From Twin Cities: Unlimited Rewards for the Beginning of the War

Chapter 134: The confrontation between Jess and Lin Feng is angry!

Lin Feng's thoughts did not go to Zaan's side.

Although the barons of Zaun all occupy one side, they do not have the ability to organize a case on the upper level, nor do they have the courage.

Especially since according to the scroll, there was only one prisoner, which made the whole event even more magical.

Before Lin Feng had time to do anything else, an intelligence officer from the Fan Pavilion rushed into the Fugen Tavern in a hurry.

"Lin Feng... Senator Jess from the upper level has brought a team of Picheng guards!"

"So fast?"

Lin Feng put down the scroll. This series of operations was too fast, leaving him no room for reaction at all.

When Lin Feng walked out of the Forgan Tavern, he was far away and saw Jess who was wearing a congressman's costume and was rushing here with the guards.

And Jace was holding his weapon in his hand.

Mercury's Hammer.

"Lin Feng, what do you mean?"

Walking in front of Lin Feng, Jace asked angrily.

"What do I mean? Jace, you need to figure out the situation, this is Zaun, and we have an agreement."

Lin Feng didn't expect Jess to ask questions first, which made Lin Feng feel very uncomfortable.

"Hehe, is this what you call a peace agreement?" Jace sneered:

"So, are you Zauns just swaggering to Pi City, committing crimes and returning to Zaun?"

"Mister Jess, Zaun has some things to deal with right now. In order to maintain the relationship between the two cities, I even closed the gateway to the merchants, just to protect the safety of Pi City as much as possible."

When calling Jace a 'congressman', things have actually risen to a higher level.

Lin Feng is not so easy to mess with.

It was the time when he was bothered, and Jace came to cause trouble.

The young politician still lacks some enthusiasm.

However, such a lack of heat cannot be tempered in Zaan!

"The scroll said that there was only one prisoner. You had an accident in Picheng, and you didn't catch anyone. Are you going to ask Zaun about the crime? If the prisoner escapes to Noxus, do you still have to report to Noxus? Is there a war?"

Lin Feng's questioning made Jess stunned, and he didn't even know what to say for a while.

He knew that Lin Feng's mouth was very good, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

Going back and forth like this, it seems that Picheng is a child,

But Jess didn't bother about this issue too much:

"Hmph, that's not an ordinary person, but a person in metal armor!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly: "Who is wearing metal armor?"

"Same tech as yours! The man was wearing a metal armor from head to tail, and normal weapons didn't work on him at all."

Seeing that Lin Feng was silent for a while, Jace continued:

"Lin Feng, if that gem is very important to you, I'll just give it back to you. You must know that your every move now represents the ancestor..."


Lin Feng suddenly interrupted Jace, which made Jace startled.

Lin Feng smiled, he was a little **** off.

That Shurima gem is naturally good, but what Lin Feng sent out has no reason to come back!

"There is no metal man you are looking for here. I only have this technology, and I can't share it with others."

After being laughed at, Lin Feng's expression became serious again.

"Mr. Jess, according to the contents of the Twin Cities Agreement, I now have the right to ask you to leave."

"If there are any problems, we in Zaun will take care of them, but you don't need your help."

Lin Feng's welcoming attitude made the atmosphere suddenly drop to freezing point.

He also didn't know what the metal armor Jace was talking about. He only felt that Jace's words were as inexcusable as a storyteller.

Jess was stunned for a moment, then he lowered his eyes and looked at Lin Feng,

"What if I don't leave?"

"Then I'll ask you to leave."

Without any hesitation, Lin Feng's words were basically seamless with Jace's questions.

Everyone present was a little surprised that Lin Feng, who was so elegant and easy-going at the wedding, had such a fierce side.

"You can try..."

Before Jace could finish speaking, a pair of big hands suddenly flew towards Jace.

At this speed, Jace didn't even react.

Jace subconsciously pressed the button of the weapon in his hand, and a hex lightning field instantly generated around Jace.

This is a halo of high-voltage electrons, and anyone who gets close enough to the halo except the user of Mercury's Hammer will suffer damage!

Lin Feng jumped back, but did not continue to put his hand deep into the halo.

And Jace, who came back to his senses, widened his eyes and was still in shock.

He didn't dare to think that Lin Feng was so decisive that he would take action when he said it.

But what surprised Jace even more was that Lin Feng's strength was completely beyond his imagination!

Jess once thought that Lin Feng did all kinds of incredible things with the help of those high-tech technologies. He heard some other rumors about Lin Feng by chance, but Jess never took it to heart.

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Especially when he heard that Lin Feng could even fight against Mrs. Gray, the first battle force in Picheng, Jace just took it as a joke.

But Jess couldn't believe that all of this was true!

Just at his speed just now, if it weren't for some accumulated subconscious combat experience that made him press the button of the lightning field, Lin Feng's punch would have hit him in the face or strangled his neck.

Jace's eyes turned to Lin Feng again. UU reading

There is no visible mechanism, nor any externally blessed equipment.

This is the speed of pure physical strength.

What a terrifying speed!

But after the shock, Jace slowly recovered,

"Lin Feng, are you sure you want this?"

"Going back to Piedmont now, I can pretend none of this happened."

This is Lin Feng's last warning.

This kind of behavior of Jess is a kind of aggression in the eyes of modern Lin Feng.

Today's Picheng and Zaun are equal in status.

In other words, the two countries are neighbors.

It's okay for Jace to travel, but coming with all the guards from Pied City in full armor like this is tantamount to driving a tank across the border.

This kind of thing is not allowed even in the two countries with the best relationship.

But obviously, Jess, who is not as broad-minded as Lin Feng, doesn't think so. The thinking of people in this era is far less advanced than modern people.

From Jace's point of view, since the prisoner had gone to Zaun, he must come out and ask for an explanation.

What's more, that kind of armor full of metal has only been seen here in Lin Feng.

The sparks in the eyes of the two became more and more.

Even the guards and guards around Lin Feng and Jess clenched their palms tightly, ready to act at any time.

But their thoughts were stopped by a look from Lin Feng and Jace.

Let's not talk about the ending for the time being, there is no need to expand the unnecessary casualties, Lin Feng and Jace have reached a consensus on this point.

At the next moment, Lin Feng and Jace moved at the same time. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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