Full-level Director

Chapter 349 One mirror to the end

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"I was wondering if I could try one shot of this scene to the end." Lin Juan said with a smile.

This was his sudden idea just now. Inspiration is like this. It suddenly popped up to scare you. For example, Hu Sheng was frightened: "Ah? This kind of scene takes one shot to the end? Director, don't scare me, I won't Dry."

He has the most lines in this scene.

And as we all know, the shooting techniques of this kind of group play have always been reverse shots, medium shots, panoramas, and close-ups.

Why? Because it’s so difficult, like this kind of group play, there are many people, and the lines are complicated. A group of people stand together and play, if you want to take one shot to the end, the requirements for positioning, camera movement, and everyone’s state are too high. , Anyone who makes a mistake will ruin the scene, which is simply extremely difficult.

"Do you want to do it? Don't do it. I will let you shoot women's clothing tomorrow. You are in my hands now." Lin Juan threatened with malicious intentions, and Hu Sheng froze immediately. The last time women's clothing was a shame, that big hair His legs hurt even when he saw them.

"Oh, director~" Hu Sheng stomped his feet and acted like a baby. The surrounding staff were eating porridge, so they sprayed it out, and hurried to find something to mop the floor, otherwise they would be scolded later.

Before Lin Juan couldn't take it anymore, Hu Sheng laughed himself, waved his hands and said, "That's fine, just try it."

Speaking of which, Lin Juan is actually looking forward to this idea. Compared with the difficulty and disadvantages, it is the completeness of the whole scene. If the camera is well adjusted, the people present will make this shot at once. The completeness of the play is definitely much better than that of split shooting. Someone will respond to the lines as soon as they are spoken, and the effect is the most realistic.

After a while, all the actors came to the scene. After hearing Lin Juan's idea, they reacted differently. Some were eager to try, some didn't care, and some were worried, but no matter what, since Lin Juan had decided, they had to act like that.

"Everyone get ready, let's go through the scene first." Lin Juan said, not only the actors need to rehearse, but also the photographers need him to arrange.

"I'm going crazy, play with Brother Hua, Yu Yan and the others to the end."

Tang Yanyu, who was walking behind, smiled and said to the camera: "This is crazy."

This is specially used on the set to record behind-the-scenes footage, and sometimes to record some unexpected situations. Judging from the camera, she is really... like going crazy.

The staff on the scene talked a lot, and many people were watching the show. After one shot, many staff members suddenly had nothing to do. For example, the other two photographers, as well as the scene management, the slide rails were no longer needed.

Originally, according to the plan, the scene lasted close to one and a half minutes, and there were more than 30 light-splitting shots.

Now a mirror...

Tsk, they feel that Lin Juan is the only director in China who dares to play like this.

"Brother Hua, the positions of the three of you are still the same, Yu Yan, you sit here, Liu Xing, you two..." Lin Juan began to arrange, from actors to photographers, it took more than half an hour to explain the positions Let them know what they are after talking through the mirror.

This is the setting of a spacious office room, Liu Hua is sitting behind the desk, Tang Yanyu and Luo Jing are standing behind him, behind them are big French windows.

Yu Yan sat on the sofa diagonally opposite, while Liu Xing and Liu Yan stood outside the door.

"Are you ready? If we are ready, let's try again." Standing beside Liu Xing and the two of them, Lin Juan shouted.


"no problem."


Everyone signaled that it was okay, Lin Juan smiled and said to Liu Xing, "Come on."

The photographer looked serious behind the two of them. This shot was not easy.

When Liu Xing and the others were making final preparations, Liu Kai shouted, "3.2.1, let's go."

So Liu Xing and Liu Yan started to walk quickly, with serious expressions.


The door was pushed open, and the situation in the room came into view, Liu Yan said: "Director, Chen Ze is here."

while speaking,

The two were still walking, and the eyes of everyone in the room were on Liu Xing. Finally, the two came to stand one meter in front of the desk.

The photographer started to circle Liu Xing, from the back to the profile, and then close-up.

Liu Xing sized up everyone in the room with eyebrows, and said solemnly: "Captain, Director, this vortex is the Tiangong I mentioned, but before it appeared in a different space, this time it actually appeared in our plane."

After a line was finished, the cameraman also happened to go around to the back of Liu Xing, and the camera was aimed at Andy Lau.

"How much do you know about Tiangong?" Andy Lau asked as he tapped his fingers on the table.

Liu Xing hadn't spoken yet, and Liu Dehua said again: "You are just a incidental purpose, Tiangong's main target is not you, Agent Li Rou."

Liu Dehua tilted his head to signal Tang Yanyu, she nodded and then clapped her hands, the room suddenly became dark.

Special effects will be done later.

Liu Xing and Liu Yan adjusted their positions, facing the center of the room, that is, facing Yu Yan.

Tang Yanyu said: "According to the records of the Tianjian Bureau, this kind of vortex also appeared in the Sichuan area thousands of years ago. This is the space channel created by the collision of the barriers of the two realms."

Tang Yanyu said while walking, the camera followed her all the way, she came to Yu Yan's side, and exchanged a glance with Yu Yan, in fact, she almost laughed when she saw Hu Sheng who was standing by outside the camera at this moment.

But the serious atmosphere of the scene saved her.

"Only one person is aware of the events that occurred at the time."

"Who?" Yu Yan asked.

Looking at the camera at this time, Tang Yanyu is standing on the left, and Yu Yan is sitting on the right. There is a large blank area between the two, which will be filled with special effects in the later stage.


Hu Sheng's voice sounded, the camera moved to the right, and he appeared in the camera.

Dressed in a white robe, with long hair and shawls, and indifferent eyes, he has the charm of the ancients.

Yu Yan stood up directly, drew his knife and looked at Hu Sheng with a serious expression, and asked vigilantly, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

"He's always been here." Liu Dehua entered and patted Yu Yan's shoulder, and Yu Yan put down the knife and relaxed a bit.

Hu Sheng glanced at him lightly and got up.

The camera turned to him, passed between Tang Yanyu, Yu Yan, and Liu Dehua, and followed Hu Sheng all the way. He looked at Liu Xing in front of him, and said while walking: "The Nine Worlds meet every thousand years or so. During this period, Tiangong will take the opportunity to appear, and I cannot continue to seal them."

"You said you sealed the Tiangong?" Liu Xing asked in disbelief.

"Yes, use this." Hu Sheng said, spreading his hands.

Of course there is nothing there, and it also depends on the later stage.

"Infinity Gems?" Liu Xing was shocked.

"To be precise, it's the Reality Gem." Hu Sheng continued, and stood beside Liu Xing.

"Two thousand years ago, the Heavenly Palace seized the spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth to nourish itself. My Taoist disciples fought against the sky and sealed the Heavenly Palace to return the spiritual energy to the world. Then the spiritual energy revived. Thousands of years ago, the worlds converged, and the Heavenly Palace broke out." Hu Sheng walked around the crowd. , everyone appeared in the camera.

"At that time, it was your master and I who stayed together to get through the difficulty." Hu Sheng turned around and stood in front of Liu Xing again.

"My master..." Liu Xing's pupils shook.

"Okay, that's it, what do you guys think? If you think it's ok, we'll start." Lin Juan shouted, he was quite satisfied with the overall effect just now, but he couldn't use one shot to finish the following plot.

After all, one shot can increase the immersion of the viewing effect, but it can't be too long, everything has its own limit, and the rear shot will have special effects.

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