At this moment, Rui Ze was eating sweet food, and his mind was full of Li Su being a good person and cooking delicious food!

He completely forgot that he wanted to kill someone in order to occupy Uncle Bao.

Tu Hua and Li Su also sat aside to eat the stewed meat in the bowl. Tu Hua ate very quickly, and after finishing, he held the fruit that Li Su gave him and ate it.

Li Su didn't know if it was an illusion that these cats, dogs and rabbits seemed to have gained a lot of weight recently....

He scanned the rows of furry animals eating and found that he seemed to have too many cats, almost all of them. Should he add some new furry animals


I remembered the giant pandas I saw in the main city before. Ah, I really want to pet a panda....

While he was in a daze, the cubs who had just finished their meal ran to Li Su, whining and calling out.

Rui Ze was among them....

Li Su lined up and touched the little ones' heads, then took out the prepared milk. The little ones were even more excited when they smelled the milk. Although the little ones were very excited, they sat in a row very well. Then

Li Su placed the bowls in front of them one by one.

���Li Su said that the three little ones were very nice to drink milk.

He took Xiao Liuli out of the space, poured some milk for him, and squatted in a row with the other little ones to drink.

After drinking milk, the four cubs soon started playing together. Although Rui Ze was forced, he seemed to be having a lot of fun, and Xiao Liuli also integrated very well.

While the cubs were playing, the big cats took the empty bowls to the stream next to the house and washed the dishes quietly.

As time passed, the sky gradually turned white. When the big cats came back, they took their cubs and wives and left Li Su's house.

Looking at the empty house, Li Su actually felt a little uncomfortable. At this time, Bei Mu came up to him and rubbed Li Su's arm.

"Beimu, do you like cubs?" Li Su looked at Beimu and suddenly asked.

Beimu looked at his wife with some doubts, and then seemed to think of something, and said happily:"I like it!"

Li Su:"Why?"

Beimu:"I don't know..."

Li Su:"Damn it, I just created a good atmosphere, you stupid tiger...hug me..."

Upon hearing this, Bei Mu transformed into a human, picked up Li Su, and walked towards the stone house.

As night fell, the birds in the woods kept calling out, disturbing people's sweet dreams. (I really want to stew these squeaking dogs and bugs!) At

Uncle Bao's house, a black figure stood at the door of Uncle Bao's house. Rui Ze seemed to have sensed something, and his black eyes instantly turned orange. He stood up and walked out of the stone house.

The orc outside the stone house who was wearing a bear skin in the forest before, now looked at Rui Ze who was sitting in front of Xiuzhen with an indifferent expression.

Rui Ze made a gesture, and the orc picked up Rui Ze without saying a word and walked towards the grove not far away.

After walking away, the orc holding Rui Ze asked in a hoarse voice:"Brother, why did you become like this?"

Rui Ze jumped out of his arms and found a stone pier to sit on. He looked at his grown-up brother, looking at his scarlet eyes, Rui Ze knew that his brother was also sick.

"I was doing an experiment and something went wrong."

Rui Ze said.

Ryan looked at his brother's originally pale and expressionless face, which suddenly became twisted and hideous. He looked at the tribe not far away with resentment.

"I will kill all these guys sooner or later. I will kill them all sooner or later." The hatred in his eyes seemed to condense into a solid, dark and fierce.

Rui Ze looked at his brother and shook his head,"Ryan, I know you hate everyone, but there are still people in this world who are good to us. We just need to kill our enemies."

"Not enough, this is not enough..."Run En shook his head when he heard this, his eyes revealed a despairing sadness, his eyes were bloodshot and tears were flowing

"They don't deserve to live. I'm only six years old, still a little cub. Those beasts, those beasts!" Ryan gritted his teeth every time he spoke, and the hatred in his eyes deepened.

"Woohoo, they don't deserve to live, they are a group of evil spirits, a group of demons, a group of beasts, they don't deserve to live, they don't deserve to live!"

After saying this, Ryan suddenly stopped his violent behavior, he smiled very gently, he looked at Rui Ze and then took off the bear skin on his body like a treasure.

"Brother, do you know who this bear skin belongs to?"

"Wuuuu, hahahaha, which bastard is bullying me, hahahahaha..."

"I, in front of his children and partner,@#¥@", hahahaha, you have no idea how good their eyes were at that time, I was so excited seeing them, haha, were they also looking at me so excitedly back then?"

After saying that, he gently stroked the bear skin and continued:"Finally, I had enough fun, so I killed his partner in front of him, and chopped the meat into pieces and fed it to him. Guess if he said it tasted good?"


"At first, he stuffed his little brother's meat into my mouth and asked me if it tasted good, so this time it's my turn to ask him, hahahahahaha..."

Rui Ze looked at his brother who was laughing and crying like a mad man, and his heart ached. Since he became a child, his madness seemed to have improved, and his stubbornness had also calmed down a lot. His mental rationality allowed him to clearly see what they had become.

The mad brother in front of him merged with the brother whose memory was always gentle and considerate of others. What exactly did his brother and his family experience when he was away?

"Brother, I didn't attack that kid, I didn't do the dirty things to kids like them, but I killed him. I didn't want him to end up like me, I think it would be better for him to die."

Ryan looked at Rui Ze with a gloomy look in his eyes, he continued:"I have skinned one of our enemies, but I still can't get rid of my anger...."

Ryan looked at his big brother with tears in his eyes, looking at that powerful big brother.

He choked up and said,"Brother, I seem to be sick...."

"But I don't want to cure it."

"Brother, you seem to be cured now. You look more lively than before, as if you have returned to your old self...."

"very nice..."

He discovered his brother a few days ago. He saw that his brother seemed to have someone he liked. He saw that his brother was happy. He saw that his brother was very happy. He saw that his brother was not frowning. He saw that his brother was relaxed....I saw my old brother...

This brother is very happy and good-looking. He is much better than the one who squats in a cave and tortures himself every day....He would not move. He would avenge this hatred alone. His brother only needed to stand in the sun. The gentle and arrogant brother only needed to remain the same. He would take care of this bloody matter alone....

"elder brother...You are no longer fit for revenge, and our wills are different. From today on,...I'll take revenge..."

"This is the drug my brother researched before."

"My brother is really awesome. He is the best and most powerful wizard....Brother, I love you...You must be happy...please be happy..."

"Forget about these unpleasant things...."

"Also forget...Me..."

After saying that, he quickly rushed towards Rui Ze, who quickly dodged. He looked at his brother in front of him, and then looked at the medicine in his hand.

Suddenly, his hair stood on end, and he said coldly:"What are you doing, Ryan!"

Ryan smiled and said:"Brother...good..."

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