When Li Su was about to finish cooking, Abu, who was holding prey and carrying his cub on his back, Lang San, who was carrying his wife and cub on his back and holding prey, and a big leopard who was holding a little black cat, suddenly appeared at the door of Li Su's house. The leopard carried a prey on its back and walked into the yard with cat steps.

Rui Ze, who was sitting in Uncle Leopard's arms, was simply stunned. He took a closer look and saw a series of fourth-level orcs and two fifth-level ones.

Uncle Leopard looked at him curiously while he looked at Hao Xu and the others. When he saw Hao Xu, he seemed to have figured something out. He stood up and walked to Mu Ziluo, squatting down and looking at Hao Xu.

Hao Xu also looked curiously at the little black ball in Uncle Leopard's arms.

"Hey, uncle, when did you give birth to this baby?"

"But is this kid an adult or not? It smells like an adult."

Hao Xu struggled to get out of Mu Ziluo's arms. He put his paws on Uncle Bao's knees and looked at the black ball in front of him carefully.

Rui Ze also looked at Hao Xu very carefully. According to his memory, it seemed that his family was the only one in their Black Panther clan on the south side of Beida Road.

Hao Xu looked for a while and then transformed into a human and sat on the ground."This little guy is really weird. Can he transform into a human?"

Rui Ze glanced at him and transformed into a human in an instant. A child with black hair, black eyes and black skin appeared in front of everyone (black skin, not the dark kind). The little guy had big eyes, a small nose, and thin lips. His cute appearance was a little bit shaky.

"Yo, he's still a black kid."

Ruize glanced at Hao Xu and complained in his heart: You are the kid in front of me.

Anan and Xiaokaka came over curiously, and their eyes lit up when they saw the little cub in Uncle Bao's arms, and they turned into children the same size as Ruize.

They ran to Uncle Bao and stared at their new partner with their big round eyes.

"Uncle Bao, can we play with him?

Uncle Bao rubbed the little guys' heads lovingly, then picked him up and put him between the two children under Rui Ze's incredible gaze.

"Daddy?" Rui Ze looked at Uncle Bao with some fear.

Uncle Bao gently touched his head and said with a smile:"Go play with the little brothers."

Rui Ze: Screw his grandma's little brothers, he is already 36!

Looking at the little cubs circling around him, Rui Ze inexplicably did not dislike it.

The two cubs in front of him, one has blonde hair, black eyes and fair skin, the fair skin is tinged with tender pink, and looks very cute, while the other has gray hair and a cold white skin, and looks quite cool.

Both cubs are good-looking, and Rui Ze feels that he can barely accept good-looking things.

An hour later...

Uncle Bao looked at the three little ones playing together with satisfaction and couldn't help saying,"Cubs are just cubs. It's right for them to be playful like this."

Rui Ze, who was trying to play with the children, felt a little depressed. These two children were too noisy....

Tuhua had already run to the kitchen and squatted beside Li Su, staring at him with big eyes.

Li Su, who was stewing rabbit meat, felt a little awkward for some reason. The orcs in this world would not think this would be a problem, but he felt a little awkward. He always felt that he was stewing the same kind of rabbit as the stupid rabbit next to him, and this stupid rabbit was drooling beside him. This scene was awkward no matter how he thought about it.

Li Su raised his head and looked at Tuhua tentatively and said,"Huahua, can you digest the meat you eat so much?"

Hearing this, Tuhua raised her head and looked at Li Su,"Of course! It's just that the meat grilled by Third Brother is not delicious! So I don't like it~"

Li Su glanced at the pot and then at the rabbit in front of him, closed his eyes and said,"Okay, baby, go over and sit down, we'll have dinner soon."

"" Okay~" After saying that, Tuhua skipped away.

After Tuhua left, Li Su used his thick tail to roll up the wooden bowl beside him, held it in front of him, poured rice into it and put the bowl aside, shouting towards the yard:"It's time to eat."

As soon as these words came out, the furry creatures who were either lying or sitting in the yard stood up one by one, shaking their heads and running towards this side.

Uncle Bao and the others had already lined up obediently, and Li Su handed the filled wooden bowls to the cubs who came to get the rice.

As for why these guys came to get the rice in animal form, it was because Li Su saw that their tone and movements in animal form would be much gentler, and he would pour more.

Uncle Bao bit the handle on the edge of the wooden bowl and walked towards the yard happily, with his furry tail swaying behind him. , looking very happy.

When it was Hao Xu's turn, this funny guy rubbed Li Su several times, and got Li Su

's loving touch and a large piece of meat bone. Hao Xu happily bit his own share and walked away happily.

After all the furry meals were taken away, Li Su looked at the guys sitting in a row in the yard to eat, and suddenly found that his awkward big cat was looking at him resentfully again.

Li Su was not only a little amused, he walked over and knocked on his head, pinched his ears, and said helplessly:"Just rely on me to spoil you, come here and I will serve you some food"


Beimu rubbed Li Su's arm, signaling him to eat quickly. If he was tired, he would drive out the stupid cats and a stupid dog in the yard.

Li Su rubbed Beimu's big head vigorously, and after serving him the meal, he went to another corner of the yard and shouted:"Babies, Guo Lai~" The buffalo cubs were weaned before, so Li Su organized the females in the tribe to milk every day, one bucket of milk or other animals' milk per person every day.

Li Su poured out four bowls of milk from the space, and then put the chopped stew on a large plate next to it, sprinkled some chopped vegetables on it, and then took it out.

Kaka and An An's eyes lit up when they heard the call, and their four short legs clattered towards Li Su, howling from time to time.

Rui Ze looked at the group of little balls running away in a daze. , looking at him blankly.

When Tuhua saw that little Ruize didn't go over, she stood up and wanted to carry him over, but was scolded by the little black dumpling.

He just bared his teeth when he heard Uncle Bao's warning, and finally was carried to Li Su by Tuhua with a compromising look.

After Li Su saw the last cub arrive, he put the food plate on the table beside him, and then picked up the dumplings that were circling around him one by one and put them on the food plate.

The food plate was divided into three areas, and An'an and Kaka went to the two sides to eat meat in tacit understanding.

Tuhua put Ruize in the middle, Ruize was a little confused, but the smell of meat kept drilling into his nose, and he couldn't help but lower his head and start eating. As soon as he put it in his mouth, he was captured by the soft, glutinous and sweet meat. He seemed to understand why the two little idiots around him ate so deliciously.

So delicious! So fragrant! This little female is a good person!

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