At first, Frederick the Great was shocked when he heard this number, and then he immediately ordered that everyone in Iron Blood should not get close to the yacht, especially those destroyers and submarines, as the ship’s mother who had great strength and little weight, just broke it off. A board is all money.

The result is now...

Not to mention breaking the board, even the entire yacht has been dismantled!

Although there are some responsibilities for Akagi, in the final analysis, it was because Ron went on the yacht and insisted on doing unreasonable things, which caused hundreds of millions of dozens of water to go unreasonably.


Frederick the Great felt his brain trembling.

She did not speak at this time, but looked at Bismarck who was in the room with her.

Now, she doesn't know what to do.

She has no right to spend so much money and can only submit an application.

But Bismarck might have a way... well, I hope.

Bismarck remained silent, but was watching the changes in Ron's expression.

She found a problem.

Ron likes Su Hao. Even if he doesn't like the shipmate next to Su Hao, he will definitely care about such a precious yacht. Ron is not a fool. If Su Hao hates damage to such a valuable thing, wouldn't it be counterproductive?

If Su Hao went back early because of this, Ron, who was still in the iron and blood, would have no chance at all.

If there is still a chance, it can only be... Ron left with Su Hao.

And this condition must be let go of iron and blood, and Su Hao is willing, then the thing that can meet these two conditions at the same time is to... bomb the yacht!

Exploding such a precious yacht is considered negligence as a ship’s wife, and it is impossible for iron and blood to not compensate. If you consider the losses that will be caused in the future, it is not impossible for Ron to take Su Hao as'compensation'. , And Su Hao himself lost the yacht, and it seemed that it was not unacceptable to get a napkin.

Of course, these are Bismarck's guesses.

If it was really because of this that he bombed the yacht, then Ron would not be as mad as he looked on his face.

Seeing Frederick the Great looking at him at this time, Bismarck sighed: "There is no way, please pay compensation."

Frederick the Great asked, "How can I compensate?"

"Ron broke it, let Ron go and work for the commander in exchange for money."

When Bismarck said this, he noticed an imperceptible smile on Ron's face.

This wave, this wave of Ron is probably in the atmosphere.

"No need," Su Hao regained his senses, "No need to pay, it's only 350 million. You don't need to pay, really."

Bismarck: "..."

You can't wait to say it, isn't it just for fear that we won't make compensation?

"Puff~" Frederick the Great couldn't help laughing. "Commander, you are really interesting... Indeed, as Bismarck said, compensation is still to be paid. I will report it first, ah~"

She smiled and finally sighed, then she narrowed her eyes to look at Ron.

The latter was originally smiling, his body trembled, and he took a step back subconsciously.


"Why? The Great, let me tell you don't mess around, my commander is here."

"Haha~ Your commander... well, before you come with me, let's settle the account."

"No, don't...Ahhhhhhhh! Commander! Commander!!"

Ron was forcibly dragged away by Frederick the Great.

Su Hao twitched.

To be honest, the moment he saw that the yacht was gone, his mood exploded.

But think about it, anyway, the iron blood must be compensated, it's nothing.

Don't lose? If you don't lose your labor and capital, you won't leave, and you will be poor.

"Okay, let's go away."

Bismarck dismissed the girls who were eating melons.

"Commander, don't worry, it's Ron's fault this time. Jagged here will be responsible."

She said to Su Hao, "Just wait for the news from Frederick the Great. Anyway, you still need to deal with things here."

"Well, then I will trouble you."

"Aka City."

The matter was not over yet, Ron was dragged away by Frederick the Great, Akagi was also dragged away by Tiancheng.


For the rest of this side, a few ship ladies went to clean up the things that fell off the yacht. This wave of losses was indeed great, not only the yacht itself, but also so many messy daily necessities. Fortunately, the ship ladies can go to sea to fish.

Su Hao didn't know if Ron did it intentionally. If he did it intentionally, he would have to smash the opponent's **** if he lost hundreds of millions in such a wave.

Prodigal maiden.


Message from the group.

St. Louis: "@Command Officer Yacht exploded again?"

Sister bride: "???"

St. Louis: "Bismarck told me."

Soviet Rossia: "Huh? Comrade Commander's yacht exploded again? Isn't it, how long has it been?"

Wedding ship Dido: "Eh eh? Did it explode again? Master, are you okay? Master, are you okay?"

Essex: "Why did it explode again? Didn't it explode once during the Northern Union?"

Tashkent: "Fried Boat Crazy Comrade Sauce."

Sister-in-law Sara: "It's all my brother-in-law, if you didn't take me there, you got retribution."

Lexington: "Gaga, you don't have to be big or small."

Shangri-La: "No way, that kind of situation."

Sister bride: "What kind of situation?"

Shangri-La: "Let London speak."

London: "Let Aurora speak."

Aurora: "Let Commander Su Hao speak for himself."

Su Hao: "..."

Jean Barr: "The yacht will explode when it blows up. Isn't it common to do things like this at the seaside? Just do it in such a lively manner and people are fine."

Sister bride: "That yacht is about 400 million yuan."

Jean Barr: "Farewell, there is still something to do."

As soon as he heard this number, Barr was out of shape.

Su Hao: "Okay, don't guess, it's just an accident. Now Jie Xue is discussing compensation, it's okay."

Elizabeth: "Woo~ the commander went out and lost 400 million in iron and blood. After a few more visits, the iron and blood will be poor, great!"

War exhaustion: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Su Hao: "...I said it was an accident. How could there be a second time? There is also war exhaustion. Why are you here all the time? Didn't you return to the royal family?"

War exhaustion: "I'll be wherever your Majesty is."

Elizabeth: "This king is very satisfied @ 無战"

War exhaustion: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Then there was a piece of "the ministers are loyal", "what the ministers are waiting to fight to death" and the like, the group is full of joyful air.

Su Hao put away his mobile phone and was going to check the situation. Many things on the yacht are still being salvaged, and I don't know what happened.

Just thinking about it, a head came in from the door.

"Z46, sorry."

"Are you okay?"



z46 made a big circle with both hands.

Su Hao was a little bit dumbfounded at once, "The yacht exploded, and it wasn't me who exploded."

z46 gave Su Hao a thumbs up, "rich."

"It's not about having money or not having money. I'm used to looking forward. Anyway, things happen, and it's useless to struggle with it, right?"


"It's a pity that I originally planned to teach you how to make snacks, but now there is no hope."

Holding the pastry book in his arms, z46 beckoned to Su Hao.

"follow me."

"Where to go?"

After z46 was gone, Su Hao paused to follow her, and it didn't take long for him to come to the iron-blood canteen.

The whole canteen is divided into upper and lower floors. The kitchen space inside is very large. It is not time to eat at this time, and the inside is empty.

z46 took Su Hao and stopped at the door of a small room.

"here it is……"


"The kitchen? Can it be used?"

Z46 knocked on the door, and then the door was opened and a head stuck out.

It was a girl with yellow hair wearing a hat.

"Ah, z46, you are here." The girl blinked and looked at Su Hao with a timid look. "Hey, Commander, you are welcome."

Su Hao was wondering, z46 introduced the other party as Leipzig.

Leipzig, arrogant!

"Where is your fish?"

"Huh? Fish it..."

Leipzig was a little bit shy, blushed, wow, this kind of girl is really interesting to bully.

Of course, bullying is still not acceptable. Then z46 explained that Leipzig was originally responsible for the cafeteria, and said that it could temporarily borrow the kitchen for them.

"The materials are ready."

Z46 squatted down and pulled out a lot of things from the cabinet under the stove, including flour, sugar, and oil.

Leipzig also came to help, and soon the materials were ready.

"Let me do it."

Su Hao took over and let z46 watch from the side, "I'll do it first, you have a look."

"Me too, I also help."

Leipzig mustered up its courage.


Su Hao smiled, and Leipzig's cheeks flushed immediately.

"Have you eaten apple pie?"

Su Hao suddenly thought of something that he had learned but hadn't done before.

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