From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 200: Establishing a Dynasty of Fortune

In the Baohua County government office, the county magistrate Wang Songhan was having a headache because of Lei Ming's arrival. Among so many places in the Great Song Empire, he had never thought that his place would become the fief of a prince.

Wang Songhan's master Pei Lin walked into the county office with a panicked look on his face.

"County Master, something bad has happened." Pei Lin said in a low voice.

Wang Songhan looked at him, and Pei Lin carefully took out two gold notes from his sleeve, each with a face value of one thousand taels.

Wang Songhan was shocked. You know, the annual tax of the entire Baohua County is only one thousand taels of gold!

"Where did this money come from?" Wang Songhan asked hurriedly.

Pei Lin took out another piece of letter paper, and the words on the letter paper were left for Wang Songhan.

Wang Songhan's face turned pale after reading it.

Pei Lin was also trembling with fear: "County Lord, this matter is not something we can participate in at all, but since the Ninth Prince is here, we can only consider ourselves unlucky. After all, the Ninth Prince is not favored. I heard that the current emperor is very angry with him, and the eldest prince is not someone we can afford to offend. In my opinion, we should turn a blind eye. If the emperor really wants to hold us accountable, this money will be enough for us to live a prosperous life for the rest of our lives."

Wang Songhan was silent for a long time, and then put away the two gold notes.

According to the decree of the Great Song Empire, the local government must send forces to protect the prince when he is enfeoffed. But Lei Ming has been in Baohua County for three days and still hasn't seen a yamen runner.

On the fourth night, Lei Ming, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, and a dozen black shadows flashed outside his yard. These black shadows came from different directions, and their target was obviously him.

Lei Ming came to the yard, and as soon as he appeared, dozens of hidden weapons shot at him. Lei Ming picked a branch from the flower bed next to him. He flicked his hand, and the branch danced. All the hidden weapons were rolled up by the branch. The branch suddenly straightened, and the hidden weapons returned along the original path. A dozen shadows fell, but two shadows avoided it and came to Lei Ming.

"I didn't expect that the Ninth Prince, who was considered a waste by the outside world, was actually a congenital master." A hoarse voice sounded, and the owner of the voice seemed to be an old man, but the other party was covered with a veil.

"You are Zhao Yang's people, Zhao Yang is cruel enough. I have come here, but he still won't give up." Lei Ming said.

"Is there any relationship? Tomorrow the imperial capital will know that the Ninth Prince died in the hands of an unknown thief." The old man said.

"Don't say too much nonsense, let me see your martial arts."

Before the old man spoke, another shadow suddenly took action. Obviously, the old man came to attract Lei Ming's attention. A dagger sprang out of the shadow's hand, and the dagger pierced Lei Ming's throat like a poisonous snake out of a hole.

Lei Ming clamped the dagger with his two fingers. The black shadow killer reacted very quickly and tried to cut off Lei Ming's fingers with the dagger.

Lei Ming pushed the other party more than ten meters away with a light push.

"I want to see your hidden killing skills." Lei Ming said calmly.

The two killers were shocked. They looked at each other and rushed towards each other. The two figures collided and merged into one figure. After that, the figure exploded, and more than a dozen black shadows appeared around Lei Ming. Each black shadow was so real that it was hard to tell the real from the fake.

"That's interesting."

Lei Ming was not confused by the black shadows that looked real. What he was really interested in was the law of the black shadows. Lei Ming could see that the two killers were not completely human blood. There was a shadow in their blood.

"The blood of the demon race?"

Lei Ming froze the two people with one move, and hundreds of sword qi turned into two cages. The sword energy was extremely sharp, but Lei Ming was able to use it to turn into a cage to imprison two people, which shows that his control over the sword energy has reached a superb level.

Lei Ming's hand slapped the old man's head, and the old man groaned, and then a drop of black blood was extracted by Lei Ming, and the old man was like a deflated ball, and he collapsed all of a sudden.

Lei Ming followed the same method and extracted black blood from another killer.

"These two drops of blood are still valuable." Lei Ming laughed, and then the sword energy exploded, and the two killers were smashed to pieces by the sword energy, leaving no residue.

The next day, Lei Ming went straight to the county government office and took away the gold note in Wang Songhan's hand. Wang Songhan stared at Lei Ming leaving, his heart blank.

Lei Ming ignored Wang Songhan again. He bought thirty boys aged fourteen to sixteen in Baohua County, and these people were considered his palace slaves.

Lei Ming nursed these children for two days, and then taught them the skills according to their physiques. In order to speed up their cultivation, Lei Ming used the White Emperor's spirit to infuse them with spiritual power. The stronger their endurance, the higher their skill. In the end, the strongest child gained a hundred years of skill, and his internal strength was as deep as that of a master. The weakest also had sixty years of skill, and his realm reached the innate level.

Lei Ming cultivated these children only as tools. He named them according to their skills, from Lei Yi to Lei Sanshi.

With the skills, Lei Ming taught them swordsmanship. Lei Ming left a sword intent in each child's spiritual platform, which could help them comprehend the swordsmanship faster. In less than a month, all the children became top swordsmen.

In the north of the Great Song Empire, a million Tianlang soldiers, with 300,000 cavalry as the spearhead, broke through Yanmen Pass with thunder and went south like a flood breaking through a dam. Emperor Zhao Jie of Song Dynasty quickly issued an imperial decree to help the king. In a short period of time, more than 2 million troops gathered in the imperial capital. However, the soldiers of the Song Dynasty were afraid of the fierce cavalry of the Tianlang Kingdom and had no courage to fight. Under the impact of the Tianlang Kingdom's cavalry, the army was defeated and scattered.

Zhao Jie hurriedly fled with the royal family, leaving the imperial capital to Tianlang State. The speed of Tianlang State's southward advance slowed down a lot, giving Song State time to defend.

The war in the north, the south where Lei Ming was located was not peaceful either. Countless hungry people rose up and formed a righteous army. The righteous army coerced the people and attacked the local government like a flood. Baohua County was also within the attack range of the righteous army.

More than 20,000 righteous soldiers surrounded Baohua County, and the county magistrate Wang Songhan ordered to defend it to the death. It was not because Wang Songhan was so loyal to his duties, but because he knew that once the righteous army broke the city, he would be the first to die, and his family would not be able to escape.

"Hold it!" Wang Songhan roared.

In the palace, Zhao Wan listened to the shouting and killing outside, and her face turned pale with fear.

"Brother, why is this happening? Is there not even a peaceful place in the Song Dynasty?" Zhao Wan couldn't help but say.

Lei Ming wiped the wooden sword in his hand, which he cut himself.

"The world is not peaceful, where is the peaceful place?" Lei Ming said lightly, "It is very simple to be peaceful, just use the sword to suppress the world."

Lei Ming asked Zhao Wan to tie a cloak for him, and then left twelve swordsmen to protect Zhao Wan, and took the rest of the people to the city gate.

The rebels were attacking the city, and the morale in the city was very low. It was only a matter of time before the city was broken.

"Open the city gate!" Lei Ming ordered Wang Songhan in front of the city gate.

Wang Songhan sneered: "Does the Ninth Prince think he can escape? Compared with me, the county magistrate, these rebels want to kill you more."

"Don't talk nonsense." Lei Ming said.

Wang Songhan wanted to say more, but when he saw Lei Ming's eyes, he immediately closed his mouth. Wang Songhan was a little crazy at this time, thinking that since the Ninth Prince wanted to die, why should he stop him.

The city gate slowly opened, and Lei Ming walked out with eighteen swordsmen. When the rebels saw the city gate open, they immediately swarmed in.

"I really don't want to commit murder..." Lei Ming sighed lightly, and the wooden sword in his hand had already left his hand. The wooden sword turned into a white light, and suddenly it was a hundred feet away. The rebels who blocked the wooden sword were all shot through the head.

The white light was still flickering, and every time it flickered, more than a dozen rebels fell. The swordsman behind Lei Ming also drew his sword, and the powerful sword energy was flying. The limbs of the rebels next to him flew all over the place. They were like wheat that had been cut down, lying on the ground.

Lei Ming and the eighteen swordsmen kept the same pace. With every step they took, dozens of rebels fell. More and more rebels fell, and the rebels behind dared not move forward.

"Get out of my way." A burly man who was nearly a foot tall strode over, holding a copper stick as thick as a bowl in his hand, and his voice was like thunder.

"Little Baohua has a master like you, but it's a pity that you shouldn't kill my rebels." The big man raised the copper stick high and chopped it down fiercely. The sound of breaking through the air continued. The strong wind stirred up by the copper stick blew up the sand and stones, and the rebels within a hundred meters retreated hurriedly.


Lei Ming was also a little surprised. He did not draw his sword, but asked Lei Yi to step forward. Lei Yi had reached the master level in both skill and swordsmanship, but he had not seen the blood of a grandmaster.

Lei Yi walked forward expressionlessly, not affected by the big man's momentum at all. The sword shadow flashed, the big man stood still, and Lei Yi was like a statue.

With a bang, the big man fell down, and Lei Yi's face flushed, but it disappeared immediately.

"Not bad, you can already use the sword intent." Lei Ming nodded with satisfaction.

"Keep killing until everyone kneels down and surrenders." Lei Ming ordered, and the eighteen swordsmen began to kill again. As soon as the leader of the rebels died, the remaining rebels immediately fled. The eighteen swordsmen followed the rebels and continued to kill until more than ten thousand of them were left kneeling on the ground.

Lei Ming incorporated the surrendered rebels, and he left five thousand people.

"The laws of this world are strange. I don't know if there are any laws of luck."

Lei Ming decided to establish a dynasty of luck in this material plane. He took Baohua County as the center and continued to expand to the surrounding areas. Half a month later, Tianlang Prefecture, where Baohua County was located, was in his hands. Lei Ming immediately established his own country and named it Xia. However, he did not get much luck.

"The place is too small, the population is too small, and the luck is not enough to refine the luck gold list."

Lei Ming decided to continue expanding. In every battle, Lei Yi would lead people to execute beheadings. The leaderless rebels were no match for the Xia army. Two months later, Lei Ming had occupied the entire Guanzhou. At this time, the Song Dynasty also stabilized the northern front.

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