Full-level Director

Chapter 303 The Apprentice's Movie

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"Hahaha really? You really kissed Director Lin? My God!!"

In the hotel, Tina's room, Tina covered her mouth and smiled in surprise, Bai Qinghuan sat opposite her with an embarrassed and anxious expression: "Shhh...you keep your voice down, I didn't mean it, if you don't kiss, I'm afraid of him If you think I'm unprofessional, don't let me pass."

"You're too courageous, but Director Lin probably didn't do it on purpose. Everyone knows his character." Tina nodded.

Today, after work was over, Bai Qinghuan came to her to ask her for advice on acting skills. During the chat, the scene and the audition came up, so Bai Qinghuan shared this matter with some embarrassment. After a few days of contact, she felt that Tina had a very good personality. Very trustworthy, the relationship between the two has developed very well in the past few days.

"I know, but it's a little embarrassing. I dare not talk to him these days." Bai Qinghuan said in a low voice in embarrassment.

A rookie is always prone to panic.

"What's so embarrassing? You didn't mean it. I believe he forgot about it." Tina persuaded. After a few days of contact, she knew that Bai Qinghuan was a very pure and reserved girl, otherwise she wouldn't be able to raise that girl. Aura.

"Well, that's good. I'm a little afraid that Director Lin will misunderstand me. It was the first time I kissed a man, and I didn't want to destroy his relationship with Teacher Qingyu at all. I only admire Director Lin..." Bai Qinghuan twittered With a single brain, he uttered all the embarrassment and wild thoughts that had been accumulated in his mind for the past few days. He couldn't tell his parents about these people, and he didn't dare to tell others.

Meeting Tina is considered a savior.

"It's okay, just pretend it never happened. It's a beautiful accident. Think about it again. You are the woman who even kissed Lin Juan. How amazing."

"Ouch, Tina!!!"

"Hahaha, okay, let's not talk about it, let's play against each other, play against each other."

As the night was getting darker, the girls here were chatting about their worries and playing against each other, and the other actors did not relax, so Su Muzhe approached Hu Sheng for advice, and Hu Sheng was not stingy, and generously told him about the play. Boys, Hu Sheng also appreciates it quite a lot. He likes Liu Hua's words very much. If you learn something, you must teach others.

And our Lin Juan also received a call from the little apprentice at this time.

Yang Nuo said excitedly: "Brother Juan, my script has been changed according to what you said."

Lin Juan was a little surprised.

I looked at the time, April 3rd, you revised a script for five months? He thought it had been fixed long ago.

But this is actually the speed of normal people...

"Well, send it to me." Lin Juan remained calm.

Yang Nuo quickly sent a document, and Lin Juan hung up the phone after receiving it and began to read it, because it was originally some plot proposed by him, so he read it very quickly.

This story is called the little thing of first love

Of course, it has undergone magic reform.

Bai Yu is the student of the Director Department of the Film Academy. She is talented and handsome. As a not-so-beautiful girl, Lin Zhenxin has a crush on Bai Yu, but she doesn't have the courage to confess. From freshman to junior year, she has been silently Paying attention to him, even subverting herself for him, he was the director's assistant in theater performances, so she bravely signed up, he was looking for the heroine in the student film competition, and she summoned up the courage to compete with several powerful opponents, she became perfect little by little, become beautiful.

Their movie won an award, but at the same time, Bai Yu also got a chance to be an exchange student. He was leaving. He told her the news in the school swimming pool, after she confessed to him ecstatically.

This episode is so cruel that I can't breathe.

That night, Bai Yu gave her a photo album, all of which were photos of her secretly taken by him. It turned out that he had been paying attention to her and secretly liked her.

When I read this, even though the story was written by Lin Juan, Lin Juan couldn't help but click his tongue, it's too cruel.

At that time, I will promote my identity as screenwriter and producer more, and I will trick some fans into it and heal them well.

The end of the story is of course a happy ending. Bai Yu returned from his studies and met the heroine at a movie award. The two looked at each other and smiled. After greeting each other, the heroine nervously asked, do you still like me after so long?

After the male protagonist hesitated for a while, he smiled and answered with certainty that you have always been in my heart.


Lin Juan finished reading the script in one breath, and then said to Yang Nuo who had been waiting there, "It's all right, show the script to Aunt Lan."

"Really? Is it okay?" Yang Nuo asked excitedly, Lin Juan nodded with a smile: "Okay, let's go, but to remind you, I will be your producer, so don't think about taking it easy."

"Thank you, Brother Juan, no, I will do my best!"

"Well, go ahead and live out your dreams."

"Thank you!" Yang Nuo choked with excitement, he was finally about to direct his first movie, and it was such an excellent script, he was full of ambition!

In the evening, Lin Juan told Li Qingyu about this matter. She was happy at first, but after Lin Juan explained the script to her roughly, she was abused and cried...

Then Lin Juan coaxed for a long time, people with girlfriends are especially good at killing time.


The next day, Lin Juan called Li Lan and told her that there was no problem with Yang Nuo's project and that he could delegate power to him, so Yang Nuo started directing his first theatrical movie.

As for Lin Juan, the filming of Sword Fairy is progressing steadily.

"Director Lin, so the Monkey King 2 will follow after our drama, right?"

On the set, Hu Sheng held the script, sat on a chair and asked Lin Juan. Lin Juan nodded, lamenting that the audience is getting harder and harder to fool around. Who would have guessed what he was going to do when he was just shooting? What is a film? Now that there is more information, it is not easy to create suspense.

Who knew that just as he was thinking this way, Hu Sheng asked, "Will I appear in Monkey King 2?"

Lin Juan suddenly showed a smile, and said rather wickedly, "Guess?"

Hu Sheng looked at Lin Juan speechlessly, and said with a smile: "If you have me, you have to tell me in advance, I need to arrange a schedule, director."

Lin Juan's smile froze.

What he said makes sense...

This trick was actually cracked?

"Okay, let me tell you, yes." Lin Juan nodded with a smile, and then said, "Not only you, but everyone from the Heavenly Sword Bureau will show up, so save me some time."

"Really?" Hu Sheng suddenly became excited. Could it be that he can finally participate in the team building?

"Well, of course, I'm actually considering whether to kill you, or the special effects will be too much." Lin Juan rubbed his chin in thought, and Hu Sheng sat up quickly and said funnyly: "Don't, I just You have to kill my character when you start enjoying it, at least you have to live a few more movies."

Lin Juan looked at him amusedly and shook his head. Looking at Lin Juan's expression, Hu Sheng knew that he was stable and should be safe for the time being, so he let himself go and suggested, "Director Lin, look at me, I'm so good. Let it go, if there is a world boss next time, take me to participate in the team building of the entire alliance, if it is not possible, I can fight with Thor, I think I can beat him."

"I think I'd better kill your character..."

Everyone laughed loudly, and the atmosphere was lively, but this time, Liu Kai came over with a smile and said, "Director Lin, you can start now."

"Okay, everyone." Lin Juan clapped his hands, turned his head and said with a smile, "It's time for you to play."

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