From Twin Cities: Unlimited Rewards for the Beginning of the War

Chapter 133: Senator Jess is heading to Zaun right now (Happy New Years!)

With Lin Feng's efforts, the security situation in Zaan immediately changed drastically.

On the high walls beside the alley where no incident occurred, barbed wire with electric current was installed on all of them.

Such a grid was designed specifically for Warwick, and its purpose was certainly not to electrocute Warwick directly, or to paralyze it.

You know, the electrostatic force field on Lin Fengmark's armor can't handle Warwick for the time being, let alone the cheap power grids that cover a large area.

The role of the power grid is just to track Warwick's whereabouts.

Once the mechanism is triggered, the fluctuation in power will be displayed on Lin Feng, and Lin Feng can know Warwick's movements as soon as possible.

This is one of Lin Feng's main methods at present.

The wolf itself is a very intelligent animal.

And Warwick, who has transformed into a human form, has a top-notch intelligence and ability. The same method can't work for Warwick for the second time.

In other words, Lin Feng just wanted to be a bait, and Warwick might not come to eat it.

In addition, the elite squad of Zaan selected by Wei has also been configured. They are all battlefield veterans from various fields. Many of them are even acquaintances with Wei, and now they have voluntarily joined Lin Feng's response.

Lin Feng specially configured some hex equipment for these people. These previously unreachable equipment are now given out by Lin Feng, which makes these veterans grateful.

With such progress, they will also become an important force in the capture of Warwick in the next action.

Summarizing the previous experience, Lin Feng also invented a device to restrict movement based on the Hexstone ultimatum in Camille's hand.

It’s just that such a device is not as portable and easy to use as Camille’s Hexstone Ultimatum. It requires several people to stand at different angles and turn on the same device at the same time, so as to pull up a hex grid that encloses the space.

The Hexagon ultimatum was one of the Philos family's secret technologies, and it was impossible to share with Lin Feng.

Although he has the soul of an inventor, Lin Feng cannot perfectly copy such a profound technology just by looking at it.

Even a simplified version of the Hexagonal ultimatum, which is very human, has also shocked Heimerdinger for a whole year.

And the invention and manufacture of these hex equipment, Lin Feng also completely handed over the task to Heimerdinger and Ike to complete, which is their expertise.

Everything seems to be ready, but the east wind has not appeared.

Since that day, Warwick said it was gone, but it didn't.

Even with such injuries and blows, Warwick is still committing crimes every day, it seems that this is a kind of nature.

And this time, Warwick's actions got even more bizarre.

Not only was the selection of time extremely random, but even the target had become particularly clear. All the baits sent by Lin Feng had all failed. Warwick would carefully select a real target to attack.

The casualties were still increasing, and Lin Feng felt a headache when he looked at the attack reports that kept coming on the table.

Fortunately, the power grid in the alley has now been completely installed, and it can be officially powered on today.

With this, Warwick can never think of flying over the walls so comfortably, and at least he will leave some traces. At that time, it will be much easier for Lin Feng to track down.

While Lin Feng was waiting for the news from the power grid, the scroll track suddenly started with a clanging sound.

Reel track, which is one of the basic ways of communication between upper and lower layers.

Because of the relationship between the upper and lower levels in the past, many things could not be discussed in person, and there were no such things as phone calls and videos here, so the scroll track came into being.

An elevator that leads directly to the upper and lower floors, but only the 'scroll' can pass.

The scroll, to put it bluntly, is a letter used for communication between the two cities, and it records the content that is intended to be expressed.

Such a scroll track not only meets the communication needs of the upper and lower layers, but also does not have direct contact with real people, it is also an invention of the times.

Of course, this is not something that ordinary people use. Like a post office, only a fixed location has a scroll track, and the people who can be contacted on the other side are naturally fixed.

The Forgan Tavern where Lin Feng is now has such a scroll track, which is directly connected to the security department of Picheng, which is specially used for high-level communication on the upper and lower floors.

Caitlin was busy taking over the scroll, but when Caitlin opened the scroll and started reading, Caitlin's expression began to change.

"What's in there?"

Lin Feng asked.

Since Lin Feng temporarily closed the flow of personnel between the two cities, this scroll has been delivered frequently.

Generally speaking, it is some words to inquire about the situation. After all, the two cities now have some common interests, and Picheng is still more worried about the safety of Zaan.

"Picheng... something happened."

"What's wrong?" Lin Feng raised his head and frowned.

"There's a robbery in Picheng..."

Catelyn's answer surprised Lin Feng, but soon, Lin Feng turned his attention back to the work at hand.

Nothing happened to Picheng, but now Lin Feng doesn't really care.

Anyway, it's not Zauan's fault now, he has other things to do.

This should be a scroll dedicated to connecting Caitlin and Vi.

Caitlin and Wei have been helping him at the lower level these days, and now it is indeed time to go back to deal with the upper level.

"It's okay, you and Wei go back first, and I'll notify you immediately when there is any news from my side."

But Caitlin's eyes turned to Lin Feng, with an unbelievable numbness in her expression.

"They say . . . the prisoner went to Zaun. He's from Zaun."


Lin Feng was flabbergasted on the spot.

This familiar operation is very similar to the previous state of Shuangcheng, and everything is thrown at Zaan.

Lin Feng stood up and took the scroll.

Under Lin Feng's personal glance, more details in the scroll entered Lin Feng's eyes.

But what surprised Lin Feng was that the things mentioned in the scroll basically had noses and eyes, not like fakes.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

The robbery happened last night.

What's even more incredible is that the robbed object turned out to be Jace. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The looted items also made Lin Feng's jaw drop.

The thing that was robbed was the Shurima crystal that Lin Feng gave to Jace at the wedding.

According to the instructions on the scroll, the murderer acted at night, and immediately after the robbery fled back to Zaun along a passage.

This passage is the newest passage between the two cities. It is now temporarily sealed, and naturally it is almost unattended.

The murderer's combat effectiveness was extremely high, and his actions were so fast that during the entire operation, everyone realized it later. Under the night, the guards not only failed to catch him, but also did not even see the murderer. As it turns out, only some Piedmont residents have given clues to it.

Lin Feng was puzzled.

Is this Picheng related to robbery? Something like this happens every now and then.

If it is said that the tree attracts the wind, it is normal that these good things are easy to be missed, but what Lin Feng can't imagine is that the Shurima crystal he gave was also robbed.

You know, this was given to Senator Picheng by the King of Zaun. Who would have the guts to offend people on both sides at once?

Lin Feng had never heard of such a person in Zu'an, and he did not issue any orders to **** the gem back.

who did it?

Lin Feng didn't know.

Picheng didn't know either.

But Picheng's suspects can only be Zaun.

Before Lin Feng's thoughts had completely turned around, another scroll came from the track.

Two reels in a row, which is a rare occurrence.

Lin Feng opened a new scroll, but there was only one sentence on the scroll:

"Please get ready, Senator Jess will go to Zaun immediately."Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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