Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1200: break out

Chapter 1230 Outbreak (for subscription, for recommendation)

This move by Mucheng really surprised Wu Yuce, because Mucheng had always had a long-range advantage before, so there was no chance to use this style of play. And now that Wu Yuce was close, Mucheng certainly wouldn't hide. After all, what is the meaning of such hiding, of course, she will not let the mistakes of the previous boss Zhuxian.

This eruption immediately suppressed Kure Yuce in melee combat, and undoubtedly revealed the strength of the Union ceiling-level gunners.

"After this time, I think who would dare to say that our Mucheng is a vase!" Seeing Mucheng's high spirits now, a voice sounded from the side of Happy's player seat.

"Just...why are you here?" Chen Guo was about to re-examine, expressing her support for her best friend. As a result, it was only halfway through that I realized that this voice should not appear here!

Sure enough, everyone turned their heads and found that Tao Xuan also sat in Happy's player seat at some point.

"As you said, I also bought a ticket to come in. But the route here is relatively familiar. After all, there is no better place to view the viewing angle than the player seat." Tao Xuan didn't mean to be a shareholder of another team at all.

No way, this venue was originally rented by Excellent Era. Tao Xuan also followed the team to the game more than once. The staff here know him very well. And how could he not know the road to here, as the team owner? So I just walked over to watch the game with Tang Yin and the others.

"You really don't consider yourself an outsider." Wei Chen was speechless to Tao Xuan.

"What you said, my sister is a member of your team, so what kind of outsider am I? Is that little mica?" Tao Xuan even teased the little mica in Tang Yin's arms.

As a cat that knows how to be grateful, Little Mica still remembers the thing that Tao Xuan saved him from sterilization, so even though he didn't know what Tao Xuan said, he still let out a cute meow.

"However, about the fact that Mucheng is a vase, is there still value in arguing?" Zhang Jiale asked. After all, even if you don't talk about it now, the strength of Mucheng together is recognized by their professional gods. Because of her presence, making Ye Xiu, who was already very troublesome, even more troublesome for them. It could be said that among the previous Excellent Era, aside from Ye Xiu, the most annoying thing was Mucheng.

Dare not to mention the current Mucheng, after Tang Yin's improvement, the current Mucheng's playing skills, as well as the gunner's understanding, experience, and consciousness are the absolute ceiling. Otherwise, if there is no point in front, this snowflake fireline play cannot be completed.

But this is the player who thinks they all feel a headache, since there is still a debate about whether she is a vase?

"Although it's not many, it is true that there will be a few sunspots every once in a while, and I use this black Mucheng exclusively." As Mucheng's former boss, Tao Xuan is very clear about this.

"If it goes on like this, isn't Mucheng going to win the 1v2?" Chen Guo said.

"It's not that easy, after all, it's close combat. Even the snowflake line of fire has certain restrictions. After all, the number of skills is limited. After all, this is a heads-up map, and the space on the map is relatively limited," Tang Yin said.

And the fact is exactly as Tang Yin said, this wave of Mucheng's outbreak is indeed very exciting and amazing. But the limited Dancing Rain Orange Wind is close to the end of the map, which makes her attack restrictions even more serious because of the limited melee combat.

And because the snowflake line of fire is the same as the air combat style, it requires ordinary use skills. It's just that one is staying in the air, and the other is displacement. This leads to the consumption of blue is still very large.

Of course, if Snowflake Fireline was so easy to be used now, Zhang Jiale would not give it such a high evaluation. Since you can rely on skills to retreat, there is naturally a way to move forward, but the order in which the skills are used is different. But obviously Wu Yuce also thought of this.

After all, he could finally attack Mucheng now, so he wouldn't let Su Mucheng take back the initiative so easily.

Therefore, not only does he still maintain his position, but the attack in his hand has not stopped. Continue to keep the pressure on the opponent. He also knew that Su Mucheng would soon hit the end of the map, and that was his best damage moment.

With the exchange of skills between the two sides, Mucheng will soon reach the end of the map.

coming soon! In his heart, Wu Yuce's attention was unprecedentedly concentrated, and he was always careful about Dancing Rain's next actions, and even prepared to resist the attack to open the ghost formation and block the possible escape route of Muyu.

Now it was the last step that Mucheng could take back, when neither side's offensive had stopped. Especially Kure Yuce, now he is even more willing to switch injuries and maintain output.

boom boom boom…

This map was chosen by Mucheng, and she was naturally very familiar with this map. Even if it is going backwards, it accurately judges its own position. So now she is not holding back, and throws all the skills that can be used at once.

Not only Mucheng, but also Wu Yuce, because both of them realized that this might be their last offensive. And these last outbreaks of each other are undeniably tragic.

At this moment, the hearts of the audience were tensed. Although it was said that Su Mucheng's HP was more dominant in the past, but now it was a close combat after all. In terms of form, Kure Yusaku's side has a little more advantage. This situation also made the audience worried.

Just when everyone in the void felt that their vice team could win the game, Li Xuan suddenly noticed the blood volume of both sides.

"not good!"

Hearing the captain's exclamation, the members of the Void all turned their gazes.

"Wu Yuce's HP is not enough!" As soon as Li Xuan's words came out, it was only the Void player who noticed the HP of his deputy.

Before, because Wu Yuce had more advantages, they all relaxed a little. It wasn't until now that I noticed Kure Yuce's blood volume.

You must know that Wu Yuce's ghost swordsman is proficient in cloth armor, while Mucheng's gunner is heavy armor. Even if he has a slight advantage, the damage to both sides is completely different.

And because everyone paid too much attention to Su Mucheng's health and the new style of play she suddenly showed. It was only now that he discovered that his counterattack had caused so much damage to Wu Yuce.

It could be said that Mucheng's performance in this match was really outstanding. After all, the map for heads-up battles is small, so being able to do it like this is truly the pinnacle.

In the end, Wu Yuce fell under the last bombardment of Mucheng, and the price for Mucheng was only 30% of his health and 3% of his mana.

In the second round of the ring, Happy won!


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(End of this chapter)

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