Half an hour later, Lin Feng finally returned to the carriage.

Butler Della pulled the back seat of the carriage for Lin Feng. Lin Feng waved to the reluctant students, kept smiling, and finally got into the carriage.

When Butler Della drove the carriage slowly out of Piltover College, Lin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not that easy to be a public figure, is it? Mr. Lin Feng."

"Yeah." Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and lay down in the comfortable back seat of the carriage.

"How long until we get there?"

"About an hour or so, Mr. Lin Feng."

Butler Della replied, "You can rest for a while, and I will remind you when you arrive."

Lin Feng nodded.

Butlers of noble families are indeed different.

As soon as you take off your pants, you know if you want a big or a small one.

He really wanted to rest for a while.

After socializing and working, Lin Feng really feels a little tired now.

Lying completely in the spacious back row, Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes.



"Mr. Lin Feng, we are almost there."

With the angry voice of Butler Della, Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes.

"How long have I slept?"

The sleepy-eyed Lin Feng said.

"You slept more than half an hour, sir."


Lin Feng nodded in response.

The dazed feeling faded within seconds.

In any case, Lin Feng is now a person with half the physique of the US team, and he is still very good at anti-fatigue.

Sitting up, Lin Feng sorted out his appearance before rushing to Senator Mel's house.

After tidying up his tie and combing his hair, Lin Feng asked butler Della:

"How do I look now?"

Butler Della turned his head back and looked at Lin Feng very seriously for a few seconds.

"You look very handsome, sir."

"That's good."

After a while, the carriage gradually slowed down.

Unlike going to the Gila Mann family, Lin Feng saw the huge manor from a long distance away.

Although Mel is a member of parliament without family support, he was supported by the Philos family.

But everyone has arrived at this position, so how can I say that there is still a big house.

Although it can't keep up with the size of the Gilamain family, Mel's manor is also quite large, and it is estimated that it is worth more than one billion in modern times.

As the distance got closer, Lin Feng also saw Jess and Mel who were standing at the door ready to welcome him.

Not the same as going to the Gilamain family.

Lin Feng is now the king of Zaan.

The king of Zaun, his status is very high.

If it's fair to say, in Picheng, only the Philos family's patriarch, or the Philos family spy who is one level higher than the patriarch, the Lady Grey woman, can be on an equal footing with the current Lin Feng.

Going to the Gilamain family is an exception, after all, it's to talk about marriage.

Ms. Gila Mann wanted to marry her daughter to him. If it were changed to modern theory, Lin Feng would have to call Ms. Gila Mann her mother.

Although Piltover does not have so many cumbersome seniority rules, as a mother-in-law, Ms. Gilamann undoubtedly does not need to show such respect to Lin Feng.

But Jace and Mel are different.

As a councilor of Piltover, the King of Zaun came to visit, of course, to meet him in person.

The carriage gradually approached, and Butler Della got out of the carriage and opened the door of the carriage for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng got out of the car slowly, and the smiling faces of Mel and Jess came to greet him as soon as he got out of the car.

"Mr. Lin Feng, welcome to my place."

Mel smiled and greeted Lin Feng.

"Nice to meet you, Senator Mel."

Lin Feng also smiled, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Congressman Mel.

After all, Congressman Mel is still young, only in his twenties, whether it is to stick to his face or kiss the back of his hand, it is a little inappropriate.

Greeted Senator Mel, followed by Jace.

"My friend, we meet again."

Jace stretched out his arms towards Lin Feng.

From Jace's point of view, he is obviously more familiar with Lin Feng than Mel.

Especially since the last trip to Zaun.

Lin Feng and Jess embraced gently.

Regardless of whether the feelings are in place or not, Lin Feng has to do quite a lot of these superficial things.

It's just that Jace is very grateful to Lin Feng.

After the hug was not enough, Jess continued to express his gratitude to Lin Feng:

"Lin Feng, thank you for the last time... I did some bad things, but fortunately with you, I have now realized what my mistake was."

Lin Feng smiled:

"You can understand, you don't need to thank me."

Jess shook his head: "No, no, this has a great impact on me, and even taught me how to be a human being."

Jace wanted to say more, but he patted his head, remembering the purpose of Lin Feng's coming today, and quickly stopped the topic.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"We'll talk later, it's important that you do business first."

Saying that, Jace turned his gaze to Mel.

Mel smiled lightly and reached out to Lin Feng:

"My mother is already waiting there. If Mr. Lin Feng doesn't mind, I'll take you there."

"Don't rush."

Lin Feng waved his hand and looked at Butler Della.

Butler Della understood and took out the gift that Lin Feng had prepared in advance.

"This is...?"

Mel asked suspiciously.

"New arrival, this is a gift for the two of you."

With that said, Lin Feng opened the package.

The Hex Core Necklace shining with beautiful blue light appeared in front of everyone.

Mel's eyes flashed, and Lin Feng continued:

"This is a necklace I made. It's not a precious gem, but a hex core~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I hope Senator Mel will not dislike it."

Mel took the necklace lightly, and was already impressed by Lin Feng.

As a member of parliament, managing Picheng, it is natural to have a solid understanding of the core issues of Hex.

Even if he wasn't in charge of this, Mel knew how much effort it would take to get the Hex core to this size.

Not to mention it's still a necklace.

It's something women like.

A few months ago, Lin Feng was still a prisoner, and they tried Lin Feng.

Now Lin Feng has changed, and his status is even higher than theirs.

Although this kind of thing is very common among the nobles, and everyone has come to see it, there will still be some gaps in their hearts.

I just didn't expect that Lin Feng didn't care about the past because of this, but instead gave such a precious gift.

This made Congressman Mel admire Lin Feng with admiration.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin Feng, I like this gift very much."

This sentence is no longer polite.

"As long as Congressman Mel likes it."

Lin Feng smiled and turned his gaze to Jace.

"Miss Jace, this is your gift."

An exquisite model of the Eiffel Tower was delivered to Jace.

Although the appearance is extremely beautiful, as long as it can be seen by individuals, the grade of this gift is not so high.

But as Lin Feng thought, no one would compare these.

After all, it would be nice if Lin Feng could send something.

"Mr. Lin Feng, come this way, I'll take you to see my mother."

Congressman Mel said to Lin Feng with a smile.

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