From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 199 Sword Forging Technique

"The laws of this world are different from those of prehistoric times, and the techniques are also different. Fortunately, in terms of basics, this world also has the five elements."

Lei Ming compiled more than a dozen exercises, and Baidi Yuanshen merged these exercises in an instant to create a new exercise. This skill mainly focuses on sword intention and minor on sword heart. It uses the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to temper the body and forge the body into a sword.

The skills are divided into four realms: Bronze Sword Body, Silver Sword Body, Gold Sword Body and Jade Sword Spiritual Heart, corresponding to acquired, innate, master and grand master respectively. As for the fifth realm of brokenness, Lei Ming still lacks advanced skills and has not yet deduced it.

"Let's call you Sword Forging Technique."

Lei Ming immediately turned to sword-making techniques, and the spiritual energy in his body turned into sword energy. The force of the sword circulated within his body, constantly transforming his body. The sword's energy was extremely sharp, and when it passed through his meridians, Lei Ming's whole body felt as if he was being shaken. An ordinary person would simply not be able to bear this kind of pain.

Lei Ming's soul power was extremely powerful. He suppressed the pain in his body and continuously guided his sword power to transform his body.

In the dark night, Lei Ming sat there, and the shadow of a two-foot-long giant sword appeared on the surface of his body. Countless light spots appeared on the phantom body of the giant sword. Those light spots were connected, and the spiritual energy turned into spiritual threads, constantly enriching the sword body.

Two hours later, the surface of the sword turned bronze, and Lei Ming's figure disappeared, as if he had completely turned into a giant bronze sword.

The night was as quiet as running water. The sound of insects could be heard outside the window, and the thundering palace was eerily quiet.


A crisp and melodious sound sounded, the bronze giant sword disappeared, and thunder appeared. His mind moved, and the bronze sword energy flowed on his body.

"The bronze sword body is completed!"

Lei Ming tried it. He stretched out his hand, and a sword light flew out and landed on the bluestone on the ground. The bluestone was cut directly.

The bluestone slabs used in the palace are selected Nanshan bluestone, which is famous for its hardness and can only be destroyed by the innately strong. Although Lei Ming is still in the acquired realm, his attack power is not weaker than that of the innate strong ones.

"Two days are enough for me to practice the silver sword body."

The thundering palace fell into silence again, with only spiritual power gathering continuously.

The imperial capital of the Song Empire was decorated with red silks all the way, and red carpets were spread on the ground, which looked quite festive. But everyone along the way was silent, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

At the end of the north gate of the imperial capital, a group of cavalry came slowly. These cavalrymen wore black armor, not only for the men but also for the horses. Behind the cavalry is an open carriage, hung with red silk and a satin quilt in the center.

"The envoy from the Sirius Kingdom is here."

"As expected, this is a barbarian country, and a carriage like this is used to welcome the bride."

"It's a pity that Princess Seventeen has to go to the Sirius Kingdom to suffer at such a young age..."

On both sides of the road, people in the imperial capital were sighing with emotion, but they were just talking with indifferent expressions on their faces. When the cavalry from the Sirius Kingdom came over, they couldn't help but show fear.

"The people of the Song Dynasty are nothing more than two-legged lambs." Abar sneered in his heart. He was a famous warrior of the Sirius Kingdom, and this time he was responsible for welcoming the bride.

The people from the Sirius Kingdom arrived in front of the palace. The palace gate slowly opened, and a golden carriage slowly drove out. The carriage was pulled by six white horses, with dozens of palace ladies behind it.

Abal's eyes wandered among the maids, constantly choosing the ones he liked.

"This is good, this is not bad... The men in the Song Kingdom are not good, but the women are very smart..." Abal's eyes shined, "Soon, this will all be ours, the wealth of this land, and woman!"

The maids could not help but tremble when they felt Abar's gaze. Not only was Abal not embarrassed, he actually laughed loudly.

"Princess of the Song Kingdom, I am Abar, the warrior of the Sirius Kingdom, and I am here to welcome you on the orders of the Khan of the Sirius Kingdom, who is as great as God." Abar said loudly.

Zhao Wan's tears were like broken pearls. She looked back and saw that the gate of the palace was slowly closing.

Zhao Wan gave up, and her whole person was lifeless.

"According to the customs of the Sirius Kingdom, you should get into this carriage." Abal opened the curtain of the golden carriage boldly. He was wearing a wolf-shaped helmet, his face was full of flesh, and there was a long slit between his eyes. When Zhao Wan saw the scar, she was so frightened that she could not speak.

Abal frowned. In his opinion, Zhao Wan was simply a dead person. The Khan of the Sirius Kingdom is extremely cruel and likes to torture women the most.

Abal was not polite to Zhao Wan because of her identity: "Did you get into the car by yourself, or did you let me drag you in?"

Zhao Wan wiped away her tears, forced herself to calmly step out of the golden carriage, and stepped onto the Sirius Kingdom's carriage step by step.

"Let's go back."

Abal waved his hand, and all the knights of the Sirius Kingdom turned around in unison. They escorted the carriage to the north gate. Along the way, the people of Song Dynasty rushed to see the seventeenth princess. Zhao Wan felt ashamed and angry to death.

Zhao Wan clenched the dagger in her sleeve and decided to commit suicide as soon as she left the border of Song State.

Abal smiled disdainfully from the side, but Zhao Wan's actions did not escape his eyes.

The convoy slowly traveled north, and no one from the Zhao and Song royal family dared to show their faces. After more than 200 miles away from the imperial capital, the convoy suddenly stopped.

Abal drove his horse forward. Directly in front of the convoy route, a black man stood there, his body upright, like a sword about to be unsheathed.

"The knights of the Song Kingdom..." Abar did not find it strange. Ever since they entered the Song Kingdom, they had been constantly being assassinated by martial arts figures from the Song Kingdom. The royal family of Zhao and Song Dynasties did not have the courage to resist, but there were a large number of passionate young people in the martial arts world of Song Dynasty.

"Prepare the wolf crossbow!"

Abal raised his hand, and the ten wolf cavalry behind him raised their crossbows.


Ten crossbow arrows cut through the sky like lightning. The crossbow arrows of the Sirius Kingdom were very sharp. The arrows made of cold iron could penetrate even heavy armor.

The crossbow arrows were fired, but the man in black had not yet moved. Abar had a mocking smile on his lips. No one had ever been able to escape from his crossbow arrows.


There was a crisp sound, and without any movement from the black man, all the flying crossbow arrows were suddenly shattered. Wait a moment, a strong wind came and blew up the dust on the ground. Abal and others had to cover their faces with their hands. When they put down their hands and looked again, the man in black had disappeared from the place and appeared beside them.

The man in black's steps were light, and each step was the same distance. He passed through the war horses of the Sirius Kingdom and headed towards the carriage behind.

"Kill him!" Abal was furious. The black scimitar was unsheathed like lightning and turned into a black light.

When the scimitar slashed at him, the man in black still did not dodge, but a powerful sword energy flew out of him. The sword energy crossed Abar's scimitar, and the scimitar quietly broke into two pieces.

"Grandmaster of the Song Dynasty, you dare to interfere in the marriage!" Abar was shocked.

The man in black turned to look at him. The Song Kingdom and the Sirius Kingdom had an agreement, and the Grandmaster could not easily interfere in the affairs of the two countries, nor could he take action privately.

"If you break the agreement between the two countries, the army of the Sirius Kingdom will immediately go south and completely destroy your Song Kingdom!" Abar shouted.


The man in black waved his hand, and hundreds of sword energy dispersed in all directions. The sword energy was extremely solid and turned into a small silver sword about two feet long. The small silver sword was indestructible. The knights of the Sirius Kingdom all wore heavy armor, but they were useless against the sword energy.

Blood spattered and knights fell down one by one. Abal, the only one standing, stood still, with dozens of wounds on his body and blood flowing across them.

"You, the Song Kingdom, are not trustworthy, and our army from the Sirius Kingdom will definitely avenge us." Abal stared at the man in black and said, "All the people from the Song Kingdom will be buried with me."

"The Song Dynasty should have been destroyed a long time ago." The man in black left a sentence, and Abal refused to rest in peace.

"elder brother……"

Zhao Wan, who was sitting in the carriage, saw all the Sirius cavalry wiped out, and the smell of blood in the air made her almost faint. She propped up her small body and stared at the man in black, unable to believe the scene before her.

Lei Ming came to the carriage. The maid behind the carriage had already fled, leaving only Zhao Wan sitting in the carriage.

"I was almost late." A smile appeared on Lei Ming's face, which reassured Zhao Wan, "Let's go, the nightmare is over."

Zhao Wan threw herself into Lei Ming's arms in pain, and it took a full quarter of an hour for her to stop crying.

"Brother, where are we going now?" Zhao Wan asked softly.

"Go back to the palace."

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to hide a living person in the palace. Although the palace is large, there are one post every three steps and one sentry every five steps. Once a large-scale search is carried out, not even a fly can escape.

But for Lei Ming, it couldn't be easier to hide Zhao Wan. He set up a enchantment array in his palace, and Zhao Wan hid in the enchantment array. Unless a strong man at the Shattering Void level came, no one could find her.

The seventeenth princess disappeared and the Sirius Kingdom mission was completely wiped out. The two pieces of news were like a bolt from the blue, shocking Emperor Zhao Jie of the Song Dynasty to a state of dizziness.

Not only Zhao Jie, but everyone in the court was shocked. They had tried all their tricks over the years just to not give the Sirius Kingdom an excuse to go south.

Now that such a big thing has happened, the Sirius Kingdom will definitely not give up.

"Investigate rigorously immediately, we must find Shi Qi!" Emperor Song roared.

When the entire Song Dynasty was looking for Zhao Wan, Lei Ming quietly hypnotized several ministers and asked them to make suggestions to the Song Emperor. Emperor Song didn't want to see Lei Ming. Half a month later, Lei Ming was named the county king and left the palace.

Lei Ming took Zhao Wan to his fiefdom. His fiefdom was Baohua County, which was the most desolate place in the Song Dynasty. The population of one county was only a few thousand.

Zhao Wan looked at the thundering county prince's palace and frowned. This was not a county prince's palace, it was worse than an ordinary wealthy family.

"Brother, my father has gone too far!" Zhao Wan said. After the marriage, she also gave up on Emperor Song.

"He has nothing to do with us anymore. From today on, you can live a good life here." Lei Ming touched Zhao Wan's head and said.

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