Full-level Director

Chapter 318 Premiere of

"Director Lin, you're not mean enough. You agreed to let me watch the movie when it's done in the later stage, but I've waited until now."

At the gate of the premiere venue, Lin Juan, Li Qingyu, and Hu Sheng were welcoming the guests present. Deng Qiqi jokingly said to Lin Juan after walking through the red carpet. Lin Juan smiled embarrassedly and said, "Too busy, That's why I specially invited you to the premiere to make up for it, and that's also my invitation."

After two cooperations, the relationship between the two can be regarded as friends, and this kind of ordinary joke is normal.

Deng Qiqi smiled, and turned to greet Li Qingyu and Hu Sheng. They were chatting, and the people behind also came, one by one. The cheers of fans from all walks of life sounded outside from time to time, which was extremely lively.

"Hello, Brother Hua, and Master Xing."

These two walked the red carpet together, the reason is that Master Xing didn't want to walk the red carpet by himself, so Liu Hua just accompanied him.

After shaking hands, Liu Hua patted Lin Juan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Director Lin, I'll see you tonight."

Lin Juan nodded with a smile: "I hope I won't disappoint Brother Hua."

"Hey, I can't talk about it. Director Lin, you haven't said anything bad about your movie yet, right Axing." Liu Hua praised with a smile, and even asked Master Xing, who said with a smile: "It's better than me anyway." Strong."

Lin Juan couldn't laugh or cry after being teased by these two people, he shook his head and stretched out his hand and said, "Please come inside."

They are all acquaintances, so don't be too polite, too polite would be boring.

"You don't want to talk to us yet, hey, forget it, let's go." Master Xing sighed and shook his head, and pulled Liu Hua in with a disappointed look. Hu Sheng accompanied them in, and Lin Juan said goodbye to them in a funny way. Continue to guard the door.

"Oh, I didn't expect Director Lin to welcome us one day." Liu Xing got skinny when he saw Lin Juan, and there was Yu Yan with him, a smile appeared on Lin Juan's face, and his heart rose when he saw them. With a touch of warmth, today's alliance members are more like comrades-in-arms with Lin Juan as the core, and the battlefield is the whole world. TV

"It's just in time to come, welcome me, I'm going to prepare a speech later." Lin Juan said with a smile.

"Ah? Isn't it?" Liu Xing was dumbfounded, and Yu Yan hurriedly said, "It's none of my business. I didn't say anything when I first came here, and I didn't even take a sip of water."

Lin Juan took a bottle of mountain spring from the side and gave it to Yu Yan, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Captain, this is mine. I haven't drunk it yet. Here it is for you. Come on."

As he said that, Lin Juan slipped away with Li Qingyu, who covered her mouth and snickered, leaving the two of them staring at each other, and Liu Xing shouted from behind: "Hey, director, you are unreasonable! You are unreasonable! You are cruel! You are ruthless! "

And Yu Yan looked at the bottle of mineral water and fell into deep thought. This scene seemed familiar.

In fact, Lin Juan just sent Li Qingyu to sit down, said hello to the people in the venue, and then came back after going to the toilet. Be a coolie.

At 5:50 p.m., all the guests have entered the arena, and the film critics, reporters, and audience are ready, and the premiere of "Sword Fairy" officially begins.

Amid the applause of everyone, Lin Juan stepped onto the stage, still with that restrained look, and said with a smile: "Welcome everyone to the premiere of "Sword Immortal", I am the director of this movie, Lin Juan. "

"I know!" A buddy in the audience suddenly howled, making the audience burst into laughter.

Lin Juan was stunned at first, and then couldn't help laughing, and then said: ""Sword Immortal" is the fourth hero character to appear in the alliance, and it is also a movie that supplements the world view. After this movie, our superpowers from China The background can basically be explained, and then after this movie, the remaining series will be big productions, and there will be very few individual hero movies, of course, few does not mean none.”

"I hope to surprise you, and that's what I enjoy making films."

"Actually, standing here at this moment, I feel a little complicated, because the production process of each film is full of hard work and sweat of a group of people, but after thinking about it, those should belong to us, and the film is what we bring to everyone. of."

"Then I won't say much. There is also an hour of question time after the movie. Let's... watch the movie first." Lin Juan turned off the microphone with a smile. He could feel the expectation of the fans in the audience, but he actually I can't wait to share the movie with you all.

When Lin Juan bowed slightly, the audience was stunned at first, and then applause and whistles rang out.

"Director Lin is awesome!!"

"We'll support you forever!"

"Long live the alliance!!"

The stars sitting in the front row couldn't help but look back. This festive atmosphere may only be possessed by the league.

The reporter couldn't help laughing and wrote all this with a pen.

When Lin Juan sat down, Li Qingyu, who was sitting next to him, gently held his hand, and gave him a gentle and encouraging smile. Lin Juan smiled slightly, and held her hand backhand.

In fact, Lin Juan is sometimes very grateful for his efforts. It is because of his hard work that he can achieve what he is today and find such a gentle and sensible woman as his wife.

In fact, sometimes he feels that he is not good enough for her, not because of anything else, but because besides being good at movies, his education, family and other aspects are not good enough for Li Qingyu at all.

The mediocre people in this world account for the majority, many of them are rude, barbaric, ignorant, and have twisted hearts. There are actually quite a few intelligent women like Li Qingyu, but they are not something mediocre men can meet. TV mobile terminal/

If it wasn't for the system, if it wasn't for my own hard work, I would be just an ordinary person, with an ordinary salary, a little kindness in my heart, and find a woman who is not so good and not so miserable to spend my life.

Thinking about such a life, Lin Juan couldn't help but cherish everything now.

Everything was silent, someone spoke to Lin Juan, saying that what he just said was good, Lin Juan just smiled politely, and then turned to look at the big screen.

At this point, the movie begins.

The golden dragon logo flew over, followed by the icon of Dust Light, the icon of Lin Juan Film Studio, and the icon of the special effects company, five in a row, and finally a scene familiar to the audience.

Directed by Lin Juan!

As these words were written, the hearts of the audience couldn't help being excited. These words had touched them too much.

The movie officially started, and as the screen appeared, the auditorium, which was still slightly discussing just now, became completely silent, and everyone looked at the screen seriously.


The fire is raging, and at dusk, a village built of wood and thatch is burning with flames. The fire and the setting sun render the color of the picture into a bloody color.

Corpses were lying everywhere in the village, and a four or five-year-old child in sackcloth lay crying on top of a man's corpse.

Da da da da da da...

The continuous sound of horseshoes sounded, and a horse team of twenty or thirty people appeared from the corner of the screen. The leader was a stout man with a beard. He glanced at the child and said indifferently: "Why don't you Is there any alive?"

Everyone in the horse team behind him was carrying burdens on their backs, and some of them were holding things like porcelain in their hands. Movie fans knew at a glance that this was a team of horse thieves.

Following the man's question, the cavalry rushed out without saying a word, and the royal horse rushed directly to the child. The man on the horse clamped the horse's belly, leaned over and held the knife with his left hand, and the sharp blade shone dazzlingly in the sun. boy neck.

Instead, the boy stopped crying and looked up at the horse thief. In those eyes...

A fire was burning.

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