Full-level Director

Chapter 314: A Sensation on the Internet


"The mythical universe is amazing!"

"Wait for a mythical universe global box office champion!"

"Dream, the champion belongs to our alliance!"

"Here it comes!! "War of the Liches" is coming, so is our "Sword Fairy" coming too?!"

"Damn it! Brother in front, you reminded me that the alliance is always chasing after the mythical universe!"

"Will it come? Will it come?"

"League dogs go away!! This is our board!"

In a certain university dormitory in Tianhai, Chen Yang, who was wearing metal-rimmed glasses, left an indignant message in "War of the Lich", and at the same time said in his mouth: "The fans of these alliances are orphans! Come to our mythology What did the plates of the universe say?"

"Hey, Chen Yang, don't hurt me by mistake, I'm a big fan of the alliance!" The buddy who slept on the upper bunk on the right said dissatisfiedly, and Chen Yang said angrily: "I didn't mention you, I said these stupid fans, the mythical universe is no better than you!" Does the alliance look better?"

"Have you seen the league and you just said it there?" The buddies on the top bunk were even more dissatisfied.

"What's so interesting about it? After watching "Captain Huaxia", I don't want to watch it. What's the difference with the anti-war drama? It can't compare to our own mythical universe."

"Don't talk about feelings, isn't the alliance our country?"

"Forget it, how many Chinese and how many Americans are there in the league? Worshiping foreigners."

"Why do you worship foreigners? Are there still few Chinese people in the alliance? Not to mention that there are four Sword Immortals who will come out soon, and Lin Juan has the ability to be famous all over the world, okay? "War of the Lich" It’s all copying the league’s model.”


"Oh, stop arguing. When the movie comes out, let's watch both of them. Let's have a meal together. Then we'll judge together."

"Anyway, even if I, Chen Yang, starve to death, I'll jump from here! I won't watch "Sword Immortal" either!!"

"what ever."


"Chen Yang snorted angrily, what a broken alliance, if you don't read it! Don't watch it!"

He lay on the bed to calm down his emotions and clicked on the trailer of "War of the Lich". The unhappiness quickly dissipated, and a look of anticipation rose in his heart.

Movies can bring people a lot, laughter, touch, inspiration, shock, excitement, anticipation...

When we are immersed in a story, we can enjoy the strangeness of being immersed in another world, which is why we love it.

The trailer for "War of the Lich" has officially appeared.

Accompanied by heavy and rapid drumbeats, the scene of the easter egg in "The Demon Emperor" reappeared.

Two strange beasts appeared on the stage, and Xuanming's deep voice sounded: "What are you looking for us for?"

Di Jiang looked up at the sky, and said majesticly, "Let's go to war."

The camera looked down at the vast wild land, and Di Jiang's lines sounded: "Since ancient times, our Wu Clan and the Yao Clan have been in constant disputes. In order to quell the disputes, Hou Hongjun ordered the Yao Clan to control the sky, and our Wu Clan to control the land. There have been countless epochs."

Along with his explanation, the pictures on the screen kept appearing, there was the war between the Wu Clan and the Yao Clan, there was Hongjun sitting cross-legged in the void, his figure was as huge as the universe, and there were also pictures of the two races governing separately. Looking at these pictures, Chen Yang's blood boiled gradually, and he subconsciously put his thumb in his mouth...

Then he bit his nails and continued watching.

"However, the monster clan was arrogant and arrogant, and the ten golden crows left the sun star to scorch the earth, causing countless deaths and injuries to our witch clan. Kuafu, the great witch of our clan, chased the sun in anger, and was besieged and killed by ten golden crows."

The battle between the ten golden crows and Kuafu is played back on the screen, even if you watch it again, it is still exciting.

"Houyi, the great witch of our tribe, gathered the power of the entire tribe to build a bow and arrow and shoot nine golden crows. The demon emperor was furious. The whole tribe of our witch tribe wanted to fight. Now a big war is inevitable."

After the replay, Di Jiang's face appeared on the screen, and he said in a deep voice: "From now on, I will order all the tribes to prepare for the battle with all their strength. When the time is right, my witch tribe will be killed in the heaven, and the demon tribe will become the protagonist of the world!"

After finishing these words, the screen switched, Tianting, Di Jun also stood on the throne with his hands behind his back, and there were millions of heavenly soldiers underneath, and his voice was magnificent: "The witch clan killed my nine sons and despised the heavenly court. From now on, my heavenly court will send troops to crusade against the witch clan!" , to send an order to the demon clan in the world, whoever sees the witch clan, kill without mercy!"

With the sound of killing without mercy, Chen Yang's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and his face flushed red! This scene is too hot!

The drumbeat became quicker, and in the next second, the screen was full of liches densely packed between the sky and the earth. The demons were in the sky, the witches were on the ground, and there were two people in front of the monster clan. With the heavy drums, he shouted: "Kill!"

The black tide surged on the ground, and the sky was overwhelmed by dark clouds. Both of them began to charge, the thunder was shining, and the two armies met in midair.

The screen began to switch rapidly.

A large formation covering the sky fell, a great bell shook, countless witch clans were wiped out, and a giant figure rose from the earth, its body pierced into the sky, and it fell with a fist.

The camera freezes on the collision between the fist and the formation, the distance between the two is only a tiny bit away! ! The giant's face was ferocious and he punched down. Behind the blue formation, Dijun's eyes were sharp. Under the side camera, countless armies were fighting in the vast world.


After a second of freeze, a line of subtitles fell.

"July 29th!!"

"Battle of the Lich!"


Then after the strong desire and dissatisfaction came the strong expectation, his eyes were hot and he posted on the Internet.

This is his long-awaited mythical universe! !

Once the trailer of "War of the Lich" was released, it immediately swept the entire Internet. In the real world, the posters of this movie have also begun to be fully deployed. Na is almost sparing no expense in promoting.

This time, I vow to start the momentum of the mythical universe! Let the fans who were disappointed before come back, everyone believes that as long as the Myth Universe is filmed well, the box office will definitely crush everything!

After all, this is Huaxia!

In Bona's chairman's office, Lao Yu watched "War of the Lich" firmly occupying the top searches on the Internet, with an expectant smile on his face.

Dust light.

Lin tired.

Do you still dare to come?

Fans of many alliances are also anxious.

"Why hasn't "Sword Fairy" been finalized yet?"

"Is the alliance still coming? Isn't Lin Juan afraid?"

"Aren't you brain-dead? Did someone in Chenguang say that it must be on the same schedule as the movie of the mythical universe?"

"I think it's good to avoid the limelight, even "Sword Immortal" is good, but if you avoid it, the box office will be higher."

"Can someone tell me if "Sword Immortal" is ready? Urgent!"

"Aren't you cowardly? Wasn't the alliance fan awesome before? Let's blow it up again!"

"Will we be cowardly? What a joke! When will your movie get a global box office of 15 billion worldwide."

There are constant discussions on the Internet, and the atmosphere is gradually becoming anxious. At this time, in the Chenguang Building, Lin Juan finished editing the last scene with a serious expression. After finishing the editing of the last scene, there was a relaxed smile on his face. He leaned back on the chair and took out his mobile phone. Make a call to Li Lan.

"Aunt Lan, the trailer is ready to launch."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Juan watched the full movie played on the computer screen with a smile on his face.

I, Lin Juan, never disappoint movie fans.

At noon of the same day, Chen Guang released the first trailer of "Sword Immortal". Once it was released, it caused a sensation all over the Internet. Ten minutes later, Weibo was paralyzed.

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