Full-level Director

Chapter 322: Improperly a Hero


Following the sound of the giant dragon, the four of them froze, and Hu Sheng asked with a sneer: "Senior, what else is there?"

Knowing that they can use formations, everyone has some confidence in their hearts, but they don't dare to provoke the dragon, otherwise they don't know what will happen.

But the dragon didn't think so, it snorted: "Since you are here, then stay."

Saying that, it spewed out a mouthful of dragon's breath towards everyone.

Hu Sheng's complexion changed, and he shouted at Bai Qing, "Quickly open the formation!"

Daozong's big formation, of course, only she can know it.

After Hu Sheng shouted, he took a step forward, released the sword formula, and the sharp sword suddenly turned into nine in the air, and the hilts were connected and rotated rapidly, forming a silver-blue shield.

In the next second, the dragon's breath sprayed on the sword and shield.


With the sound of the flames spreading, the entire cave roared violently, and the violent flames spread and surrounded the crowd. With the swing of the giant dragon, all the stone pillars made the sound of being overwhelmed.

"You Daozong are despicable and shameless, helping Tiangong to deceive the world. Since you are here today, leave them all to me!"

The giant dragon seemed to be very angry. It struggled violently with its whole body, and at the same time breathed out another mouthful of dragon breath. Hu Sheng would soon be unable to hold on, so Su Muzhe hurried forward two steps: "Brother, I'll help you."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of talisman paper with his backhand, held it between the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, and placed it in front of his eyebrows. His eyes were sharp and his fingertips were shining brightly.

"Taoism: Thunder from the Nine Heavens!"

A circular formation disk appeared in the air, and countless thunderbolts fell, and then he took out a piece of talisman paper again: "Taoism: Great formation of floating stars!"

This time it was under their feet, a phantom of a star rose, and the dragon's breath was isolated.

"Taoism: Divine Lightning Cage!"

The trick of imprisoning Nine-Tails reappeared, and a huge array with a radius of 100 meters appeared, and the silver cage imprisoned the dragon. Tina also hurriedly helped, and used the sword control technique to split six swords and blast them on the dragon.

The light and shadow effect made the fans on the scene watch it intently and enjoy it secretly.

However, when everyone looked at the giant dragon, they found that there was nothing wrong with him. The sharp sword couldn't cut through its scales, and it didn't react at all when it was bathed in thunder and lightning.

"Thunder and lightning?" The giant dragon said disdainfully, and in the next second, thick dark clouds rose in the entire stone room, and dense thunder was brewing in the dark clouds.


At the critical moment, Bai Qinghuan's voice sounded, and following her words, a door like a water curtain appeared in front of everyone. Obviously, they could return to Daozong through this door.

"Hurry up!" Hu Sheng shouted hastily, but just as he took a step, a thunder beam with a diameter of tens of meters crashed down, the target...

It was the dragon himself.

"Ang!!" A dragon roar sounded, with pain, several people couldn't help but stopped and looked at each other.

"Splitting crooked?" Tina asked cutely.

The angry thunder directly smashed into the magma, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

"Look." Bai Qinghuan pointed to the top of everyone's heads, and the camera moved up. Accompanied by the ethereal and ancient prelude of "Slaying the Wolf", the top of the cave was covered with silver-white lines, forming a complex and vast formation. pattern.

"It turns out that what really suppresses it is the formation here."

Everyone's eyes were filled with shock, and so were the audience in the theater. The patterns presented in the screen at this time were so beautiful and shocking, comparable to the starry sky.

Chinese fairy.

That's what it feels like.

"You Daoists are all despicable and shameless! Immortals steal the spiritual energy of the world, if you dare not fight, let me come! Suppressing me is nothing!!"



The entire cave was filled with the roar of the giant dragon, crying blood, full of despair.


Everyone looked at Hu Sheng, and Hu Sheng also looked at the thick smoke that covered everything in a daze. It turned out that this was how the smoke came from at the beginning.

After a while, he said in a deep voice, "Go."

Following his words, everyone stepped into the portal one after another with heavy expressions and disappeared. At this time, the theater also exploded.

"What do you mean? The fairy world steals the aura from the world?"

"No wonder the master said that there is no aura in the world,

It turned out to be stolen from the fairy world. "

"Damn it, I'm getting goosebumps, this special effect is perfect."

"So the next step is to fight Tiangong?"

"It must be, haven't you seen the trailer?"

"Boom, boom, I thought this dragon was bad at first, but I didn't expect...it is indeed our totem."

"This dragon is so cute, he only scolds you for being mean and shameless."


The movie fans just watched it deeply, and now that the plot is over, they can't help expressing their opinions on this plot. This reversal is really unexpected, and is this specially arranged by the master?

Before I could think about it, the movie continued playing.

The place where the crowd appeared was the grassland on the top of the mountain where the hero and heroine used to come when they were young. The four of them looked around and then looked at each other in silence. In the end, Tina couldn't help but asked first: "Senior brother, what the dragon said just now... "

"Don't say it." Hu Sheng stopped her words, looked at the sky, everyone was silent for a while, and Tina said aggrievedly: "I'll ask the master!"



With a clear bird song, a flame sparrow with a wingspan of about five meters, covered in fiery red wings, and colorful feathers on its head flew from the sky. It landed in front of Tina accurately, and Tina touched it. He sat on its back, turned his head and asked, "Are you going?"

The three looked at each other, and finally Su Muzhe said, "I'll go with you."

As he spoke, he flew up and stood firmly on Yanque's back. Tina said, "Little Ling, let's go and find Master."

The two flew away, and some girls in the theater said to their boyfriends, "I want to raise one too."

Men can't laugh or cry, where can I get it for you, buy you a colorful pheasant, do you want to...


"Brother..." Bai Qinghuan raised his head and looked at Hu Sheng worriedly.

Hu Sheng glanced at her, smiled and said: "I'm fine, don't worry, Luo Er, what it said must be false, I'll go back to practice first."

As he said, Hu Sheng squeezed the sword formula in his hand, and the sharp sword came out of its sheath. He walked away with the sword. Behind him, Bai Qinghuan bit his lip, opened the portal, stepped into it and disappeared.

The camera followed Hu Sheng, who stood on the cloud with a dazed expression, all the way back to his small courtyard.

Just passing through the arch, he saw a familiar figure.

It was Jin Jie, standing quietly at the door of his room, with his back to him.

"You're back." Jin Jie's voice sounded, and as he said that, he turned to look at Hu Sheng, and a wild drama between actors began.

"Master." Hu Sheng was stunned.

"I heard what it said to you." Jin Jie stared at Hu Sheng, Hu Sheng's eyes fluctuated, he blinked, and then a smile appeared on his face, and said: "It's okay, master, I believe it is a lie Ours, stealing spiritual energy, just kidding, how to steal spiritual energy, haha, that dragon is very bad."

"But master, you are very unkind. You threw us there and almost couldn't come back."

As he said that, Hu Sheng stretched his waist, yawned a lot and said with a smile: "Okay, master, I haven't finished my evening class yet, why don't you go back first, hehe."

After Hu Sheng finished speaking, he bypassed Jin Jie and walked towards the door. This was actually a very rude move.

Jin Jie didn't move. After Hu Sheng took two steps, he lowered his eyes and said softly with a complicated expression: "It's true."

Hu Sheng behind him stopped suddenly.

Lin Juan quietly looked at the picture on the screen, waiting for the next scene, which will be the peak of acting in this movie!

When filming that scene, Lin Juan gave them plenty of time to prepare and asked them to go through it once, because that kind of emotion is not suitable for the second time, and it is not suitable for intermittent, and these two people did not let him down. The scene was played at its peak, and it was a thrilling performance.

"What did you say?" Hu Sheng didn't turn his head, his tone was trembling: "Master, I didn't hear clearly."

"I said, what it said is true. The reason why our world lacks spiritual energy is because Tiangong stole the spiritual energy of the whole world to feed itself, and the reason why our Taoist sect has sufficient spiritual energy is because the people who went to the fairy palace The spiritual energy will pass through the spiritual stone of our Taoist sect first." Jin Jie turned his head and looked up at Hu Sheng's back, his lines were full of monsters.

"Then why don't you stop them."

Hu Sheng didn't turn around, Jin Jie paused, and continued: "This is a secret that every head of Taoism knows, but we never dare to break it. Do you know why? Wei Yu."

"Because it's Tiangong?" Hu Sheng asked tremblingly.

"Yes, because it's Tiangong." Jin Jie answered, speaking faster, and his lines were full of oppression: "Even if we take the lives of tens of thousands of Taoists, we can't stop Tiangong! Do you still think we should stop it now? kindness?"

Hu Sheng turned around, looked at Jin Jie silently for two seconds with red eyes, his eyes were full of sadness and disappointment, after a while, he firmly replied: "Yes!"

"Why?" Jin Jie looked at Hu Sheng quietly, and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "We Taoist disciples do not lack spiritual energy, and we still have a chance to become immortals! Why do we have to sacrifice our lives for those mortals in vain? Not sure. It can be stopped."

"Because we are mortals." Hu Sheng looked at Jin Jie with tears in his eyes. He said this sentence loudly, and then continued loudly: "No one has the right to deprive us of what belongs to us."

Jin Jie looked at him, with expressions in his eyes ranging from gratification to sadness, similar to what he said about his daughter's marriage before: "Even if they are immortals?"

With red eyes, Hu Sheng replied affirmatively: "Even if they are immortals."

The scene was quiet for two seconds. During these two seconds, most of the audience in the theater felt an inexplicable passion.

Yes, we are all mortals! We respect immortals, but if immortals want to deprive us of the right to a better life, then slaughter them! But a small part fell silent.

The truth is, too often, too many people choose to compromise, and that's the reality.

Jin Jie nodded with a gratified smile, but at the next moment, he suddenly turned around and waved his sleeves, a gust of wind blew past, the door opened, and Hu Sheng flew in screaming uncontrollably.

The door was closed, Jin Jie turned his back to the door, looked up at the sunset, and said softly, "Go to sleep."


"Depend on!!"

There was a burst of soft yelling and cursing from various places in the theater, and the excitement that everyone was watching was brought into the protagonist, but Jin Jie locked up his sleeves, which was aggrieved.

I thought you were a good person just looking at your expression!

Some film critics were thoughtful, this line... Is it expressing and insinuating something? When discussing with each other, someone asked this question, and the other laughed suddenly: "Maybe it's like a magic spell? Something like reality."

Hu Sheng didn't struggle when he was locked in the room, but with a dull expression and a dead heart. After a while, he sat on the bed, as if he was a child, hugging his legs, resting his chin on his knees, his eyes were empty.

Screen playback.

"Then you come with me."

"Then can you teach me what I just did?"

"What do you want to do after learning?"

"I want to kill those bad guys and become a hero just like my mother said!"

When the screen came back, only the immature but firm voice of the child played back.

I want to kill those bad guys...be a hero.

When a hero...

Outside, the night was getting darker, at some point, a pair of small hands pushed open the door of his room again, Bai Qinghuan walked in, closed the door, came to the sleeping Hu Sheng and gently pushed him.

"Brother Wei Yu..."

Hu Sheng opened his eyes, full of exhaustion.

He looked at Bai Qinghuan, smiled and said, "Luo Er, why are you here?"

"I'm worried about brother Wei Yu."

"I'm fine, you can go back quickly, if my wife finds out, she'll have to skin me." Hu Sheng smiled wearily.

Bai Qinghuan lowered his head and was silent for a while, then raised his head and looked at Hu Sheng distressedly and said, "Brother Wei Yu, can you accompany me to Luoxingping?"

Hu Sheng looked at her, and smiled slightly after a while: "Okay."

After the two of them arrived, the audience knew that Luoxingping was the lawn where the two of them often went, and the two of them strolled through it, and the Milky Way was as gorgeous and vast as ever.

Hu Sheng rolled up his robe, sat lightly on the grass, and asked Bai Qinghuan who was sitting beside him: "Luo Er, do you know that before today, I have never doubted Master, even if it is the Long said that, I dare not ask the master."


Hu Sheng was silent for a while, then asked: "Luo Er, what do you mean by a hero?"

"Luo'er doesn't know, but in Luo'er's heart, Brother Wei Yu is a hero."

Hu Sheng turned to look at Bai Qinghuan, stared for a moment and then shook his head: "I'm not a hero."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Xinghe, and said softly: "I don't know why Master told us the truth. When I first learned the truth, I wished I could die with Tiangong, but after sleeping, I felt that I couldn't do it." to lose you."

"I've lost my parents once, and I can't lose them a second time."

"Luo Er can't lose brother Wei Yu either." Bai Qinghuan replied.

Hu Sheng showed a smile, raised his hand and rubbed his soft white hair, then looked at the starry sky and said: "If the world is really as vast as the master said, I really want to take a look."

"Luoer wants to go too."

The two looked at the starry sky side by side. After a long time, Bai Qinghuan turned his head to look at Hu Sheng. The camera passed behind them, and the figures of the two occupied the entire frame. Bai Qinghuan's side face was a little blurry under the dim light, but That eye reflects the galaxy.

"Actually, brother Wei Yu, do you really want to go?"

"Huh?" Hu Sheng also turned his head, and the two faced each other, so in the picture, only a silhouette could be seen of the profiles of the two people, and there were stars twinkling in the distance between them.

"You really want to destroy the Lingshi, right? There must be no one guarding the Lingshi now. If Brother Wei Yu wants to go, go. It's Brother Wei Yu's childhood dream to be a hero." Bai Qinghuan said seriously.

Hu Sheng also stared at Bai Qinghuan, smiled suddenly, and said softly: "No, from today onwards, I don't want to be a hero anymore."


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