From Twin Cities: Unlimited Rewards for the Beginning of the War

Chapter 132: Warwick's Mystery Necklace

"Unlimited Rewards from the Battle of the Twin Cities (!

Bakuba still lowered his head, his expression gradually distorted, revealing a trace of pain.

"...that monster... is Vander."

The explosive words made everyone present tremble.

"Boom what did you say?!"

Wei, who was lying on the bed, suddenly jumped up in shock and grabbed Bang Bang's shoulder.

Lin Feng frowned, and he didn't expect this to be the reason for the explosion.

Lin Feng hadn't heard of the name Fender for a long time.

A former overlord of Zaun, Vander's name has begun to be forgotten over time.

Now the explosion suddenly said that Warwick is Vander, but Lin Feng can't figure it out.

Whether judging from the appearance or anything else, Lin Feng couldn't connect the two.

"Boom, how did you know?"

Lin Feng asked.

Bakuba once again looked down at his hands, digging his nails, and his thoughts seemed to return to the past.

"I gave Vander a necklace before...that...that monster had an identical one."

Lin Feng was stunned.

He turned his head and removed the helmet from Mark's armor.

With a light touch, the eyes on the helmet light up and the function of the helmet is activated.

"Jarvis, play the video of the fight just now."

A ray of light flashed from the eyes of the helmet, and a picture was drawn out of thin air in front of everyone's eyes.

Lin Feng kept moving the camera, and the scenes of the battle just now had been recorded by Jarvis in the battle armor and uploaded to the cloud, which could be flipped, paused, or fast-forwarded at any time.

Lin Feng fixed the picture on the part where he and Warwick were fighting closely.

This part of the picture is the clearest, and he is the closest to Warwick.

"Boom, is that what you're talking about?"

In the chaotic battle before, hardly anyone noticed what Warwick was wearing and what necklace he was wearing.

Now that the picture is still, after a closer look at Lin Feng, he realizes that there is indeed a small necklace around Warwick's neck.

It's just that the size of this necklace doesn't match Warwick's body very well. In front of Warwick's huge body, the necklace almost wraps around his neck tightly and is embedded in Warwick's mane. be noticed.

After Jarvis's picture restoration and various contrast adjustments, everyone could see the specific appearance of this necklace.

The necklace has nothing to do with the word 'precious', it is very simple, but it looks like a gift that was only given when I was a child.

When Warwick jumped high, with the help of the metal reflection on the necklace, he discovered such anomaly.

Now looking at the scene in the picture, the last bit of doubt about the explosion has also been eliminated.

"This is it."

The explosive affirmative answer made the air freeze again.

Wei stared blankly at the still image in front of him, not knowing how to associate this vicious monster with that Vanderbilt.

Caitlin and Lin Feng also understood why the explosion knocked down Caitlin's action.

For a time, Caitlin also felt a sadness in her heart.

She has never experienced such a thing, but she can feel the explosion.

If she were to put herself in her shoes, if one day Lin Feng disappeared, and Lin Feng's belongings were found on a monster... Caitlin couldn't imagine how she would feel.

"Jink... burst, sorry."

Exploding the mood at this time has nothing to do with Caitlin.

Her thoughts were completely on Vander, even if Catelyn made a rude remark to her, or apologized like this, Bakugou couldn't listen.

Lin Feng frowned.

Such a change in identity is too great, and completely beyond his surprise.

If he really talked about the source of Warwick, Lin Feng would not be able to remember it for a while.

Where did Caitlin come from? born to parents. Where did Heimerdinger come from? Bandel is here.

But if you talk about Warwick's origin... Lin Feng can't remember it.

Could it be that Warwick was changed by Vander?

This bold idea made Lin Feng secretly startle, and at the same time, it also made Bang Bang feel scared.

Lin Feng could only think in another way, Warwick might have information about Vander.

With this alone, Lin Feng could not put Warwick to death.

For others, a murderer like Warwick is naturally the sooner the better.

But for Bang Bang or Wei, as long as there is a little bit of information about Vander, they will never let it go.

Lin Feng naturally stood on the same front as his two younger sisters. In name, Lin Feng was also Vander's adopted son.

"Bangbang, I promise you, next time we'll catch him alive, and then we'll know how the necklace came about, okay?"

Squatting down, Lin Feng gently touched his cheeks and said.

Both Baba and Wei were stunned, and looked at Lin Feng with even more surprise in their eyes.

You know, Lin Feng's current identity is the 'King of Zu'an'.

Standing in this position, the pressure is conceivable, and sometimes you even have to do things that go against your heart.

As the lord of a city, Lin Feng's most sensible way to deal with this matter is completely contrary to what he said.

Eliminating murderers like Warwick as soon as possible and stopping losses for Zaun in time is a truly rational decision for a Zaun King.

But Lin Feng didn't care so much.

If you don't like your own sister, who will?

Even Caitlin was a little surprised by Lin Feng's decision.

This almost unreasonable decision was the one that Caitlin hated the most and violated Caitlin's creed.

But now, Caitlin felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

This feeling also pervades the hearts of Bang Bang and Wei.

Only such Lin Feng is the Lin Feng they know, the brother they love.

Bang Bang hugged Lin Feng, and Lin Feng also patted Bang Bang's back, comforting the blue-haired girl's uneasy mood.

Although he said that, everyone understood it very well.

Things about Warwick can't be dragged out, or more casualties will be inflicted.

Warwick must be captured alive in the shortest possible time.

"Let's take a rest first, and discuss other things tomorrow."

Lin Feng was going to settle all three of them to rest first. After a night of fighting, even Lin Feng was a little tired, not to mention the three women without super physique.

But Caitlin and the sisters don't seem to think so.

They can no longer let Lin Feng work alone, UU reading www. No matter what says, it has to contribute to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng couldn't resist, so he smiled and agreed to these requests.

Bang Bang's job is to repair Mark's armor, while Caitlin is responsible for the maintenance and loading of weapons, which are both things they are good at.

Wei walked out of the Forgan Tavern, and under Lin Feng's instructions, overnight selected a group of Zaun special operations teams with superb combat capabilities, just like the elite team around Lady Grey.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, returned to his office and mobilized the security of the entire Zaan according to today's situation.

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