When preparing gifts for Jess, Lin Feng obviously chose a hasty approach.

I just found some random metals to form a souvenir, and that's enough.

The last thing is to prepare a present for Mel's mother.

This is the big game.

Lin Feng went to Senator Mel this time to get on the Noxus line with Mel's mother.

Giving a gift to a woman from Noxus is a chore.

Lin Feng's policy of sharing tastes with the popular doesn't work anymore.

Those specialties, Noxus despised.

And in Piedmont, gemstone jewelry, which is a hard currency, is probably not very popular with Noxian women.

For Noxus, war is everything.

This is a country that believes in war.

War will make them fanatical, regardless of gender or religion.

In this case, Lin Feng thought about it and made a decision.

"Just give me a weapon."

For Noxians, there is no gift more exciting than a weapon.

Of course, in terms of weapon selection, Lin Feng also has quite a few directions to consider.

But even so, Lin Feng would not give away all his core technologies.

From the character of Noxians, if you send them those high-tech things, even if they can't study the principle of this thing, and there is no way to copy these high-tech things, 80% of the things that are sent will be sent to the battlefield.

If it works well, Noxus will continue to send people to his door to seek space for cooperation.

Cooperation is possible, but Lin Feng does not do arms business.

At least those weapons of mass destruction will not work. This is the principle that Lin Feng has inherited from modern times.

That being the case, the range of gifts to be sent has shrunk again.

If you can't send high-tech, then send low-tech.

Either firearms or cold weapons.

And in order to be able to separate the boundaries from ordinary gifts, so as to show their full sincerity, this gift must also be novel.

Preferably something that Noxus doesn't have.

As a result, Lin Feng decided what he wanted to give.

a dagger.

For Noxians, cold weapons are a romance.

But no matter what kind of weapon, it will be worn out in the war.

That's why Noxus keeps working with Piltover.

Piltover is one of the most famous weapons factories in Valoran.

Although it looks like peace-loving, it still needs to be eaten properly.

And an ordinary dagger, Noxians naturally dislike it, let alone Mel's mother, a Noxian minister.

But what Lin Feng wanted to give was not an ordinary dagger.

But a special dagger.

A dagger that will never break, at least in the transition of cold weapons, this kind of dagger will never fall behind.

Lin Feng exchanged some titanium alloy metal from the system.

This is the most used raw material for Mark's armor. Whether it is hardness or corrosion resistance, it is the top in all aspects in modern times.

Of course, there are definitely better metals than titanium alloys, such as vibranium, Edman metals and the like.

But Lin Feng is not so wealthy.

A gift is a gift, it means something.

He is not related to Mel's mother, and has no interest in Mel as a married woman.

As soon as he said it, Lin Feng quickly melted the metal and reshaped it with the help of the experimental equipment in the laboratory.

A dagger that breaks when you blow your hair is ready.

The whole body is silver and black, even in the moonlight, it can be reflected brightly.

Extremely Beautiful.

Lin Feng was very satisfied with this.

Of course, in order to avoid a comedy like the assassination of Cao Cao, Lin Feng also built a scabbard.

The choice of scabbard is not so particular.

Just look for the material and put it in.

In order to avoid the development of gaffes, it has become buying caskets and returning pearls.

Everything was ready, and Lin Feng received the three prepared gifts.

He waved to Butler Della outside, indicating that his side was over.

Mr. Della gently pushed the door open and walked in.

"Mr. Lin Feng, are you leaving now?"

Lin Feng nodded: "Calculate the time, it's almost there, it should be no problem to start now, right?"

"Of course no problem, sir."

Butler Della bowed: "You can leave at any time."

With that said, Butler Della took over all the gifts in Lin Feng's hands, and Lin Feng did not need to do anything by himself.

Lin Feng is naturally quite useful.

After all, in this world, the existence of butlers is to do these things.

No need to worry about housekeepers, just like no need to worry about stars.

Although it looks servile, or tired and tired.

But they earn a lot, and the food and drink are the top of the top.

After leaving the laboratory, Lin Feng tried his best to find a quiet place to leave.

It's just the name of the shadow man of the tree. The few students who went out just now have spread the news of Lin Feng's here to almost every classroom in Piltover College.

If it is spread by ordinary people, it will not achieve this effect.

But this is Lin Feng.

Inventor of the mk series hex core.

This is one of the most attractive conditions for the students of Piedmont College.

Not to mention the news spread by several top students.

No need to think about it, everyone rushed towards the laboratory, wanting to see Professor Lin Feng's demeanor.

Just two steps out, Lin Feng was surrounded by circles, more exaggerated and outrageous than when he came.

You can't make a bunch of people violently push fans away like modern pheasant stars, but Lin Feng also really felt the feeling of being a star.

Although it is highly anticipated, sometimes it is really inconvenient~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like now.

He was in a hurry to go out, but he couldn't completely ignore these students.

Now that Picheng and Zaun have regained their status and communication, in the future, the talents between the two cities will also be circulated.

These Piedmont College students might be the next talented scientist in the future, like Jace or Victor.

Make a good impression now, and at that time, it will be possible to win them over to work in Zaun.

Not to mention that Lin Feng is now the King of Zaun.

is a public figure.

For the sake of Zaan and his own reputation, Lin Feng couldn't be too fierce.

As a result, Lin Feng could only start the signature work again.

While signing and answering some questions, I slowly moved towards the carriage.

On the way, some people even saw the identity of Butler Della. This butler from the Gila Mann family appeared beside Lin Feng, which seemed to mean something.

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'What is your relationship with Miss Caitlin? ’

'Any new collaboration between Zaun and the Gilamain family? ’

Such questions, Lin Feng can only laugh it off.

After all, his engagement with Caitlin hasn't been fully implemented yet, so let's avoid being a big tree for the first time.

As long as this kind of thing is admitted, then the public opinion will be overwhelming.

If Seraphine finds out... Lin Feng feels troublesome when he thinks about it. This kind of thing requires two people to sit down and talk slowly, and public opinion will only go through the dark.

Chapter 215 Special Dagger

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