From the Soul Engine to the Ji Mechanized Douluo

Chapter 5 Why is the light dim? [Please collect! Please vote! ]

"Well, you're saying that if you inject soul power into this thing, it can keep spinning?"

In the back room of Chen's Iron Shop in Soto City, a rough man named Chen Lin stretched out his hand to look at the 0.2-generation soul engine the size of his head in his hand. As he poured his soul power into the gap, the axle in the middle of the 0.2-generation soul engine began to rotate rapidly. stood up, accompanied by a burst of silver light.

"Eh! The soul power level is different, but the effect is actually different!" Chen Hong watched the soul engine explode with a different color in Chen Lin's hand, and a trace of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes.

'But...this is great! Oh ho ho ho! There are so many unknowns in this world! All naming rights are mine! ’

Chen Lin looked at the soul machine that had been spinning in his hand, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. Although he had known for a long time that his son was gifted and smart since he was a child, he still did not expect that this boy would give him such a huge gift. surprise.

However, Chen Lin watched as the soul engine slowly stopped rotating as he stopped injecting soul power. He was still a little puzzled and said: "I know what you want to see. This soul engine can be regarded as a power source. Well, The power is converted into other things through gear connection. But, boy Hong, have you ever thought about a question."

"Lao Deng, stop showing off!"

"Tsk, you bastard, okay, what I want to say is that by injecting soul power, you can make the soul machine rotate and provide power to make other things move. But have you ever thought about a problem, that is, the wear and tear of kinetic energy The problem? With the same amount of soul power, the soul master can directly move objects as he wishes, but the soul motivation needs to consider wear and tear. Aren’t you always talking about energy conservation?

"What's your soul motivation? Yes, energy conversion efficiency. Don't use so many complicated names next time. Even if the efficiency is high, it still adds an intermediate process to the use of soul power out of thin air, increasing losses. How about It’s more straightforward for a soul master to use soul power directly.”

"Eh?" Chen Hong's face, which was not very concerned at first, slowly showed a look of surprise. He stared at Chen Lin's stubble face that was a little burnt from being in the stove room all year round with disbelief, and said in surprise: "Old Den. ! I haven’t seen you for a month, you’ve been studying in secret! Don’t you care about what I said?”

Chen Lin rolled his eyes at his brat-sized son, blew into his nose, and ignored Chen Hong's teasing. After all, he is also the head of the family and needs face, okay?

"I've noticed the problem you mentioned a long time ago! But have you ever thought about a problem?" Chen Hong took the soul machine from Chen Lin, then gestured to Chen Lin on the shell of the soul machine with his hand: "You said Is there a material that can store soul power? So can this power source operate independently of the soul master itself? "

"Material for storing soul power?" Chen Lin was slightly stunned when he heard this, then raised his hand to touch his beard, seeming to be lost in some thinking, and said in surprise: "I don't know about metal minerals, but I know that there is something. It can definitely store soul power!"

"Huh? What is it?" Chen Hong was a little surprised. He had never thought that he would get inspiration from Chen Lin.

"Soul bones!" Chen Lin chuckled.

"What the hell are you talking about!" Chen Hong was a little annoyed, "That thing has no universal value at all. How can it be mass-produced apart from being used for experimental theory?"

"You kid, you're neither old nor young!" Chen Lin slapped Chen Hong on the head, then snatched the soul engine from Chen Hong's hand while the other party showed a dissatisfied look, put it in front of him, and thought over and over again: "But you What I said is quite right. If you can really find something that can store soul power, then regardless of your soul motivation, the technology of storing soul power can already make our names famous in history. "

"With your soul motivation, maybe we can really recreate the glory of the soul guide?" Chen Lin's tone contained emotion, and his eyes shone with longing for the future.

Although the innate soul power of myself and others is not high and is getting weaker with each passing generation, who says that only those with high talent in soul power cultivation can leave a name in history? Who stipulates that only those with noble blood can have an impact on the world?

As a craftsman, Chen Lin still has certain expectations for becoming a master craftsman. In the past, he thought that he might only be able to become the Soul King in his lifetime, but the appearance of his son Chen Hong gave him the vision to pursue higher realms.

The only thing Chen Lin felt a little regretful in his heart was that he did not leave his son with a high enough starting point and a bloodline with high-level innate soul power. But now that Chen Hong is smart enough and his soul power talent does not have such a serious negative impact on him, Chen Lin will feel a little more peaceful when facing Chen Hong.

"Lao Deng! Don't expect without permission. Expectation without permission will only lead to disappointment!" Chen Hong reminded Chen Lin, and then threw a heavy tip to Chen Lin: "The real purpose of the soul machine is not simply as an external power source. But it has the theoretical prospect of replacing the soul master’s individual soul power!”

"Lao Deng! People have limits, but materials have no limits!"

The bright sunshine outside the window shines on Chen Hong's face through the screen, adding a different kind of brilliance to this ten-year-old boy.

Chen Lin looked at his son in a daze. The sunlight outside the window seemed to have added a colorful feather coat to him under the refraction of the screen window, which instantly made the originally bright room around him extremely dim. At this moment, Chen Lin I found that my son's whole body seemed to be exuding a bright starlight called confidence and vitality.

The world full of sunshine seemed to fall into darkness because of his arrival. This was not the darkness he brought, but he used the real light to show the world what light and hope are.

Good and evil do not exist innately, but are finally defined, established, and perceived through repeated comparisons.

".Then I am very optimistic about you. If you need any help, call your father at any time. I still have a little face in Soto City." Chen Lin stared at Chen Hong for a long time, and finally said slowly.

Chen Hong looked at his father who seemed to be stupid with some surprise, and continued: "I came to you this time to use your relationship to contact the Soto City Wuhun Branch Hall."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Chen Lin slowly calmed down and asked curiously.

"The soul guide mithril mine was discovered in Baiyun Village. I named it. It can be used to make metals for soul guides. You should know its value, right?"

".This matter is serious. Wait a minute, I will go to find Bishop Soto after I pack up!"

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