"What's the matter, Siren is calling here?"

z46 shook his head: "Impossible, Siren can't come here."

"Let's take a look."

Not only them, but the explosion was so loud that everyone in the base heard it.

At this time, the large army hurried over, came to the dock, gathered around the periphery and blocked it.

When Su Hao and z46 came over, many people had already gathered here.

"What's the matter? It's not a siren, the transport ship at the base exploded?"

"Ah, it's not a transport ship, it looks like a yacht."

An iron-blooded staff member beside Su Hao said.

"Yacht?" Su Hao smiled, "How can the yacht explode? It's not outside, anyone's yacht can be parked on the dock..."

Before he finished speaking, his face changed, and he quickly pulled away the girls who were blocking him from watching the show, and rushed to the forefront.

As soon as he had a wide field of vision, he could see that on the pier in the distance, the place where his yacht was moored was replaced by a piece of ruins.

Above the ruins, Akagi and Ron unfolded their naval outfits, staring at each other.

"Fuck! My yacht!!"


PS: I’m a little tired of writing recently, and I’m not as good as before. I’ve been considering the plot trend after the alliance was established. I originally planned to write about embers, exposing the relationship between embers and siren, and why they came back here, etc. Wait. However, I also feel that because of the relationship between the plot and the plot, many of the ship’s images are too thin, and although most of the ship’s mothers have appeared, there are more that have not appeared. Considering this point, the space is not enough, so in After considering whether to alliance or not, let’s go to the daily main line. The ship mother who has written so many words is far from being in the book. ε=(?ο`*))) Alas

Chapter 587 A Yacht, For A Ron? 【Chapter】

An hour ago.


Ron walked in the base happily.

Commander radar, start!


Can't scan!

"Strange, where did the commander go?"

"Don't hide, I will find you soon~"

For Ron, the Jagged Fleet, Jagged Glory, etc., didn't care at all.

If it hadn't really been able to beat Frederick the Great, she would have rushed to Dong Huang from iron and blood.

But now, Commander Dong Huang came to look for her. Is there anything more to be happy about than this?

The only pity is that there are too many women around the commander.

Yes, too much!

Greater than 2.

1 is her.

2. It is other women.

Especially the kind of fox who said that he was not the first to see the commander in his dream.

how can that be possible? I don't believe that there is a ship girl who can use the power of dreams, and I know it is fake when I hear it.

No way? No way? Wouldn't there be a ship girl who can use dream power?

If he really wanted to, Ron decided to give the other party a bit of color.

But the more important thing at this time is to find the commander first.

Ron was actually a little worried, because she was not Su Hao's ship maid at present, and the obstacles in the process, whether it was iron-blooded or Su Hao's ship maid, were issues that needed to be resolved.

Of course, as long as you have a good relationship with Su Hao first, everything else will be easy to talk about.

She believed that Su Hao would definitely like her.

After all, who doesn't like Ron who is beautiful and sexy? right?

"You guys, have you seen the commander?"

Several Z-series destroyers gathered together and were questioned by Ron, shaking immediately.

"did not see."

"Then see Belfast and Sirius?"


"Tsk! It's useless."

Even so, it's impossible to exasperate some children, Ron still understands this.

After walking for a while, I met a few acquaintances.

"You guys, have you seen the commander?"

"Which commander?"

"My commander."

"Why don't we know if you have a commander?"

Leisurely drinking tea and chatting, discussing whether or not to hold a beer festival or something, Germany retorted unceremoniously when faced with Ron's inquiry.

"You two or five boys."

Ron looked around indifferently, then retracted his gaze again.

"Prince Eugen, where is the commander?"

"I don't know." Prince Eugen sat next to Hipper, smiling and shook his head: "I'm not a follower of the commander, how can I always keep track of his movements."

Asshole, Ron thought of Befa and the others at once, but unfortunately they weren't anywhere.

Then she left, looked around, asked a few people, and finally saw Befa, but it was a pity that the latter was not with Su Hao.

Damn, these guys must have hidden the commander!

Ron couldn't help thinking like this, and then he thought of a place.

Although the Iron Blood Base is large, there are only a few places to go. If Su Hao is full and has nothing to do with going for a walk on the beach, there will be nothing to say.

But Ron thought of a good place, and then he inquired and heard the iron-blooded staff say this: Ah, I did see that the ship's wife named Sirius went to the dock.

Su Hao drove a luxury yacht, and it was still a huge luxury, worth several hundred million dollars. Some people felt that it was not a yacht that should be called a transport ship, and it was too big.

Since there is such a good place, of course I usually like it.

Ron raised a √ at the corner of his mouth, and couldn't wait to walk towards the dock.

In fact, if it weren’t for the kind invitation of Frederick the Great and the lack of etiquette, there would be no problem living on the yacht at night, but now in the iron blood, when there is nothing wrong with it, the ship ladies in the port area also like to go back to the yacht. Stay.

At this time Ron came here and did not see the company that launched the plane. The yacht was swaying gently under the surging of the waves. Today's waves are a bit big, but it is impossible to lift the yacht.

So Ron walked up.

"Commander~ Where are you? I've seen you already. Come out."

Walking all the way gently calling, if it is night, this scene can definitely scare a few people to death.

The yacht is big, very big.

Ron turned for ten minutes, a little bored, and the broken yacht was fine to do with so many rooms.


Look at each other.

This is the yacht’s kitchen.

At this time Akagi was humming a tune and preparing for a major project-baking cookies.

To make a delicious snack for the beloved Commander, she is of course obliged to be a wedding ship, but she did not expect to encounter Ron to break in.

"Why are you here?" Akagi was full of displeasure, "This is the yacht in our port area, not your iron blood base, let alone come as you want."

"Leave me alone."

Seeing Chicheng, Ron felt that Su Hao must be on board.

No, maybe it was in bed.

"Where is the commander?" she asked.

Akagi ignored it and continued to work.

According to the commander's family motto last night, try to avoid conflict with Ron as much as possible.

Su Hao has worked so hard, so of course Akagi should be a little more obedient.

Besides, Su Hao wasn't there anymore, everything she was fighting with Ron was full of air.

"Where is the commander?"

Ron asked again, "Did you hide him?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll turn over the yacht."

"You are very annoying." Chicheng Feng's eyes widened, "This is our territory, are you polite?"

"Where is the commander?"

"do not know."

"Then I will blow up the yacht."

"you dare."

"You are so excited, the commander must be on board."

"No, you can find it outside."

"Do not believe."


Ron wanted to keep looking, but Akagi stopped him, and then it was like ‘why are you pushing me?’ What happened to me pushing you? ''you wanna die? The most classic scene before a fight like "You're just looking for death".


"Then you guys started fighting in ship suits?"

After listening to Ron's proud self-report, Frederick the Great looked at them with his hands on his chest.

At this time, her tone was still very calm, but the danger signal from her eyes even lowered the temperature in the room a bit.

Then she turned to look at the other ship ladies, and finally looked at Su Hao, who was comforted by the company and Befa.

He sighed inwardly.

Just because of this kind of thing, a super precious yacht was blown up.

On horseback!

I want to scold someone!

Frederick the Great suddenly felt a little gaunt physically and mentally.

She went to learn about that yacht. It was specially made in St. Louis and named as the ‘Su Hao’. The yacht with the special name is obviously of great significance, plus the cost of the yacht itself...

Jiexue’s finances initially estimated that to buy such a yacht, it might cost the equivalent of 300-400 million Donghuang coins.

300-400 million...

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