Full-level Director

Chapter 300 Growth

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On March 20th, more than 300 domestic and foreign media gathered in the center of a venue in Tianhai, and there were thousands of movie fans gathered here.

There was a lot of voices.

In the backstage of the venue, Lin Juan was sitting in front of a dressing table, expressionlessly letting the makeup artist's bare hands do something to his face...

At the moment, he was in denial.

But for such a formal occasion, he also has to pay attention to his image. In many cases, dressing up is not only for looking more handsome, but also a respect for the guests.

The makeup artist first sprayed water mist on his face, and then applied foundation layer by layer...

Lin Juan said he didn't want to talk.

Sitting by the side, Hu Sheng laughed uncontrollably when he saw his unlovable expression, and joked, "Director Lin, I've never seen anyone with makeup like your expression."

Lin Juan was taken aback, recovered from his daze, and said with a smile, "I still like the original ecology."

Jin Jie also laughed, and said, "Director Lin, you are a director, so you're definitely not used to wearing makeup less often. We actors are already used to it."

"Yeah." Hu Sheng smiled and nodded in agreement, and then asked again: "Director Lin, I read the script and feel that this movie is not compatible with the foreign plots. Are those heroes connected?"

Lin Juan showed a smile, nodded after thinking for a while and replied, "There is a connection."

While answering, what he thought in his heart was that I have really matured a lot, otherwise at this time, another "you guessed it" will be thrown away.


Just as she was thinking about it, she was patted on the shoulder by the make-up artist, and she said coquettishly, "Oh, Director Lin, don't laugh, and don't nod."

Our great director suddenly withdrew his smile, and sat there obediently...


Hu Sheng nodded with all his thoughts, and wanted to ask, but seeing this situation, he could only stop thinking funnyly.

According to his speculation, the group of Chinese stars in Tianjian Bureau and the group of Avengers in the United States have their own long-term enemies.

Only when there is a catastrophe will it gather together.

And what this big gun is, no one can think of it, it only exists in Lin Juan's mind.

Hu Sheng is looking forward to the next plot more and more.

He can shoot such a shocking scene by gesturing to a broken wooden ball. That is the way of shooting a real fairy tale film. I don't know what the final effect will be when the film is finished.

"Okay, Director Lin." The voice of the makeup artist sounded heavenly to Lin Juan, and he quickly got up and straightened his clothes, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's about time, isn't it? Have the girls finished their makeup?" Lin Juan asked, and a staff member immediately replied, "It's all good, Director Lin, they all came here with makeup on, just touch it up."

"Well, then let them know, let's enter." Lin Juan nodded and said to Hu Sheng and the others.

Su Muzhe is also here, but his presence is very small.

Everyone got up and followed Lin Juan out of the dressing room. After meeting the three ladies, they went to the venue together.


"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Juan."

The brightly lit arena was filled to capacity, with reporters in front and fans behind.

Lin Juan was in the center of the stage in a suit, giving a calm speech, with the leading actors on both sides.

Following Lin Juan's opening remarks, the audience flashed up, and fans applauded and screamed enthusiastically.

"Today is the press conference of my new movie "Sword of Heaven", so we will announce some movie materials and posters. Everyone should know that I don't like to talk too much, so let's start officially. After I finish speaking, I will give you an hour time for questions, so people can jot down questions and ask them later.”

After Lin Juan finished speaking, he paused for a moment, and after seeing that there was no objection from the audience, he continued: "Welcome everyone, come to my movie world."

After finishing speaking, a picture suddenly appeared on the big screen behind him. The picture was a huge poster of a movie, with Daozong's landscape in sharp fonts.

"Sword Fairy"!

The mountains and rivers are paired with swords, full of fairy spirit.

"The first is the name of our movie. I believe everyone knows it. This is the poster of our movie. Next, there are photos of our actors. The first is Hu Sheng, who everyone cares about the most."

There was a loud cheer from the fans, and Lao Hu laughed a little embarrassedly on the stage, which drew even more cheers from the fans.

At the same time, the pictures on the screen also switched instantly.

Hu Sheng was standing on the top of the mountain in a white robe, with his eyes closed, his expression seemed to be sad, a tear was falling, and he was surrounded by sharp swords, full of sword aura.

As soon as the poster came out, it immediately caused a frenzy of filming, and fans erupted into a commotion.

so handsome!

Lin Juan gave them a few seconds before switching to the next one.

Bai Qinghuan.

She is also wearing a long white dress, standing on the hillside full of peach blossoms, as if looking out.

Long hair shawl, eyes with the hope of a girl, beautiful face, full of aura.

Then Mo Wen, Jin Jie, Dilitina, Su Muzhe and others appeared one by one. Everyone's posters were extremely exquisite, causing the audience to marvel again and again, and the fans became more and more excited.

That kind of big production and sophisticated production blows over us, it can only be worthy of the Alliance series.

After the poster was released, Lin Juan began to tell: "This is a story that happened in ancient times."

"The captain is the first superhero I filmed, but he is not the first in the movie universe. Before him, there were actually many people with superpowers in China. So where are they and why are they gone?"

"Sword Fairy is such a story to tell, it is a very important part of my alliance system, and it will also throw out a very important setting."

"Of course, you need to discover these in the movie."

"Next, we invite the actors to talk about their understanding of their roles."

After speaking, Lin Juan put down the microphone, gave them a threatening look, and returned to his seat to sit down.

I'll give you the microphone, you can handle it yourself, if you don't handle it well...

When filming, let you know what high standards and requirements are, and put them on the blacklist, so you don’t even want to get the script for his films in the future.

"Cough..." Hu Sheng, who was the first to get the microphone, coughed, glanced at Lin Juan and said, "I'm playing a swordsman."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Lin Juan, and seeing Lin Juan's expression remained the same, he shook his head and said proudly, "He's still a knight!"

The fans let out a burst of laughter. It was Hu Sheng himself who was so naughty.

The press conference was carried out in an orderly manner. After the actors introduced their roles in a cloud, Lin Juan made a concluding speech, talking about their preparations for the film and so on.

After he finished his speech, it was time for questions. Lin Juan picked someone at random. As usual, the lady with glasses came first.

After the glasses girl stood up, she asked, "Director Lin, since "Overwatch", you haven't made a movie in the Overwatch series for nearly a year. I believe this time "Sword Immortal" is also a work that you have been working on for a long time. , what are your expectations for it?"

"Which aspect are you referring to?" Lin Juan asked with a smile.

"box office."

"The box office..." Lin Juan smiled and repeated it with some sighs.

Just when many reporters thought he would say the same thing as before, he pondered for a moment and said: "Three billion domestically, more than one billion US dollars globally."

All the reporters in the audience were stunned for a moment, and then exploded in the next second. The female reporter asked excitedly: "Director Lin, didn't you always say that you have no expectations for the box office? Why did you have it this time?"

Everyone looked at Lin Juan expectantly, waiting for his answer. Lin Juan smiled and said flatly, "Maybe, this is growth."

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