Full-level Director

Chapter 304 Never Becoming a Immortal

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Full-Level Director Chapter 304: Never Become a Immortal

"Oh my god! Did I go in the wrong direction?"

In the studio, the headlights are all turned off to create a night atmosphere. The ground is covered with green cloth, and the area is carefully divided. In the subsequent special effects production, streams, attics, small bridges, and green mountains will appear in this screen, just like the alliance. Almost, start with a piece of cloth, and the rest depends on thinking.

At this time on the set, Hu Sheng stopped to doubt himself, and there was a burst of laughter at the scene, but it is really difficult for actors to remember the direction of this kind of scene arrangement.

"Start again." Lin Juan's voice sounded with a smile, this veteran cadre is sometimes very funny.

Finally, Hu Sheng ran right this time, and Lin Juan's voice sounded: "Okay, click, call it a day."

At this time, Hu Sheng was the only actor left in the crew, and the rest of the crew had either called off work or left the crew temporarily to run other announcements, and there was no need for those with fewer roles to stay.

"Thank you Director Lin!!"

"Let's go, put things away quickly."

"Brother Ma, is there any supper tonight?"

"Yes, according to Director Lin's orders, it has already been ordered and placed in the hotel."

"Long live Director Lin!!!"


The crew cheered, and the atmosphere was enthusiastic. They were all old guys who had collaborated in several films, and there were few newcomers.

Hu Sheng walked over with a smile, full of air: "Director Lin, do you have my part in the supper?"

"There are only meat buns and chaos. If you want it, go back and get it yourself." Lin Juan said with a smile, how could he not decide for them.

"That's fine, it's better than eating instant noodles."

Lin Juan smiled and said, "Let's go back together?"

"Okay, then I'll take your car." Hu Sheng said directly, Lin Juan was a little stunned, I was just being polite...

"Okay." Lin Juan nodded with a smile.

okay then...


He also has a good sense of Hu Sheng, if it is an actor or girl he doesn't like, he will avoid suspicion.

"Hey, Director Lin, do you have any other movie plans? Have you always planned to shoot the alliance?" Hu Sheng asked curiously. The weather and temperature in Tianhai in April were suitable. When the two walked out of the studio, everyone they met along the way Look at them with respectful eyes.

Comfortable and pleasant evening breeze.

"Other movies? I will also join the alliance for other movies. A universe is huge, and many things can happen, either on this planet or on that planet. They may have nothing to do with alliance members, but they happen in the same universe." Lin Tired smiled and said slowly.

Build a world with a lifetime.

"After that, "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and "Going Home" will definitely be remembered by people." Hu Sheng said with emotion, thinking about the problem from a very biased perspective.

Lin Juan laughed, nodded and said at the same time: "Maybe they are also in the alliance? Who can say, this thing is what you think it is, or it is not."

Hu Sheng smiled and shook his head while being stunned, and changed the subject: "Director Lin, I really admire you. Although our movies have slowly gained popularity around the world before, they have never been recognized in North America. Only after you Even with global reach, the benefits to our industry as a whole are enormous."

Lin Juan shook his head: "Even if there is no me, there will be others. We just started a bit late, but we never lack talents."

Lin Juan's state of mind is very calm. If he was a young boy in the past, but instinctively kept a little naive and unsophisticated, now he knows the world but not the world, and really sinks down.

No one can not grow up.

Hu Sheng nodded. He agreed with this point. Although the entertainment industry is very chaotic in the public opinion, it is really chaotic. After all, which industry is full of profits? But in the same way, there are also a group of people who are dedicated to the film and are down-to-earth for China's film industry. China has no shortage of such people. Only with a long history of five thousand years can it achieve its current rapid development.


Lin Juan opened the car door, and the two sat in. The car drove steadily towards the hotel. Hu Sheng smiled and said, "It would be a pity without you. I like all your movies, and I like "The End of the World" the most. The movie is so touching, there seems to be no such type of movie in China, Director Lin, how did you write this kind of script."

"In the last period of my grandfather's life, I chatted with him for several months." Lin Juan said with a smile.

"Oh, that's no wonder, are those words in the movie said by the old man?" Hu Sheng asked curiously, Lin Juan shook his head and said, "He said some things that he regretted, but the one that impressed me the most was another sentence. "


"Some people you look at all your life, but you ignore them all your life. Some people you only look at once, but you remember them all your life." Lin Juan said flatly, not knowing what it was like, anyway, he would never say this to his grandma for the rest of his life. .

Hu Sheng was stunned for a moment, and didn't know how to answer the words. After a while, he sighed with emotion: "I agree with this statement so much, so I must choose the one I won't ignore when I get married."

Lin Juan gave him a funny look: "Are you going to get married in this life?"

"Of course, I'm just looking for... But Director Lin, you are a bit too abusive as a Daoist, so you won't be afraid of fans scolding you by then?"

"It's okay, they will get used to it in the future..."

The black nanny car drove the two of them away, and the words disappeared with the wind, gradually becoming inaudible.


In the pitch-black palace, Jin Jie sat on the head chair in a sackcloth robe, leaned slightly, propped his hands on his knees and said to everyone in the hall: "I called you here today, and there is something that needs to be announced to you."

In the main hall, all the elders and core disciples lined up neatly.

Mo Wen stood beside him with a worried expression on her face.

The disciples below showed doubts and looked at each other, Hu Sheng still smiled and asked with that foolish look: "What is it, master master."

Jin Jie glanced at Hu Sheng, and Lin Juan secretly admired the aura presented on the screen through the camera. This is really an actor with the best acting skills he has ever worked with. Watching him act is simply a pleasure .

"The following news may be difficult for you to bear, but I am here to assure you as the head of the Taoist sect. What I said next is absolutely true. After listening to what I said, if you don't want to Those who participate in the next operation can leave Daozong and go down the mountain on their own, because it is almost impossible for those who participate in this operation to survive, how about it? Is there anyone who is scared and wants to leave now?"

After the words fell, there was a lot of discussion in the audience, and Lin Juan carefully stared at every face in the camera, even the extras.

This scene is very important.

"Please tell the master clearly." There are old actors playing.

Jin Jie glanced at him, then returned his eyes to the center of the hall, stared at them for a second or two, and said: "Very well, then you can hear what I'm going to say next, if you want to leave later, I don't blame you, help me I'm telling the world the news."

"The theory of the spirit stone is a complete hoax, a big lie by Tiangong to deceive the world."


"As the head of the Dao Sect, I announce that starting today, 13,265 disciples of my Dao Sect will formally declare war on the Heavenly Palace! The Heavenly Palace will not be destroyed for a day, and my Dao Sect disciples will never become immortals! Only fight to the last person, never die!"

"For the common people of the world!"

full level director

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