Full-level Director

Chapter 315: Fighting Heavenly Court

"Ahhh!! What did I spawn?? Trailer?!!"

"Damn!! It really came out? The release date... July 29th!"

"Oh my god! Are the gods really going to fight?"

"Both are Chinese-style movies, and the two movie universes. I'm so drunk and so happy."

"This is definitely a fight between gods and gods. It can't be done. What's the date today? Only the thirteenth? I beg some big brother to make the time faster!"

"Hahaha!! Who the hell said that our alliance is cowardly? Stand up for me!!! Don't be cowardly!!"

"If you ask for a hammer, if you ask for it so much, we will forcefully chase you and hammer it [nice job]!"

"Tribal dog! I'm sorry to go to the wrong set, come! Mythical dog, let me show you what a real Chinese-style movie is!"

"Director Lin is awesome!! [Broken sound]"


The news exploded at a speed of hundreds and thousands, and the preview of "Sword Immortal" was quickly searched on the top.

Then, Weibo was paralyzed.

The fans of the alliance who are excited are like a mouthful of old blood in their hearts. Don't mention how depressed they are, but at the same time they are happy. Look at how popular our alliance is!

The students who hadn't had enough chatting started to move to the circle of friends and major media apps, spreading the news of the finalization of "Sword Fairy" all over the country, as well as all brothers and sisters who love the alliance.

It was the alliance that gave them fans an unprecedented sense of honor.

And Lin Juan, a movie that has never disappointed them, not to mention the long-awaited "Sword Immortal" this time.

It already had the potential to explode, and with the provocations from fans of the mythical universe, there was a topic now, so once the trailer for "Sword Immortal" was released, it immediately caused such unprecedented enthusiasm. People in the industry saw this In such a situation, I can only sigh with envy that Lin Juan is worthy...

"Fuck! Sand sculpture netizen! I haven't watched the trailer yet!!!"

Song Peng sat in the shop he just opened and yelled. He was also one of the netizens who just had a carnival. He wanted to watch the trailer, but was attracted by the comments below and went to have fun for a long time. Now that Weibo is paralyzed, he immediately regrets not and.

I am so silly!

How to do it now?

"Why are you shouting, and the sanitation doesn't come to help." Song Qiao roared angrily. When she was picking up the shop, this person actually sat there playing with her mobile phone for a long time, looking for scolding!

"Daughter-in-law, wait, I'll just watch the trailer. The trailer for "Sword Immortal" is out, let me watch it." Song Peng hurriedly apologized, not being offended.

"Hmph, let's watch together, I'm not going to do it anymore." Song Qiao put the linen on the counter, walked up to Song Peng and sat down, then roared, "Where is the notice? What is this?"

Song Peng trembled when he was yelled at, but this trembling really gave off a flash of inspiration.

"Immediately, Weibo is down. I will search to see if there are any other websites."

Song Peng said that opening the webpage was a search, and he smiled when he saw the search results.

The preview of "Sword Immortal" has already appeared on several major video sites, Song Peng clicked his tongue,

this speed...

Song Qiao rolled her eyes, this idiot...

Quickly clicked on the playback, Song Peng took the mobile phone between the two of them, and smiled apologetically: "Daughter-in-law, look, it's out."

Bah, another man who became a captive of a woman.

There was a smile on Song Qiao's white and tender baby face, she was very satisfied with Song Peng's actions, and just about to say something, the trailer started.

An ethereal Xiao sound sounded, and there seemed to be a looming ox horn sound, thick and desolate. In the picture, the overall overview of Daozong appeared, with suspended mountain peaks, dense forests, pouring waterfalls, and a fire phoenix from the picture. From the upper left corner, fly to the majestic hall in the largest suspended peak, making a crisp phoenix cry.

A little boy and a little girl are sitting next to each other on the top of the mountain. Both of them have bright and clear eyes. The boy has a dull expression, and the girl is talking with an innocent smile, pointing at the bright stars in the sky. The picture is beautiful.

Song Peng immediately got goosebumps when the music started.

This is to kill the wolf!

"The body that has been sleeping for thousands of years wakes up from the rotten branches and leaves."

"It's the nightingale's desolate sigh that breaks the spell."

Although Deng Jinyu is a petite girl, her singing voice is full of a sense of power, which brings people into the rivers and lakes as soon as she opens her mouth.

Although Song Peng and the others thought it sounded good, they were all focused on the picture.

At this moment, the screen switched. Hu Sheng's hair was messy and he was stubbled. He looked quite downcast. He was still sitting on the top of the mountain, looking up at the stars in the sky.

Song Peng frowned, and there was a hint of sadness in Song Qiao's eyes.

it looks like...

This story seems a bit cruel.

"Who sealed the forgotten sword, followed Xiao Sheng and the horse's hooves."

The horse team was running wildly, a foot wearing cloth boots stepped into the soil lightly, and the white linen clothes were shaking slightly.

"find you."

A sharp sword crossed the sky, and in slow motion, it drew a void trajectory like a bullet mark in the air, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal.

"The most glorious sacrifice is a hero's, destiny."

"The moment I swung the sword, my heart was crying."

"Kid, look good, I'll teach you a trick today."

In the first line of the trailer, Jin Jie turned his head and smiled at Hu Sheng.

In the picture, Jin Jie took two steps forward, looked up at the sky, the picture was shown in the sky, a huge phantom figure stood quietly in the sky, and there were densely packed Yujian disciples fighting with people in the sky, he spread his five fingers, followed his Action, the ground began to shake.

Swords made of grass, trees and soil, mountains and rivers slowly rise from the ground, the camera zooms out quickly, and the entire ground is densely packed with sharp swords floating in the air, even the ever-increasing accompaniment paused for a while Second.

Then the next second.

The overwhelming swords shot straight into the sky, as if to cover the sky, and the music sounded again.

"Birth! It is to prove! Love, the trace of existence."

The bursting high notes and the high-speed Wan Jian rushing straight into the sky made Song Peng's scalp go numb the moment the music played again.

This scene flashed by, and it was cut off during Wan Jian's charge, which made people almost vomit blood, but soon, in the subsequent high-pitched and adapted utterances, scenes of bursting scenes also emerged one after another.

"I never believe in fate, don't tell me about heaven."

"What to do is up to me. I don't flinch or retreat."


There is a bloody vortex rolled up in the sky, there is a scene of Hu Sheng and the others fighting a strange beast, the protagonists appear one by one, and Su Muzhe slaps the ground with his palm, and a large silver formation suddenly rises around him with a radius of 100 meters. The thick furious thunder suddenly slashed at a strange beast that looked like a tiger.

There is Tina and Huofeng making out and playing, and there is Bai Qinghuan and Hu Sheng staring at the peach grove full of peach blossoms.

"Lonely waiting for the dawn."

When the music stops, the picture freezes on Hu Sheng in a white robe, standing on the top of the mountain with his eyes full of vicissitudes, surrounded by sharp swords, closing his eyes and shedding a tear.

The music stops, but the picture is not over yet. The last picture shows Hu Sheng walking towards a boulder step by step. As he approaches, the sky is gradually filled with thunder.

And Hu Sheng's voice sounded for the first time, low and firm.

"All disciples of my Dao Sect, officially declare war on Tiangong from today, Tiangong will not be destroyed for a day..."

"My Taoist disciple will never become a fairy!"

He stood still and looked up at the sky. At this time, there was a thunderbolt in the sky, but what happened, the camera did not show it, but it was directly blacked out.

The last is a few lines of big characters.

"July 29th!"

"The heavenly palace is immortal, and you will never become a fairy!"

""Sword Fairy"!"

Song Peng calmed down, and the first sentence was: "Heavenly Court has made a mistake, we are going to beat Heavenly Court..."

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