Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1327: Heal your Clear Sky Hammer alone! !

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"Shan Ye Healing..." Although the knight who talked to An Wenyi is the leader of this wild group, many of them are his friends. Now he has not replied to An Wenyi's words for a while, An Wenyi is probably going to Discuss with his friends or other groups to go.

An Wenyi is not in a hurry, just waits quietly, the big deal is that he is rejected, and then he will find another team. It's Monday, and the CDs of all copies have been refreshed, so no worries about no team. If nothing else, the group of players in Wuyang Wuyang at the entrance of this dungeon is very limited, even if there are fixed teams. Most players also randomly form a group every week. Anyway, Hundreds of people will get rewards according to their progress. Even if you fail, you still have something to take, and if you hit it, that's fine.

And under this kind of environment, An Wenyi would not be able to create a single-healing centurion team. After all, although Glory is particularly popular, like other online games, healing is always the most scarce occupation, and only two of the twenty-four occupations of Glory are healing occupations, accounting for 8%. In the 100-member group, the number of priests is far less than 8%. It is conceivable how scary the scarcity of healing professions is.

A few people in this group struggled for a while, and then looked at the players who had gathered around them, and looked at the application list in the team. Among them, various occupations were piled up, but the most important The important priests and guardian angels are very few, and they have been snatched away by other teams with a little slowness. They also didn't grab one for a long time.

"Would you like to let this person try? Since he has such a good equipment, maybe he really has the skills to milk the whole team." This is because a few people in the team have been unable to grab anyone, so yes An Wenyi's proposal was a little heartwarming.

And this view was quickly supported by most people, and An Wenyi was soon pulled into the team.

Seeing that he successfully entered the opponent's team, An Wenyi was relieved at this time.

Level 60 Hundreds, single treatment. Although he hadn't done this before, since it was training, he certainly wouldn't be unprepared. In order to maximize the training effect, he specially asked Luo Ji to help him figure out which dungeon would be best for him. Luckily, Luo Ji survived. He gave several choices in one morning, and he had to play these dungeons. Things that the whole team should pay attention to.

After receiving the suggestion report from Luo Ji, An Wenyi finally understood why Tang Yin was so optimistic about Luo Ji, the weakest guy in the team. Luo Ji seemed to be omnipotent and could accomplish anything.

And Luo Ji gave him not only the dungeon suitable for him, but also calculated the damage of the level 60 100-person dungeon and the healing amount of the priest character used by An Wenyi in more detail, as well as the various possible incidents in this dungeon. such a scene.

Finally, the most suitable sixty-level dungeons are summarized and explained. But those can only be achieved when his operations are completely perfect, and this is also the goal of An Wenyi's training this time!

The players of this wild group quickly gathered. After not considering the treatment, adding people was a very easy thing, and the players who entered the group also discovered the unique phenomenon that the group only had one treatment.

"Single treatment? Is it okay?" someone asked in the team channel, and this sentence also caused quite a stir.

"Poisonous, how to fight with single treatment?" Many people complained over and over again. Just quit the team.

"Everyone is at level seventy-five now, and we've only played sixty books. It's not impossible to play single treatment. After all, efficiency is the first." The head of the team directly copied and pasted what An Wenyi said to him before. However, there are still many players who quit. After all, although this is only a 60-level dungeon, they will not be able to use the equipment. But other things are still very useful, even if it is equipment, you can go to the guild to exchange contribution points. So it is understandable that some players want to be more stable.

But there are those who leave, and there are those who stay curious. After that, the players came in and out like this, and it didn't take long for the master to become a ignorant team of 100 people.

Single treatment!

As soon as the number of people was gathered, everyone began to look for the only healer in the team. No way, everyone wants to see what kind of person this person who dares to play single treatment is.

And An Wenyi was a little nervous about this matter. After all, he wasn't Ye Xiu or Wei Chen, so even if someone else cheated, he wouldn't have any psychological burden. So single treatment...direct must do it!

"Enter the book!" With the commander's imposing shout, all the players entered the book together. An Wenyi also started his own separate training road......and then the group was destroyed......

That's right, this very special single-healing group of 100 collapsed in front of the first boss with great force.

"Single treatment for your Clear Sky Hammer!!" At this moment, more than 50% of the players in the entire group were carrying out a very "civilized" and "friendly" output towards An Wenyi.

After all, all of them are level 75 to play the dungeon of level 60. Even the lowest conventional treatment ratio can at least kill the first boss. UU reading www.uukanshu.com What is the result now? Destroy directly...

And this guy who proposed a single treatment made everyone think that he was very strong, when they met the first wave of monsters, they had already started all kinds of fancy messes. It directly broke the mentality of all of them. There are a lot of places to be treated in order to be a hundred people. As a result, it is called a chicken flying dog jumping all the way. Whether it is the channel or the voice, there are all kinds of blood to add.

But it turned out that there were only thirty people by the time of the first boss... The remaining sixty people fell to the hands of the soldiers before the first boss...

And the most injured group leader started looking for trouble with An Wenyi as soon as the copy was sent out. After all, in his opinion, this guy came here specifically to cheat people, and he even suspected that this guy was a His own enemy opened a trumpet to play with him. As a result, he went out of the dungeon angrily and looked for the priest's figure everywhere, but An Wenyi had already been offline and was ready to change his number......

"Bastard, don't let me meet you again!" The head of the regiment said depressedly.

"It's more difficult to deal with than I imagined..." An Wenyi, who was flying at the lower limit, sighed while looking at the computer screen, taking out his notebook and summarizing some of the reasons for the failure of the dungeon. It's not that he didn't expect that this wild map would be very chaotic after the opening of the game. He was mentally prepared for this, but when the situation actually occurred, he found that the chaos was much higher than he expected.


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