Full-level Director

Chapter 319 Becoming a Hero

Seeing the picture on the screen at this time, Lin Juan recalled in his mind that when filming this scene, it was hard to find the leader of such a cavalry team, and the group actors were all young people. It's really difficult, there is so much effort in one scene, and there are no lines, so I am really embarrassed to invite those well-known actors.


His acting co-director brought in a boss from the hardware store next door...

When the boss came, he kept saying that he didn't know how to act, and he only practiced horse riding for a long time. Lin Juan smiled and asked him to imagine that he was a hero of the generation, and how he was so ruthless, so he had the current effect.

It came out pretty good.

The movie continues.

The knife slashed by the horse thief drew an arc in the air. Under the slow motion, the blade shone with a cold color, and it was getting closer and closer to the boy's neck.

And at this moment, a ray of sword edge appeared on the screen with lightning speed.

Double slow down.

In the original slow-motion world, the sword edge was still fast and fierce, piercing the horse thief's chest in an instant, and then piercing through.

There was no hand on the hilt of the sword.

The picture returned to normal, the horse thief fell to the ground, and the sword made a bend in the air, quietly suspended in front of the boy, and let out a clear sword cry, the boy looked at the sword with black eyes, and suddenly turned back to look.

"No, let's go."

The leader of the cavalry yelled and beat the horse, the hooves of the horses galloped, and the whole cavalry fled in a hurry.

At this time, the camera cuts, a linen boot is stepping on the ground, and the hem of the clothes is shaking slightly.

When his feet landed, the sharp sword in front of the boy pierced through the void like a bullet, making a loud bang that broke through the sound barrier, drawing an obvious sword mark in the air and flying away, the camera followed him all the time.

"call out!!"

"Bang bang bang bang~"

The sound of the sword piercing into the flesh was like a machine gun sweeping, and the camera seemed to be mounted on the hilt of the sword, following the sword piercing through the body of the horse thief. In just a few seconds, dozens of horse teams fell off their horses one after another.

All gone.

While the movie fans in the theater were still immersed in this scene, Fei Jian turned around and returned to a large white linen sleeve. The camera gave a panoramic view. An old man in gray and white linen appeared in the camera with his hands behind his back, looking at the crowds all over the floor. The corpse sighed slightly, then he squatted down and looked at the child with a smile on his face.

He is Ginger.

Looking at this scene, even though he knew it shouldn't be, someone in the theater couldn't help laughing, and whispered to the people around him, "He's smiling like a child kidnapper."

The child also looked at the old man, his black jewel-like pupils fixed on him tightly.

Jin Jie smiled and said kindly: "Little friend, do you have any other relatives?"

The child looked at the corpse on the ground, his eyes gradually filled with tears, but he stubbornly refused to cry any more.

Watching this scene, the movie fans in the theater felt a little uncomfortable, and even some soft-hearted people's eyes turned red in their hearts.

It's also strange, why did the audience not feel when he cried so loudly just now, but now that he didn't cry, the fans felt sad instead?

Jin Jie glanced at it, and knew it was gone, sighed, and smiled again: "Then you come with me."

After the boy was silent for a while, he asked in a childish voice, "Then can you teach me what I just did?"

"Why do you want to learn?" Jin Jie squatted and asked with great interest.

"I want to kill all those bad guys and become a hero just like my mother said!" The boy's stubborn voice sounded, with firmness, and the corpses all over the floor explained his words.

Jin Jie was obviously taken aback, then patted his knee with emotion and said, "What a dream, okay, I'll teach you."

The boy held Jin Jie's hand, looked at him and said, "Then I'll go with you."

Jin Jie looked at the little hand holding his hand, laughed loudly, and then said with a smiling voice: "If you want to learn, you have to ask me to be your teacher. Let's go, follow me back to the sect."

Jin Jie got up, walked back holding the child's hand, the child kept looking back at the parents' dead bodies, Jin Jie asked again: "What's your name?"

"My mother said, my name is Zhang Weiyu."

"Okay, from today onwards, you are my Taoist disciple."

The two walked away slowly, and here, the fire was getting hotter and hotter, gradually blocking the child's sight.

After a small plot, Lin Juan looked at Li Qingyu next to her, and saw that she was concentrating on the screen, and then looked back at other people, most of them had this expression, Lin Juan smiled slightly, and the main movie will be released next.

In fact, when he was writing the script, he was hesitant to add this paragraph, because this paragraph somewhat violated his fast-paced approach to shooting blockbuster films. If this paragraph was used, the rhythm of the entire movie would change.

After simulating shooting in the system, he finally chose this approach.

He is no longer satisfied with purely visual movies. If he can tell a good story on the basis of good visual effects, even if the pace is slower, I believe fans will accept it... right?

This time it was just an attempt, and looking at it now, the effect is not bad.

Lin Juan smiled slightly and looked up at the big screen.

The neck is a little sore.


After the scene just now, there was a burst of cheerful and relaxing music playing in the theater at this moment, and a picture of Jin Jie Yujian flying with a child appeared on the screen. The camera flipped, and a magnificent landscape suddenly appeared.

It is Daozong, and the magnificent suspended peak forest appears on the screen.

The two gradually approached from a distance, subtitles appeared on the screen, and the list of behind-the-scenes personnel from the director to the lead actor emerged one by one. At the same time, they also passed through dense forests, rivers, and came to the Daozong area. There are small courtyards and buildings appearing in the suspension peak, and disciples who are practicing martial arts or walking together, or discussing, or flying with swords, or even drying clothes, all of them stopped and bowed and shouted: "Master Master. "

The two of them kept going all the way, gradually approaching the huge main peak in the middle, with stone steps, forests, creeks, waterfalls, and numerous suspended peaks.

There are also all kinds of rare and exotic beasts, which amazed the movie fans in the theater. The scenes are too exquisite and perfect.

When the two landed in the square in front of the main peak hall, the subtitles had just ended. Many disciples dancing swords in the square saluted after seeing Jin Jie: "The real master."

"Well, tell the elders that I, Chen Buer, will accept disciples today!"


The next few scenes are Jin Jie accepting disciples, the little boy knelt and kowtowed three times in the main hall, while these were going on, in the crowd, there was a little loli carved in powder and jade secretly looking at the little boy, turning cute At the same time, some fans also guessed that the heroine's true destiny appeared.

"The child is still young, let him live with us, and give him an independent courtyard later."

In an exquisite courtyard, the head wife played by Mo Wen aroused comments from movie fans as soon as she appeared on the stage. This middle-aged woman, the years have left marks on her face, but she still has her unique beauty.

Thinking of something, Lin Juan looked back at Master Xing. He looked very seriously, with inexplicable sadness and nostalgia in his eyes.

But in fact, Mo Wen is also sitting in the first row at this time, the main creative team area.

"Well, it's okay to let Luo Er teach him how to practice." Jin Jie said with a smile.

The adults were talking in the room, while outside, the little Lolita sneaked up to Zhang Weiyu, blinked her big eyes and asked softly, "What's your name?"

"My name is Zhang Weiyu, what about you?"

"My name is Chen Luo." Little Lolita smiled, then leaned close to Xiao Weiyu's ear and whispered, "I'll take you to a fun place tonight."


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