Full-level Director

Chapter 301 Return of the Alliance!

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Full Level Director Chapter 301: Return of the Alliance!

Following Lin Juan's words, the audience was stunned.

growing up? What the hell?

However, before they came back to their senses, Lin Juan smiled and said, "Just kidding, don't mind, the next person... order you."

Lin Juan's mood at the moment...

There is no wave in the ancient well.

Indeed growing up, he learned to hide himself.

You don't have to say what you think in your heart, because that will make you look different.

He still doesn't regard the box office as the primary goal or expectation of making a movie. He is still passionate about the movie itself, and he is devout to the movie.

It's just...he doesn't want to talk about it.

Maybe growing up is to turn the simple self into complicated, so the mind is deep.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and the greater the expectations.

Lin Juan, who used to not focus on the box office at all, now occasionally pays attention to the box office, because too many people's expectations are placed on him.

So gradually, he also became a little concerned.

At least not at a loss...

Really are……

He doesn't pay much attention to his own reputation or anything else. He is the number one commercial director, so he has a nickname, so he might as well go home and drink tea.

There is nothing better than making a good movie.

Does Lin Juan look very mature now?

Others hear this goal is basically an idea.

Director Lin is being humble!

With the current popularity of the league and this lineup of themes, the domestic three billion is guaranteed.

If Lin Juan is willing to guarantee the release at this price,

That must be a film and television company will agree.

"Then...Director Lin, when is this movie expected to be released?"

"No plans for now."

"Director Lin, may I ask why you chose a pure rookie to be the heroine?"

"Director Lin..."

Lin Juan suffered a brutal siege. It was not until five or six questions later that the reporters turned their attention to other actors.

The press conference continued like this until the end, and then the Internet was full of news about the press conference that night.

"He finally compromised with the box office."

""Sword Immortal" is about to launch, and the release date is undecided!"

"This is the reason why a pure rookie was elected as the new heroine of the alliance!"

"Hu Sheng expressed his honor to join the alliance."

"Mo Wentan hasn't acted as a heroine for a long time, and I'm grateful to Lin Juan for giving me the opportunity."

"The new koi Bai Qinghuan!"


The press releases of various artists, coupled with the popularity of the film itself, created a huge momentum for a while, and there were voices discussing "Sword Immortal" everywhere.

And Lin Juan made a cup of tea in the room, spread out a piece of rice paper, dipped his brush in ink and began to practice calligraphy.

They are not expensive items, Lin Juan is afraid they will be ruined.

He practiced calligraphy at home the year before last, but he didn't stick to it later, and now he likes to practice calligraphy more and more.

Take a brush, don't say how you write, what you enjoy is the calmness between writing, which can make people sink.

While writing, a phone call came, Lin Juan didn't stop writing, only let out a breath after the last stroke, glanced at the caller, and answered the phone with a smile.

"Hello? Qingyu."

"Well, are you going to join the group tomorrow?" Li Qingyu asked.

"Yes." Lin Juan nodded, apologetically.

"Hey... you're good, you don't care about anything when you go to make movies, I still have to deal with the copyrights of your previous movies in various countries, and the financial transactions with those companies..."

Li Qingyu muttered, Lin Juan showed a smile and said softly, "Isn't mine all yours?"

The other side shut up, and there was a soft hum, "Huh╯╰, of course, you are all mine."

Lin Juan couldn't help laughing. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the other side say, "What are you doing? Don't rush to clean up? I'll clean it up for you. You clean up like rubbish. I even bought some things for you." ..."

Rambling on and on, every word and every sentence has only one meaning.

I miss you.

In the afternoon, Li Qingyu came. Lin Juan will join the group tomorrow, and Li Qingyu is also busy with her career. The two of them will not be able to see each other for a few months.

The next day, Lin Juan left, walking with his back supported.


bring it on! It's officially started!

Entering the hotel where the crew stayed, the first thing you see is the notice on the blackboard in the hotel lobby, surrounded by a group of fans.

"Hu Sheng won't come until the 28th, and so will Tina."

"Where are we, Qing Huan and Su Muzhe..."

Lin Juan smiled, these fans are really powerful, they can touch it, but it doesn't matter, anyway, when the filming officially starts, they won't be able to enter the studio.

In the next few days, various actors arrived one after another. The first one to come was Hu Sheng, a day earlier than expected. After finishing other work, he came directly to the crew, and pestered Lin Juan to see the studio.

"This is the setting of Taoism, this is the main hall..." Lin Juan pointed to a magnificent ancient-style main hall covering an area of ​​over a thousand square meters. The entrance of the main hall was covered with white marble floor tiles and carved columns.

Hu Sheng looked shocked at this building that looked like a creeping monster in the studio, and there was a group of buildings behind it, representing different side halls.

He had seen the sets before, but this was the only time he had done so much in a studio, and this was a studio, destined to be demolished.

Lin Juan said with a smile, "Now the company is negotiating with the management department of Xiangshan Film and Television City. We want to get a piece of land and build an alliance film and television city to facilitate future shooting."

"It's a pity for the scenery here." Hu Sheng sighed, how beautiful this kind of building is.

"It's a pity, it was meant to be bombed." Lin Juan looked up at the contiguous buildings, with anticipation and excitement in his eyes.

Explosion is a man's romance. It must be interesting to blow up with such a big skill. How many crews in China have such a skill?

Hu Sheng nodded. No wonder the filming didn't wait until the film and television city was built. It turned out that the buildings here were meant to be bombed.

Thinking of the description and sub-shots in the script, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Director Lin, how many movies do you plan to make in this alliance? Is there a final ending?"

"From generation to generation, old people retire and newcomers take over. I don't know when I will be shooting, maybe I will continue to shoot." Lin Juan said with a smile, showing a touch of emotion.

In a world, there are too many to photograph.

Ordinary, extraordinary, earthly, interstellar, all can be alliances.

Heroes always stop, and the world never stops.

"Let's go, Director Lin, I'll invite you to a barbecue. I want to drink a little bit now." Hu Sheng said with a little excitement. He felt that he was about to participate in a great project, but he was a little regretful. He was only a member of this big project. A tiny branch with complicated emotions.

That universe, just think about it, is huge.

The ghost would drink with him... Don't you have to do anything tomorrow?

BBQ is ok though.


On the twenty-eighth, each actor officially entered the crew, and they all dressed lightly and simply, and the assistant makeup artist didn't bring too much.

Just kidding, Lin Juan's crew, do you dare to show off? Brain pack it.

All the actors visited Lin Juan that day, and some active actors went to see the studio together. It was like a tourist attraction.

It is conceivable that when the alliance film and television city is built, the huge tourist popularity will be welcomed in that film and television city.

In particular, Lin Juan was planning to build a heavenly palace there.

The day passed quickly, and the next morning, on March 29th, all the actors and crew and two film crews, a total of more than 400 people gathered in the studio, surrounded by countless media and companies who came to hear the news high level.

Of course, fans, movie fans are also indispensable.

In the eyes of everyone, everyone worshiped heaven and earth, offered three animals, firecrackers blared, gongs and drums blared, and flags fluttered. It was a lively scene.

After all, it is a project with an investment of 700 million yuan, so the momentum is completely different.

After these procedures were completed, Lin Juan stood in the middle of the crowd and lifted the red cloth covering the camera with his own hands.

"Sword Fairy" officially launched.

Lin Juan smiled and made fans wait for a long time.

Starting today, the league is officially back.

full level director

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