Full-level Director

Chapter 348 Throwing 1

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"Hahaha, you are too bad, look at Luo Jing's eyes today, you are so angry."

In the afternoon, on the way back to the hotel after finishing work, Li Qingyu laughed and said in Lin Juan's nanny car, and Lin Juan also said amusedly, "This is the truth."

Li Qingyu rolled his eyes, looked at Lin Juan with a half-smile and asked, "Then what if I..."

"Didn't you not make kissing scenes with ambiguous body scenes?" Lin Juan immediately said vigilantly, and Li Qingyu said coquettishly, "I haven't finished my sentence yet."

"It doesn't matter if you don't finish talking. If you like filming, I'll help you film. I'll write you any scripts you like. I'm the director, and I'm a very successful director. I don't need you to dedicate yourself to other people's films." Lin Juan said seriously Well, he can accept the innocent operation of gently kissing the hair when filming "Captain" before, but he can't accept the intimate scene of cuddling with other men like just now.

In fact, this also depends on the bottom line.

"Double standard." Li Qingyu muttered in a good mood with the corners of his mouth curled up, then he patted Lin Juan amusedly and said, "Okay, it's not like you don't know that I never do kiss scenes or intimacy scenes. No, why are you still provoking Luo Jing like that?"

"I didn't try to provoke him either. The role is just like that. If he doesn't want to, he can also be the director." Lin Juan replied.

It's that simple, Lin Juan doesn't need to help other men protect their wives, as a director, he has the position of a director, but in fact the anger of the incompetent is the most useless, if you have the ability, you can play by yourself, if you don't have that ability, you can just play You can only play within other people's rules, simple.

"Okay, okay, I can't tell you, what kind of script are you going to give Ning Hao?" Li Qingyu changed the subject.

"It depends on which one he likes. I want to hand over the "Transformers" series to him." Lin Juan said. In fact, he was a little bit pained. The "Transformers" series is undoubtedly an excellent work.

But if he is allowed to shoot by himself, at best he is interested in making one, and now he wants excellent works. Anyway, he is the director of the project. If there is honor, he will definitely be the biggest one.

Now he is going to hand over suitable works to suitable directors to shoot, and lead the entire Chinese film industry to challenge Hollywood's dominance.

Ning Hao's ability to shoot works like "Crazy Stone" has already demonstrated his ability to control the plot, although his subsequent works seem to be somewhat lacking in inspiration...

"What is that?" Li Qingyu asked curiously.

"A... super troublesome project. If you want to make this movie, the modeling alone can drive the people in the special effects company crazy..."

"Huh? So scary? Is there any role in this drama that suits me?" Li Qingyu became interested?

"No, your figure is too flat." Lin Juan pretended to be casual and said, but in fact, he kept looking at Li Qingyu's reaction from the corner of his eyes, and sure enough, that person's breathing became heavy after a while.

With arms folded, Li Qingyu was about to train her husband, but Lin Juan couldn't help laughing, and then quickly admitted his mistake.

Bad taste... I like to make my girlfriend angry, and then spend a long time coaxing her.


After returning to the hotel to rest for a while, there was a bustling kick-off banquet. The excitement during the banquet was ignored, and Lin Juan took the stage to give a speech: "Many of you here have followed me since I made my first big movie. , this time our alliance has encountered unprecedented difficulties, but it doesn't matter. Everyone in the country should know that we have the support of so many compatriots and the largest market in the world. This drama is good, create another miracle."

"At the same time, I wish all the actors here that the value of this drama will skyrocket in the future! Cheers!"

"Director Lin is awesome! The Alliance is awesome!"

"create a miracle!"



The kick-off banquet ended amidst excitement, because there was no drinking and there were things to deal with,

The kick-off banquet ended after only about an hour, and it was only after seven o'clock when we returned to the room, and then Lin Juan called Ning Hao.

After some opening remarks, Lin Juan asked with a smile: "Director Ning, I wonder if you are interested in the Mecha series movies?"

Li Qingyu sat on the sofa with his long legs tilted, looking at Lin Juan with tender eyes.

"Of course there are mechas. Is it similar to "Iron Man"?" Ning Hao also walked to his study over there, ready to record it.

"No, it's much bigger than "Iron Man". Let me tell you first."


"When Pangu opened the sky, there was a block..."

"Wait, Pangu?" Ning Hao looked confused, isn't it science fiction?

"Well, Pangu, what about the theory of the origin of species." Lin Juan said seriously, Ning Hao especially wanted to complain, whose theory of the origin of species is like this?

Well, Greater China is awesome.

"Director Lin, continue talking." Ning Hao changed into a comfortable position, and quietly listened to Lin Juan bragging, no, talking about the script.

"On November 20, 1984, China's first Antarctic scientific expedition team set off..."

Lin Juan started to tell the story of "Transformers 1", but Li Qingyu and Ning Hao interrupted from time to time...

Ning Hao: "So we want to film the peacekeeping troops?"

Lin Juan: "Yes."

Li Qingyu: "Why can it turn into a helicopter?"

Lin Juan: "It itself is that kind of life. It can not only become a helicopter, but also a car and a computer."

Ning Hao: "Then we can charge more advertising fees, those guys are rich."

Lin Juan: "..."

The conversation went on like this. Lin Juan sat on the sofa, put Li Qingyu's leg on his own, and pinched the soft flesh on Li Qingyu's calf with his right hand, feeling very comfortable.

"Li Yang is an ordinary college student..."

I have counted American blockbusters over and over again, as long as they involve campuses, there will be bullying behavior. If this aspect is to be implemented in China, it needs to be changed, for example, it should be changed to the Internet style, where Gao Fushuai and Lisi counterattack.

"Seriously, Director Ning, if you want to make this movie, you have to find a young actor with good acting skills. This is a big deal."

"How about I borrow your Monkey King?"

"Let's see the schedule at that time. Who else has better acting skills among young domestic actors?"

While chatting, the two of them got off the hook, and it was Li Qingyu who patted Lin Juan to get him back on track, and Lin Juan then talked about the script again.

She was quite interested in the story.

"The glasses will definitely be the fuse."

Li Qingyu was guessing about the plot, and Ning Hao would discuss the actor with Lin Juan whenever Lin Juan mentioned a role, and chatted with him, thinking that Jing Ran was quite suitable.

Then when it came to the heroine, Li Qingyu became jealous again when Lin Juan described it.

"Especially at the car repair shop, the heroine is lying on the hood, with a small waist and long legs..."

With a "slap", Li Qingyu slapped Lin Juan's leg.

"There is a mosquito." Li Qingyu said nonchalantly.

God damn mosquitoes, you tell me about mosquitoes in the twenty-six-degree air conditioner.

Lin Juan smiled wryly and said, "In short, it's sexy, completely curvy and sexy, not the pornographic kind."

"I understand, I understand. Anyway, if my camera is not pornographic, it will be over." The old driver expressed his understanding, Lin Juan couldn't help laughing, and was speechless.

Lin Juan asked, "Which domestic actress do you think is suitable?"

"How about Li Bing? He is well-known internationally."

"Not bad, but pick a few more options."

This exchange lasted until late at night. After the script was finished, it would be better to meet and talk later. After that, Ning Hao went to work. It can be predicted that he will go to bed very late tonight.

Lin Juan... of course.

The next day came, Lin Juan got up early, and Li Qingyu was still sleeping. She had nothing to do these days, and she would stay with Lin Juan on the set, which was a rare reunion.

After getting familiar with yesterday's shooting, today's scene will be the first group play.

The members of the Tianjian Bureau assembled, and the director introduced Daoye to others for the first time.

Lin Juan came to the set early in the morning and stood in meditation at the shooting location. Hu Sheng arrived second. Seeing Lin Juan like this, he asked suspiciously, "Director Lin, what are you doing?"

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