Full-level Director

Chapter 332 Conflict

"What were you talking about just now? What was one or two hundred million?"

While eating watermelon outside, Chen Lin asked curiously, Lin Juan smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's an investment for a movie."

"What movie? Aren't you a director? Why invest in other people's movies?"

"Oh, don't worry about my son, I told you that you don't understand, so I asked all kinds of questions." Dad poked Chen Lin with his elbow, and Chen Lin said unhappily, "Let me ask what's wrong. "

Lin Juan laughed and said quickly: "Okay, okay, it's okay, I just invest in a mythological film, and I think the script is pretty good."

Grandma was eating watermelon and watching "The End of the World" on her tablet. Lin Juan turned around and asked, "Grandma, why are you watching this again?"

A few days after he came back, he found that grandma watched this movie whenever she was free.

Grandma smiled and gave a wrinkled thumbs up: "It looks good."

Her short silver hair was combed meticulously.

"Your grandma watched this movie whenever she was free, but she cried less during this time." Chen Lin said.

Grandma nodded, with a kind smile on her face: "I'm not crying, I feel much better after watching a movie. If your grandpa is still alive, I'll take him to walk this way too."

"I'm afraid I can't walk now." Lin Zheng said with a smile: "It's been on the news for a few months, and that road is blocked again. I don't know how many people drive to Hainan by that road. There are movies along the road. I went camping at those spots here, imitated the lines in the movie, and got married in Hainan..."

Lin Juan couldn't help but nodded his head. He also knew that sometimes when he used Douyin, he could see some people imitating their lines in those places, which was very interesting.

My fans of Datianchao will still play it.

The family chatted, and after a short rest, Lin Juan returned to his room to continue writing the script, and chatted with his newly added friend, Baozi, to discuss production issues and so on.

After staying at home for a few days, I still have to find time to attend a meeting held at Jiangcheng University. Lin Juan went to give a speech to the students in the school. The day before, did any students return to school early...

Now Lin Juan has become a city card.

Three days later, Lin Juan didn't have time to stay at home anymore, so he boarded a plane to the United States.

In fact, the mood is not bad. For Lin Juan, this is a bit like traveling, and he doesn't know what's going on with his personality. He feels a sense of freedom when he takes the train or plane...

Is there any similar?

The first-class cabin is almost equivalent to a closed small room, with TV, air-conditioning, and the service of exclusive first-class flight attendants...

Maybe it was because of Lin Juan’s peaceful appearance. The stewardess asked Lin Juan for an autograph. Lin Juan watched a banned horror film that had no resources in China on the plane. Lin Juan, who analyzed the camera and makeup special effects throughout the process, said that he was not frightened. , was all guessed, and then he fell asleep peacefully, and chatted with Li Qingyu after waking up until the plane landed.

Walking out of the New York airport wearing sunglasses, Lin Juan suddenly heard a familiar shout: "Hey! Boss!! I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

Lin Juan turned around and saw Will's enthusiastic face, that proud look...

Lin Juan hugged him with a smile, and asked, "Why do you have time to pick me up?"

He should be on the set of "Thor 2" at the moment.

"Donnie and I have nothing to do today, so I came here to greet you." Will winked and said, Lin Juan nodded and said, "Thank you, where is Donnie?"

"He's in the car, and he said he didn't want to cause a stir at the airport." Will spread his hands and said helplessly, full of teasing at his friends.

Lin Juan smiled dumbly and said, "Let's go, now you have attracted attention."

Here, Lin Juan's face is not as recognizable as Will's, and some fans are already pointing at this place, ready to move.

The two of them came to the exit together, and a stylish red sports car stopped at the exit. Donnie, who was wearing gray sunglasses and an airplane head, got out of the car, took off his sunglasses, looked at Lin Juan carefully and said with a smile: "We The total boss is here."


He opened his arms.

A man's friendship is always silent.

Lin Juan smiled and hugged him, when suddenly there was a scream next to him, and a blond girl pointed to this side and exclaimed, "Ah!! It's Tony!"

"I think we have to leave quickly." Lin Juan said while looking over there. There were already a large number of fans preparing to gather there. Downey nodded and praised, "Good idea."

Will, who was sitting in the car, yelled, "Get in the car!"


"Director Lin, how do you plan to arrange this time?" Will asked.

Downey was driving, and Lin Juan was sitting in the co-pilot. He responded, "Come to visit the crew to check the shooting situation of the two crews, and promote "Sword Immortal" by the way. By the way, how much is the box office of "Sword Immortal" now?"

Of course, Lin Juan asked about the domestic box office in the United States. Downey was about to speak, but Will had already answered: "It's not bad, it's already 130 million US dollars, and the final 200 million US dollars is estimated to be no problem."

Lin Juan nodded thoughtfully.

This is already the best record for a Chinese-language film in the United States, and it can be expected. The popularity is definitely not as good as "Iron Man" and "Thor".

Take your time, at least now there is a fever of cultivating immortals in many places in the United States.

"Then how is your filming going?" Lin Juan asked with a smile.

Recently, due to being too busy, he has no time to stare at the filming of "Thor" like he did the year before, so he can only come over to take a look when he is free now.

"It feels okay, and I shot it strictly according to your script." Downey said with a smile, Will also nodded, and then said: "This time Chris is awesome."

"Really? Why do I remember that he should be miserable in the script?"


The group chatted and arrived at an indoor studio in New York. The crew of "Thor 2" was filming here. The arrival of Lin Juan made the atmosphere of the crew a little strange, which also came from the director and staff of the crew.

"Hi, Lin, long time no see. Let me introduce you. This is the director of our crew, Hopson, a well-known Hollywood director." Chris introduced Lin Juan with a smile.

Hopson was a strong man with a big beard. He glanced at Lin Juan and said with a smile, "You are Lin? Oh~ You are as short as a monkey. Sorry, you know I mean no harm."

Lin Juan's eyes were fixed, and then he smiled and shook hands with him: "It's okay gorilla, how is the filming going?"

The aura spread out, extremely strong.

Hopson frowned, and then said with a smile: "Of course it's good. Although your script has some omissions, it's not bad. I changed it a bit. Do you want to see the effect?"

Lin Juan raised his eyelids slightly and stared at him, extremely serious: "You'd better show me your camera immediately."

The crew next to them watched the confrontation between the two of them without saying anything, and just watched the play with their arms folded. Not far away, Will whispered to everyone: "I bet ten dollars that Hopson is going to be unlucky."

Downey raised his eyebrows and said, "I bet twenty."

And here, Hopson smiled slightly and said, "Of course."

In the past, no matter how good the movies of the Alliance series were, all fans would only remember Lin Juan's name, but since he participated in it, of course he would get a share of the action. gave some hints...

Soon, a computer was brought over, Lin Juan ignored Hopson, and began to watch the previous shooting clips, more than ten minutes later.

"Chris, I think some of your shots need to be re-shot." Lin Juan said in a deep voice.

Chris shrugged his shoulders and expressed no objection. Hopson had a tough attitude and said dissatisfied: "Hey! Why? I don't think there is a problem with these shots."

"Really? Why didn't I use the storyboard I gave? Also, why was the thirty-eighth scene deleted?"

"I don't think it's necessary."

"I don't want to explain to you, if you can't even see the simplest lens effects..."

"I'm the director of this play!" Hopson came over and said forcefully, as if he was going to do something.

"Hey, what do you want?" Will stood in front of him, and Chris also stood in front of Lin Juan.

This team is very good, isn't it?

Behind the two of them, Lin Juan stared at Hopson for a few seconds and said, "From now on, you are no longer."

"What are you talking about? Are you kidding me? Hey guys, this monkey says he's going to replace me, hahaha."

He let out a burst of laughter. Many people in this production team were his old team. Hearing this, Hopps also laughed out loud. He turned his head and yelled at Lin Juan, "I see what happened to you today." Replace me!"

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