins, Chen Hong himself doesn't have much need for money, so it is quite good to use it to improve food.

Moreover, Chen Hong also has a clever way to make money from money.


“.” When Chen Hong saw the four burly men at the door of the casino staring at him with vigilance, and there was a sign next to the door behind them, which read: Chen Hong and dogs are not allowed to enter! There was also a picture of a child who looked 60% like Chen Hong.

“As for it, it’s just a few tens of thousands of gold soul coins. Is it necessary to be so arrogant? It’s not like I didn’t return them to you in the end, stingy guy!”

Chen Hong snorted coldly at the four burly men who blocked his way to wealth, then turned around and walked towards the workshop area of ​​​​Soto City without looking back.

Passing through rows of shops preparing various utensils, Chen Hong finally stopped in front of a shop with the words ‘Chen’s Iron Shop’ written on the outside.

“Lao Deng! I’m here!” Chen Hong pushed the door and walked in directly, as if he was back home.

“Huh? You little stinky boy, you are getting more and more disrespectful!”

The sound of ironing kept rising and falling, and a burly and rough man walked out of the blacksmith shop where the furnace continued to emit high temperature, and laughed and scolded his own child.

Chen Lin, a level 37 combat soul master, martial soul tungsten steel hammer, father of Chen Hong, future master of soul motivation.

"Old Deng! Don't try to get close to me! I came here to show you two treasures!"

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