From the Soul Engine to the Ji Mechanized Douluo

Chapter 51 Master, I have realized it! [Please read on! Please vote! ]

‘I killed myself? Full of nonsense! ’

‘Then why don’t you dare to show your face? Because you know that once you show up, someone will soon come to kill you, and why should they kill you? That's because of your own consequences. ’

‘Want to know the meaning of life? ’ A trace of cold kindness appeared on the corner of Chen Hong’s mouth.

‘The meaning of life is to know yourself and live out your own value, but have you ever lived out your own value? Like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts to beat it, but what do you want it to mean? ’

A hazy phantom seemed to appear in front of Chen Hong's eyes. It was a man who accidentally killed the woman he loved most because of his insanity during a difficult battle.

Come to life! my sweetheart!

Under the man's mental control, the apparently dead woman stood up again in the fearful eyes of others around her.

‘That’s when you realized the fragility of life, right? As a result, I chose to walk firmly on the most endless road again and again. ’

The woman who was made into a puppet was eventually killed by the Wuhun Temple's law enforcement team, and her body was destroyed. From then on, the man embarked on a road of no return without any light.

'So, why do you never recall this memory of yours? Why do you want to avoid the painful whine of the woman whose soul you swallowed? ’

Chen Hong looked calm, and with the help of the dual effects of the Sage's Circle and Sage's Time, he began to analyze the small mottled bubbles that fell from Qianyu's soul as he was constantly 'forced to figure it out'. Each bubble contained a memory, and A piece of wailing.

Those small soul bubbles have no independent consciousness but are independent individuals. Once swept by the power of the sage, they will fall into the sage state and become incompatible with Qianyu's soul body, which is still paranoid, and will automatically fall off.

Why is it easier to save the dead but harder to save the living?

Because dead people cannot speak.

If you don't say anything, you will acquiesce to the other party and all will be praised.

Just like selling a parachute, if the buyer has not commented for a long time, the system will default to unanimous praise from the other party.

As for why the buyer didn’t speak?

Is it because they don't like to talk?

Who cares?

‘I just want to be strong, stay strong, and avenge her! ’ Qianyu’s soul body was in a daze. Obviously, the effect of the sage’s divine pattern still affected him, making him start to think. He began to think along Chen Hong’s words, and started to fall into the trap following Chen Hong’s logic.

Now, Qianyu revealed his first purpose.

Chen Hong, on the other hand, wanted to destroy his purpose: "In terms of cause and effect, you killed her, and you should seek revenge on yourself." ’


If it were normal, Qianyu would not listen to Chen Hong at this time, let alone think about Chen Hong's words that could easily be detrimental to herself.

But there is one problem with entering the sage state, and that is that you like to think.

Chen Hong likes a saying that it is enough to hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening.

This sentence does not mean that if you know the way to his house in the morning, you can kill him by night.

But if you see all your future in one moment, do you still have a future? Some people interpret this sentence as Taoist sacrifice, but Chen Hong prefers to add a layer of logic and die in despair for a future with no way forward.

The two meanings can coexist, the former is suitable for the primary stage of civilization, and the latter is suitable for the advanced stage of civilization.

For example, when a star-level civilization encounters an indigenous civilization, it likes to quietly block the opponent's technology, causing the opponent's technology building to collapse. Groups of top scientists directly lose the meaning of life and move towards self-destruction.

This is what Chen Hong wants to do now. He wants to use Qianyu's own cognition to deflect the other party's cognitive logic and make the other party 'awake'.

Chen Hong, a philosophy professor at Imperial University in his previous life, liked to say: The reason why most lives are alive is not sobriety, but confusion.

The whole world is turbulent, but I am the only one who is clear. That is a kind of courage.

Living in confusion and confusion is the true portrayal of most living beings.

Confused people can always live happier lives. Even cancer has a chance of being fooled by the same confusion.

Qianyu: ‘I don’t know, but I want revenge, revenge on those who hurt me. ’

Qianyu's mood became much calmer and his tone became much weaker.

'Why are they hurting you? ’ Chen Hong asked calmly: ‘You killed your lover, and they hurt you to avenge your lover. ’

‘Don’t you want to avenge your lover? ’

Qianyu didn't speak, his mind was confused by the logic forced on him by Chen Hong using the Sage's Ring.

Chen Hong is now forcing him to think. If he doesn't think, he will lose his ability to think. If he does not have a firm enough self-understanding, he will eventually be led into a ditch by Chen Hong.

But does Qianyu have it?

‘Qianyu. is not your real name. ’ A kind smile appeared on Chen Hong’s lips.

‘So who are you to be? who are you? Who killed you? And do you want to kill the you who killed you? ’

After throwing a series of philosophical questions to Qianyu, the latter immediately fell into a downtime state.

Chen Hong stopped caring about him and practiced cross-legged to restore his soul power.

If it were the complete Qianyu, then he might not be able to handle it

But, you, a split soul, also want to do the thing of 'whoever is stronger will be the true body'?

If Chen Hong guessed correctly, the other half of Qianyu's soul should be hidden in the head soul bone, right?

After all, who can resist the temptation of a soul bone?

Yes, Chen Hong couldn't help it.

The Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce has not found any information about soul bones in the past two years. Even if there is, the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce can't grab it, which has frustrated Chen Hong's plan to study and dissect soul bones.

Even though Chen Hong is suppressed by the Sage Ring now, he still can't help but want to stretch out his evil little hand to the soul bone.

But he still held back. At least before he solved the evil soul emperor's soul in his head, he couldn't tell the other party that he had discovered the secret of his greatest reliance.

Otherwise, what if his Sage Ring didn't catch the other party and let this big experience baby explode?

There was a very nice flower fragrance in the classical cottage, very familiar. The fragrance of crabapple flowers.

I don't know how long it took, when Chen Hong opened his eyes again, there seemed to be a little more popularity in the small courtyard outside the house, as if someone was talking. Looking at the time, the sun was setting, and it was also near the afternoon.

I think it was the Ning family who came over, but they didn't disturb Chen Hong's practice.

They seemed to have discovered something was wrong, and specially invited the sect leader Ning Fengzhi and Douluo Gongsheng to check on Chen Hong.

However, the moment he heard the noise outside the house, Chen Hong woke up, and at the same time, a voice without desire rang in his heart:

‘Master, I understand. ’

Thanks to [Qingdu Shanshuilanging][Black Soul Sending Death King][Book Friend 9187] for their monthly tickets!

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