From the Soul Engine to the Ji Mechanized Douluo

Chapter 50 Donor Qian, it is never too late to turn back. [Please read! Please vote! ]


In a quaint wooden house somewhere in the core area of ​​Qibao Liuli Sect, Chen Hong, wearing a white scarf, slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air with cold eyes, calming the soul power in his body.

‘Too weak, I am still too weak,’ Chen Hong closed his eyes and sighed in his heart.

In that level of battle, he didn’t even have the chance to play auxiliary. He was a burden throughout the whole process and needed protection. This feeling of weakness and powerlessness made Chen Hong feel an urge to eat people? !

‘Is this how you can become stronger again and again, Qian Yu? ’

Chen Hong, with an indifferent expression, sat cross-legged on the soft bed and asked coldly in his heart.

‘Boy! Eat what you need to replenish! You can’t become a superior person by suffering! Hehehehe! You can eat people! You have the potential to be an evil soul master! Hehehehe! I am very optimistic about you! ! ! ’

Do villains always laugh like hehehe? Chen Hong had this doubt in his heart.

‘Yes, eating you will indeed help me grow faster.’ Chen Hong said calmly in his heart.

‘Want to eat me? ! Hehehe! Boy! Don’t think that your soul is strong and tough, and I can’t assimilate you for the time being, so you want to take advantage of it and eat me in return! Remember! You are the prey! Boy! ’

Qian Yu kept shouting in Chen Hong’s heart, as if he didn’t take Chen Hong seriously at all.

But is this really the case?

On the contrary, Qian Yu was shocked by the mental toughness of Chen Hong, a little soul master of only more than ten levels, and what shocked him even more was that this boy was so smart that he was almost a demon! Qian Yu found that he could not break through Chen Hong’s efficient brain protected by the [Sage’s Ring] in a short time. In order not to expose more things, he chose to temporarily give up the plan to assimilate Chen Hong and secretly accumulate a wave of strength first.

However, Qianyu still underestimated Chen Hong's information processing speed in the state of the Sage Ring. He sneered without any emotion and said in his heart: "Pretending will only increase your inner powerlessness and helplessness. From the moment you failed to complete the possession of the body in the first time, I knew your details. '

'According to universal logic, your caution is worthy of praise. '

Chen Hong stopped at that point and did not completely reveal Qianyu's plan. Because of Chen Hong's words, the other party did not dare to say anything more, for fear that Chen Hong would infer more things.

Good and bad are interdependent. Chen Hong himself did not expect that he would develop a strong soul because of a little brain disease since childhood, and finally did not let Qianyu complete the possession before his death.

Since Qianyu did not complete the possession of the body in the first time, then this means that all the secrets of Qianyu will become Chen Hong's possession.

'Don't worry, I won't let you die too quickly. '

Qianyu's failure to possess the body is the result of many factors, including himself and Chen Hong.

Chen Hong's soul withstood the first wave of attacks with its inherently tough soul, and then directly activated the Sage Ring at the highest intensity.

The effect of the Sage Ring is very overbearing, equivalent to formatting Chen Hong's brain. If Qianyu's soul dares to come in, it will have to format some of the mottled soul debris.

The reason is related to the composition of Qianyu's soul. He has eaten too many people, causing his soul to no longer be pure. The resentful spirits of every person whose soul he successfully possesses will accumulate in the depths of his soul, becoming part of his power, and also a bomb in his body.

The effect of the Sage Ring is very good, but for Qianyu now, it is no less than a deadly poison.

The Sage Ring with the greatest effect will make all the resentment in the depths of Qianyu's soul "think through", let go of his resentment, automatically dissipate, and become part of the power of Chen Hong's soul home.

If it was before, Qianyu might be ecstatic about this effect, but now, this ability that will only make him constantly weaken his own power makes him very powerless. He only dares to hide in the shallow mind of Chen Hong and dare not actively attack Chen Hong.

Moreover, his soul power could not support him to leave Chen Hong's mind, so he had no way out now. Is that right?

No, this guy is insidious, and there are still cards that have not been exposed.

Chen Hong in the state of the Sage Ring was indifferent. He did not have so much love and hatred in his heart. Those things were all things he could understand, and he had already made his own judgment.

‘I am waiting for my soul power to recover, and what are you waiting for? ’ Chen Hong murmured in his heart. Behind him, a yellow soul ring slowly rose, and the holy light of the sage shone again.

‘You? ! You did... me... who am I? ’ Sage Hua Qianyu was extremely angry, but he had not finished speaking. In the sea of ​​consciousness, his eyes were dull and confused in an instant. Countless voices accused him in his ears, and countless memories emerged in his heart. If the soul body had expressions, then he should have been in tears now, right?

‘Donor Qian, turn back. 'Chen Hong sat cross-legged, the Sage Time was even more domineering than the Sage Ring. The bright yellow light emitted by the soul ring was like the Buddha's light rising from his body. His face was neither sad nor happy, and his tone was calm and kind.

The Sage Ring or Sage Time alone could hardly affect the soul of the Evil Soul Emperor Qianyu, but if the two were combined, it would produce a terrifying effect where one plus one was greater than two.

The essence of [Sage Time] is ‘mental concentration’. The logic of the skill is to let the soul master focus all his attention on one point, so as to give up interest in other things, which can also be understood as desire. In this state, the heart must maintain the belief in a certain thing in order to achieve one’s own goal in this ‘desireless’ state. Otherwise, it will be temporarily converted into a desireless state due to the dispersion of mental power.

Every time Chen Hong activates a skill, he activates it with a purpose, so he can successfully find what he should do in this desireless state.

When Ning Lu was given the Sage Divine Mark by Chen Hong, her belief in her heart was to protect Chen Hong, so her goal at that time was to kill all enemies that might threaten Chen Hong, which was killing to protect the way.

What is the belief of the evil soul emperor Qianyu?

‘I don’t need to look back, as long as I eat you, I can live a new life on the other side! ’ The confusion in Qianyu’s eyes slowly faded, and her eyes became calmer and firmer.

Qianyu’s belief is still to take over Chen Hong’s body.

What is Chen Hong’s belief?

"Donor, life may be a hard journey, put down the butcher knife, turn back, your so-called new life you occupy the skin of others, have you ever really lived for yourself?"

Chen Hong's face was not sad, and his tone was not happy.

". You killed me, but you want me to put down the butcher knife?"

"I didn't kill you, it's you who is killing yourself again and again."

Chen Hong's belief is to disintegrate the meaning of Qianyu's existence, also known as: salvation!

Thanks to [Book Friend 9866] [Eternal Dream] [Beef Sauce Noodles] [Heavenly Ice and Snow Demon] for their monthly tickets!

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