Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1200: 01

Chapter 1231 Is it because of the bad mood? (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

After the two games were over, Su Mucheng was still very successful in terms of blood volume. It's a pity that she is no longer blue. Under such circumstances, it is obviously impossible to win against Li Xuan. After trying to drain the opponent, Mucheng jumped down from the battle seat. It was clear that she had a great time playing today.

"It was a great fight today!" Mucheng said happily. And today her record is gratifying enough. After all, he directly completed a 1v2 and still had 30% of his health. If the blue bar is enough, everyone will believe that Mucheng can complete a 1v3,

"Hmm, it's really a good fight." Of course, Mucheng Yexiu wouldn't be stingy with his praise. It was so before, and it is so now.

"I really want to have a fight with Li Xuan, but in the end there is no blue. It's not fun at all." Mu Cheng smiled, perfectly explaining what it means to say the most brutal words in the gentlest tone.

"That's easy, let's make an appointment after the game is over," Ye Xiu said.

"Uh...that's not easy, Mumu just beat others up like this today. If we continue to win..." Chen Guo said with some worry, after all, it is almost certain that a single player is now. The game has five points. If the team continues to win, then the opponent has shaved his head. Where will the opponent play with you?

Unless they lost the game, but in theory these were all 50% odds, so Mucheng's desire to have a fight at night was indeed a bit difficult.

"That's easy. Just wait for the team competition and just do the best. As long as the other party agrees, no matter what the outcome is, it's not all about going to the appointment." Wei Chen suggested.

"Mmmm, doesn't Xiaoyin still have a few free coupons from the top-level hotel next to him? Wait a minute to give them some, they have short hands, can they still refuse? Xiaoyin, what do you think?" Ye Xiu also said, his own The girlfriend has this idea, of course he will try his best to satisfy it.

"I also think it's good. If you want to play, then make an appointment. Anyway, that volume is expired anyway." Tang Yin said with a shrug.

"Hehe, thank you Xiaoyin. I'll text them right now." Hearing Tang Yin's agreement, Mucheng immediately began to take out her phone. Just like she and Xiao Shiqin have a good personal relationship, more precisely, their golden generation, these players have a good personal relationship. Just now I can practice more.

After finishing the matter of Mucheng here, everyone started to see Tang Rou off.

But now Li Xuan can be said to be very depressed, because he is a ghost formation, and his ghost formation has very limited restrictions on the occupation of a gunner. After all, the opponent does not need to run into the close array, and can attack you directly from a distance.

It was also because he was a ghost, and because of the extra points, his pressure in melee combat was slightly higher than that of Wu Yuce, which caused Mucheng to lose 10% of his health even though he was no longer blue.

Although they have good personal friendships between the golden generation, Li Xuan is really a little depressed from the perspective of the opponent. After all, how long has he been competing with the opponent for the best combination, and he has been suppressed by the opponent in various ways, Ye Xiu? It wasn't his turn at all, and Su Mucheng alone would often turn their people on their backs, and even outside public opinion once gave Su Mucheng the title of "Double Ghost Buster".

The battle with Tang Rou didn't last long. After all, Tang Rou's style of play was to go straight to the front. But I had to admit that the current Tang Rou and the others had really been thoroughly researched. In the battle with Tang Rou, Li Xuan perfectly took advantage of his many ghost control skills. All kinds of interference with Tang Rou, although Tang Rou's offensive never stopped, but in the end it only took away 45% of the opponent's health.

In the end, Li Xuan, who had fifty percent of his health, faced Tang Yin.

To be fair, if there is anyone Li Xuan wants to win the most, Tang Yin is definitely one of them. After all, he was abused by Tang Yin inexplicably before. He Li Xuan also wanted to save face, and of course he wanted to find his way back. Although it is said that the media and the outside world do not know about that game, but everyone in the professional circle knows it.

So after Tang Yin's debut, he even studied Tang Yin's style of play, but in the face of Tang Yin's sky-defying skill effect probability, he also felt powerless, not to mention Tang Yin's own strength is here. And now he is using a ghost array that is relatively unsuitable for one-on-one duels. There is no doubt about the ending of this one.

Just like Ye Xiu's winning streak, many Glory players are now wondering who can win two points in the ring match under Tang Yin.

"Oops..." After the ring match, Mucheng looked at the message sent to Li Xuan, but the other party still hadn't replied to her.

"Haven't you replied yet? Is it because you don't want to?" Wei Chen said very confidently. After all, he had a 5-0 score, and he also deserved credit for it.

Of course, the mood of the Void team is not good.

Before the ring match, Li Xuan was still boosting the morale of his players, but in the end, there was no suspense for them to lose. It's embarrassing to say, but fortunately, Void players are all very experienced players, even their only newcomer, Gai Caijie, is known for being mature and stable. Everyone knew that Su Mucheng had always been a pain point for her own captain and vice-captain, so she didn't have any slander.

But it is an indisputable fact that it is now 0-5 behind. It can be said that Void is completely behind. If the team fails again, the opponent will be left behind by 10 points in this round alone. Don’t think that there is only one point difference between ten and nine, but the mentality of the players is two completely different situations. .

"We don't want to be beaten ten to zero by the opponent, right?" Li Xuan said to the players.

"If we lose again, we will be abandoned by the opponent. If we win, we still have a chance to catch up. I don't need to say what to do, so everyone cheer up and don't feel down. Thinking about the eleventh round, we are completely Have the ability to defeat any opponent!" Li Xuan said.

In the eleventh round, they played against Tiny Herb, which was the biggest highlight of their Void this season, winning Tiny Herb 8-2. And Li Xuan just wanted to cheer up the team members again through the memory of defeating a strong enemy.

"Come on, let's go get these five points!" Li Xuan encouraged, and then turned his eyes to Xingxin, and the team players on Xing's side had already stood up.

Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng, the duo that completely defeated the two ghosts.

Then there is Tang Rou and Tang Yin. One is a player who is at the peak of his debut, and the other is a rookie who is going forward.

Finally, Pastor An Wenyi and the sixth man Baozi.


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(End of this chapter)

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