Full-level Director

Chapter 323: Fighting the Heavens


Accompanied by Hu Sheng's sentence "I don't want to be a hero anymore", some people in the theater couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

I love you more than the world.

Suddenly a little craving for a drink.

The camera zoomed up, and above the clouds, a figure stood with his hands behind his back, scolding with a smile: "Stinky boy."

He sighed, looked up at the bright moon, above the clouds, the bright moon was huge and bright.

After gazing for a moment, he said to Mingyue, "someone must do it."



In the early morning, the ancient giant bell rang nine times, resounding throughout the Taoist sect.

"What's the matter? Nine bells?"

"I don't know, let's go."

There were people talking about it everywhere in Daozong, and then they all went to the main hall with their own means. In the big panoramic screen, among the magnificent mountains and rivers, strange beasts and Yujian's flying figures all gathered in the main hall.

The camera shows Hu Sheng. He was meditating in the room. He suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the bell ringing. Many people who were traveling together landed on the square in front of the main hall together.

"Senior brother, do you know what's going on?" Su Muzhe came over and asked, and Tina was with him, and she also asked anxiously: "Yes, senior brother, could it be related to what we heard yesterday?"

"I don't know, let's go in first." Hu Sheng said solemnly, and then led the two of them into the main hall. At this time, there were already some true disciples and elders in the main hall, and Jin Jie sat tall On the seat of the door, one hand rests on the knee, and the other elbow rests on the knee, in a complete sitting posture of a boss.

Bai Qinghuan and Mo Wen stood on either side of him.

Bai Qinghuan frowned and looked at Hu Sheng worriedly, and the others stood in their positions after exchanging glances.

"Is everything here? If everything is here, then I will start talking." Jin Jie said after looking around the audience, full of aura.

"Please tell the master."

"You are called here today because there is something that needs to be announced to you."

Mo Wen stood beside him, looking worried. Hu Sheng looked around and asked with a smile, "What's the matter, master?"

"The following news may be a bit unbearable for you..."

"If you want to leave later, I don't blame you, you help me tell the news to the world."

"The theory of the spirit stone is a complete hoax, and it is a big lie by Tiangong to deceive the world!"

"The real function of spirit stones is not to gather aura, but to absorb the aura of heaven and earth and transmit it to the fairy world. They steal the aura of our entire world! As a result, mortals have many diseases, short lifespans, and few spiritual roots, including our parents and elders. and our future children."

"We are the last ascetics of the entire mortal race and the only ones who know. If we do nothing, there will be no hope for the whole world."


"As the head of the Dao Sect, I declare that starting today, my Dao Sect will officially declare war on Tiangong. The Tiangong will not be destroyed for a day, and my Dao Sect disciples will never become immortals! Even if we fight to the last person, we will never die!"

"For the human race."

"For the common people of the world!"

Jin Jie's loud voice spread throughout the Taoist sect, and after a brief silence, the same shout sounded from every corner of the mountain.

"For the human race!"

"For the common people of the world!"

Hu Sheng looked at Jin Jie excitedly. Everyone present at this moment was excited and excited. They didn't know what the result would be, but being able to participate in such an event, the sense of pride and honor can already be overwhelmed. Let them put the result behind them first.

At this time, the movie fans in the cinema also watched with enthusiasm and became fans. Jin Jie is so handsome. I thought this old man was cowardly before, but I didn't expect him to be so handsome.

The plot reached a climax, and Jin Jie in the movie announced: "All prepare for the battle for three days. If there are any disciples who want to leave, leave quickly. After three days, my Taoist sect will break the spirit stone and start a war with the sky!"


"Wow~ Master is so handsome! Let's fight against the sky!"

In the peach blossom forest,

Tina walked backwards, chattering towards Hu Sheng and the others, her face was full of excitement, her blue dress and white skirt fluttered in the wind, her hair fluttered lightly, accompanied by falling flowers all over the sky, the scene was beautiful.

The other three laughed lightly, and Hu Sheng said seriously after laughing: "But this is a war with Tiangong, and I don't know if we can win."

"Master is so powerful, of course he can win, and if it doesn't work, let's break the spirit stone and run away. Do they have another spirit stone?" Tina was very optimistic.

"I think they can create two spirit stones if they can create one, so unless they are completely defeated, there is no way to stop them." Su Muzhe shook his head and said calmly.

"That's not to be afraid, Master will definitely defeat them!" Tina was full of confidence, Su Muzhe smiled and said, "Forget it, the worst thing is death, and it's a well-deserved death."

"Bah, you just died, but I didn't expect Lingshi to be the culprit. I used to treat it as a treasure in vain."

"I really didn't expect that, and I didn't expect that Master would do this suddenly today. Hey, by the way, senior brother, did you see Master yesterday? The two of us searched all over yesterday but couldn't find where Master is."

Hu Sheng had been thinking about something on his mind. At this time, after hearing Su Muzhe's question, he let out a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "I see, maybe he let us see the dragon yesterday just to test our reaction, no matter what, this For a few days, everyone is ready to do their best, and we cannot lose."

"En." Everyone nodded, and then continued to move forward. Tina jumped to Bai Qinghuan's side and put her arms around her shoulders: "Hey, Xiao Luo, why don't you talk~"


The camera slowly moved away. In the next few days, everyone was preparing for the battle with all their strength. Those who practiced swordsmanship practiced swordsmanship, those who played formations set up formations everywhere in Daozong, and those who played spells concentrated on drawing talismans. A picture to show this atmosphere.

After three days, all the disciples gathered in the main hall again.

"Report to the sect master, a total of 361 disciples of the sect have left in the past few days, including Yuan Tiangang..."

"Okay, needless to say, from today onwards, these people will no longer be disciples of my Dao Sect." Jin Jie waved his hand and said in a moody manner, then looked around the hall, stared quietly for two seconds and said, "Let's go!"

A group of people came to a circular square paved with bricks and stones. In the square stood a huge rock about ten meters high, on which the word Lingshi was written in cinnabar.

"All prepare for battle." Jin Jie's loud voice spread across the field, and then a louder voice sounded in the next second, which was the response of all the disciples in unison: "Follow the decree of the sect master!"

Driven by the disciples of the formation, a large colorless formation rose up, and a circular shield covered an area of ​​tens of meters around the spirit stone. The rest of the disciples also held their swords and waited.

The movie fans in the theater were all excited when they saw this scene, the long-awaited battle is finally coming!

Lin Juan felt that Li Qingyu was holding his hand with some strength, turned her head to look, and saw that Li Qingyu was still staring at the screen. This was just a subconscious action because of her nervousness. Lin Juan couldn't help but chuckled. Too involved.

He turned his head to look around, and found that everyone was looking at the screen intently. He smiled and turned to look at the big screen.

At this time in the movie, after everyone got ready, Jin Jie took his hand out of his robe and pinched a sword formula with his fingers, then a Qingfeng sword flew out of his sleeve robe immediately, Jin Jie Staring at the spirit stone, after a while, he stretched out his palm and shouted softly: "Cut!"

Suddenly, raging flames emanated from his sword, and at the same time he swung it automatically, and a series of sharp sword energy bombarded Lingshi like a missile.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the huge spirit stone was easily destroyed.

The disciples who maintained the formation looked at each other, this...is it?

Hu Sheng also looked at the location of the original spirit stone in doubt, so simple?

When the scene was a bit turbulent, Jin Jie kept looking at it solemnly. Gradually, the smoke cleared, and a bright yellow light appeared in the smoke.

"Be careful!" Jin Jie's complexion changed and he shouted when he saw the ray of light, but it couldn't change anything, and something strange happened in the next second.

That ray of yellow light instantly expanded, a huge circle of energy ripples swept across the four directions, and the surrounding formation was easily destroyed. Everyone present was lifted up by the ripples at the same time, and fell to the surroundings fiercely. The scene was flying sand and stones, only Jin Jie and Mo Wen, as well as the sharp swords in front of several old men and elders, constructed a colorless energy shield from the tip of the swords, protecting themselves comprehensively.

At the same time, a yellow beam of light shot straight into the sky, and the sky suddenly turned gray, and a vortex appeared, and the vortex showed signs of slowly shifting towards the bloody color.

The scene at this time is like nightfall, and the bright yellow beam of light is particularly obvious.

"What's this?"

"Is this the real spirit stone?"

"The Heavenly Palace is coming!"


The camera was focused on Hu Sheng who was lying on the ground and watched this scene in shock. The surrounding discussions could be heard clearly. He got up, turned his head to look around, and looked anxiously: "Luo Er! Feng Ling! Han Tao!"

"Brother, I'm here!" Bai Qinghuan ran over from the front, and he didn't seem to be affected by the situation, but that's right, it was already vaguely pointed out that Bai Qinghuan's spiritual power was higher than Hu Sheng's.

"Luo Er, are you alright? Where are Feng Ling and the others?"

"We're fine." Tina and the others also appeared, and the four of them met again. Su Muzhe looked at the vortex solemnly and said, "That spirit stone is opening up the two realms."

Hu Sheng said seriously: "If something happens later, the four of us must not be separated, junior brother, you are good at formations, protect the two junior sisters."

"Disciples of Dao Sect listen to the order!" Mo Wen's shout spread all over the place.

"Ready to fight!"


Just when all the Taoist disciples regrouped, the vortex in the sky turned completely blood-colored, and heavenly soldiers and generals descended from the vortex like dumplings. They were wearing silver armor, holding halberds, and smashed to the ground There is a pit on the top, and there are also those that are suspended in the air and do not fall, and soon they are densely packed to occupy half of the sky.

Then, a loud voice spread in all directions.

"Mortal, why do you want to destroy the Lingshi?"

Many movie fans in the theater immediately felt familiar when they heard it. This is the voice that appeared in the Scarlet Space in "Havoc in Heaven".

"Spiritual stones plunder my mortal spiritual energy, shouldn't they be destroyed?" Jin Jie raised his eyebrows and asked mockingly.

"Mortal people are like ants, even if they have aura, they will not enjoy it. If you enshrine it to us, we can still bless mortals."

"Blessing? Although we mortals are worthless, we have always firmly believed that man can conquer nature, and we don't need other people's blessing!" Jin Jie said coldly.

"The universe is vast, if it weren't for us, your world would have been destroyed long ago."

"Aren't you just afraid that if the world is destroyed, you won't be able to harvest spiritual energy?" Mo Wen also said a word.

"Bold! Mere mortals dare to disrespect gods and gods, heavenly soldiers and generals, kill!" The deafening roar echoed in the world.

"Disciple of Dao Sect! Prepare to meet the enemy!" Mo Wen shouted loudly, everyone responded in unison, and a big battle broke out.

"Damn Ge, I never thought that one day we would be able to kill two heavenly soldiers!"

The camera was shown to Hu Sheng, and a fellow actor next to them shouted that this was really the group of actors who robbed the scene during filming, but Lin Juan thought it was interesting and added it.

On Hu Sheng's side, he said seriously: "Junior brother!"


A silver formation emerged, ready to fight.

The camera zooms in to the panoramic view, at the front of the battlefield, a sharp sword pierces the heart like an angry dragon, tearing a huge hole in the crowd of heavenly soldiers.

Countless Daoist disciples rose up with their swords, and there were formations blooming with brilliance. Flying swords, talismans, magic weapons and other things fell on the heavenly soldiers. The sky was thunderous, and the sky was burning. People's hearts, the next second, the two armies collided.


The shouts shook the whole field. At this point, the camera began to show the battle scenes of small battlefields, walking all the way until they came to Hu Sheng and the others.

Hu Sheng's nine-handled flying sword pierced through the air to kill the enemy, surrounded by formations, and the heavenly soldiers were not allowed to take half a step forward. Bai Qinghuan was surrounded by flying swords, and when he squeezed the magic with his hands, a huge formation disk appeared on the ground, and countless thorns rose up one after another. , Pierce the Heavenly Soldiers.

Tina shouted: "Good job Luoer! Xiao Ling!!"


A Flame Sparrow flew from the sky and breathed out a pillar of flames, turning the surroundings into a sea of ​​flames.

And Su Muzhe smiled slightly, flung out a piece of talisman paper, and shouted: "Nine Heavens Fall Thunder."

The scene was shocked by thunder and thunder.

"How can I make these heavenly soldiers so weak?" Tina said excitedly, and Hu Sheng said immediately: "Don't be careless, not all of them in Tiangong are immortals, some of them are similar to ordinary people, but there must be some powerful people .”

"There is no such thing as a powerful person." Tina was talking, and the core battlefield in the distance, that is, Jin Jie's place, below the vortex, a figure suddenly swelled a hundred times, turning into a 100-meter giant, sweeping away countless Taoist disciples, etc. When those people landed, they were already corpses.

Four more people held four weapons including pipa, guqin, and umbrella, causing great destructive power on the battlefield.

"Could it be the Giant Spirit God and the Four Heavenly Kings?" Tina opened her mouth wide.

"You should have hit the mark." Hu Sheng said helplessly.

"Dad!!" Bai Qinghuan yelled anxiously suddenly, but it turned out that it was Jin Jie who charged at the Giant Spirit God with his sword, but was knocked flying with a hammer, and the next second, the Giant Spirit God roared and fell to the ground with a hammer, invisible The air wave exploded, and the formation on Hu Sheng's side, which was closer to the battlefield, instantly shattered, and the four of them also flew upside down. Hu Sheng spat out a mouthful of blood when he fell to the ground.

In the picture, the air wave has been expanding, and the jungle and vegetation on the entire map are hit by the circular air wave, which is full of visual impact.

The battlefield is quiet.

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