Full-level Director

Chapter 331 Finalizing

"Wait a minute, have a cup of coffee, I told Lin Juan about this, he is very interested."

In the Chenguang Building in Tianhai City, Li Lan smiled and said to the young man sitting opposite. The young man nodded and said with a smile, "Good."

He looked calm on the surface, but his hand holding the coffee cup was shaking a little.

Lin Juan...

Can his work be admired by him? The most successful director in the country.

"That...is your name Chen Du?" Li Lan asked with a smile, the young man nodded with a smile, and said politely: "Yes, your name is Chen Du, and your stage name is Baozi, because you have loved to eat steamed buns since you were a child."

Li Lan covered her mouth with a smile and asked, "Why did you think of making this kind of movie in the form of animation?"

"The first is because the investment will be relatively small, and the second is because it would be awkward to shoot this kind of movie with a real person, so I want to use the animation movie..."

"Do you know what the current domestic animation film market is like?" Li Lan asked.

"Well, I know." Baozi nodded, and this was where he was least confident in convincing investors.

"We invested in an animation film "The King of Elves" before, and the fans' reputation was not bad, but the box office lost everything. At present, the most successful animation film in the domestic box office market is Hollywood's "Zootopia" with 1.5 billion yuan. The highest box office of Guoman is "Bear Infested" with 600 million yuan, and you said that you will invest 100 million yuan in this movie, which is not considered an announcement, and you have no other works before, so how can you be confident that you can get back the investment?"

Li Lan said calmly.

Yes, I didn't expect it... The highest box office domestic animation movie is actually "Bear Infested"...

Chen Du felt sweaty on his forehead. He did not have any other works published before, only one award-winning short film resume, and that was many years ago.

"Mr. Li, I don't have anything else, just this script that I have polished for a long time, and that short film that I made by myself in two years." Chen Du is very bachelor and sincere. He was driven to a corner, and there was no other way.

Li Lan smiled helplessly, at this moment she couldn't help but compare with Lin Juan.

When Lin Juan first came here, at least he brought the complete movie. They didn't need to invest in it. This steamed stuffed bun... came here with a script and a one-minute short film, and it cost 100 million to open his mouth...

Who is crazier?

Just as she was thinking, the phone rang. When Li Lan saw that the caller was Lin Juan, she immediately made a gesture to Chen Du and answered, "Hello? Little Juan, have you read the short film and the script?"

"Look a little bit, Aunt Lan, can I say a few words to him?" Lin Juan's voice sounded.

"Okay, I'll put the speakerphone on." Li Lan said, put away the phone, turned on the speakerphone and said to Chen Du with a smile, "Lin Juan wants to say a few words to you."

Chen Du's heart skipped a beat, he got up after suppressing the tension in his heart, rubbed his hands on his trousers, walked over, smiled and politely called to the phone: "Director Lin."

"Hello, is Director Baozi?" Lin Juan said in a gentle voice.

"Yes, it's me. Hello Director Lin, I admire the structure of your movie."

"Thank you, I have a few questions to ask you, did you write this script yourself?"

"Yes, it's me."

"How much are you prepared to invest?"

"One hundred million, because I counted, there are a total of 1,300 special effects shots, and the effect can't be shot any less..."

"If all CG production is used, how much do you think it will cost? Do you have the confidence to do it well?"

"This... I haven't thought about it." Baozi was stunned, full CG? I dare not even think about anime, let alone CG...

Although full CG is definitely more shocking, no matter how good the effect of animation is, it is still an animation movie, and there are inherent limitations. If it is CG, it is an epic blockbuster, but he is a new director...

"I'll help you, are you confident?" Lin Juan said with a smile in his voice.

Li Lan couldn't sit still anymore, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Sorry to interrupt, Xiaojuan, have you made up your mind?"

"Well, Aunt Lan, we should do something meaningful." Lin Juan's tone was slow but firm, and it could be heard that he had thought carefully.

"What scale are you going to do?"

"The size of the alliance."

Li Lan was silent for a moment, then shook her head and smiled helplessly: "It's up to you, you decide, I believe in you."

"Thank you, Aunt Lan. I think this should not be any more unreliable than when I used to find you with my mobile phone." Lin Juan laughed over the phone.

Baozi was terrified listening to it.

what's the situation? Didn't I come to talk about anime? Why did it suddenly become full CG? Also the size of the alliance?


"Understood, you are the big director and you have the final say, but don't try to ignore Aunt Lan. If you decide, we must take a stake." Li Lan said angrily. Although he felt a little crazy in his heart, Lin Juan was actually optimistic. , she must keep up.

She looked at Chen Du in front of her, and the more she thought about it, the more strange it became. A crazy person met an even crazier person.

Then let you go to toss, I will accompany you to the end.

"It depends on whether Director Baozi agrees or not. Uh... Sorry, Director Baozi, what is your full name?"

"My name is Chen Du." Chen Du quickly replied.

"Okay then, Director Chen, do you agree?"

"Am I still in charge?"

"Of course, this is your project. I will supervise, but generally I will not interfere."

After a few seconds of contemplation, Chen Du nodded solemnly: "I agree!"

Disagreeing is a shame!

"Then... happy cooperation." Lin Juan said with a smile.

After saying a few more words, Lin Juan hung up the phone, put down the phone, tapped his fingers on the table, and looked at the screen on the computer in thought.

If this movie is going to be full CG, the difficulty is quite high, even higher than the difficulty of filming the alliance.

Just look at "Pandora" to see what the current CG technology can do. It was still ten years ago, but it is still a problem to make this movie, not a technical problem, but cumbersome.

To make such a mythical movie, the character models, scene design, and special effects shots involved in it are all massive. If the animation special effects shots cost one thousand and three, then if CG is used, it must be at least three thousand or more. , The requirements for the original painting are also higher, which makes people feel dizzy when they think about it.

However, I think Baozi has been preparing for so long, so he should have some experience in character models, scene design and so on.

Lin Juan smiled, he didn't want me to do it anyway...


If one day I can see my Huaxia film rise to the top of the world, that would be really great...

"Xiao Juan, come out and eat melons!" Chen Lin's voice sounded in the hall, Lin Juan agreed and went out the door with a smile, leaving that to Baozi for the time being, as for himself, he should focus on the alliance, now the alliance has entered At the critical period, he couldn't get out.

On Tianhai's side, Li Lan also formally signed a contract with Chen Du, but it was for this film. The directing fee was the same as Lin Juan's at the beginning, 500,000 yuan, plus 2% of the box office profit share. After all, with such a high investment, it is impossible to give too much, and if you lose money, you will get nothing.

Five hundred thousand is not much at all for a film that has not been produced for at least three years, but for him, the most important thing is this opportunity.

In any case, the "Nezha" project was finalized quietly.

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