Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1328: He will find a way.

But although the ending is very tragic, it is not a human being. There is no lower limit for your own captain, and your own deputy team is not a person. Where is a member of your own team?

Therefore, An Wenyi has no intention of retreating at all. After all, this result also proves his own shortcomings. If he can control all this as soon as he comes up, then he has no need to train. He has already prepared for all this. . The number of times of this number was used up, so I directly opened a drawer and put the account card in, and took out one from another drawer with a bunch of account cards.

After all, An Wenyi has been playing online games for several years, and she still has a lot of experience. So he knew very well that if a foolish pastor often did such foolish things, he would definitely be scolded directly on the World Channel. So before he came back, he asked Wu Chen for a dozen account cards but only for vests.

Of course, An Wenyi wouldn't ask for single treatment all the time. After all, such a move is too conspicuous, and even if you change your account, you can easily be caught. An Wenyi has always thought about problems comprehensively, so he considered this problem from the beginning, so after logging in with a better new account, he went directly to the fourth district.

The normal area also has the same content as the God's Domain, but the items dropped by various bosses are one grade lower than the God's Domain, but the number of Hundreds of people is not lacking, and the comfort of these account cards is not only the God's Domain. domain, as well as all general areas.

At this point, An Wenyi started running around in various regions, using single treatment, or possibly less treatment, to harm all the players who encountered him.

Exactly! is the scourge...

Especially at the beginning, when it was said that the scourge was already arrogant.

Group after group of player wild groups were destroyed by him. Batch after batch of players this week's 100 people was wasted. An Wenyi is also very embarrassed about this, and should not be embarrassed. He's sorry for his mistakes, but it still doesn't affect his persistence, calmness, and scourge...

Has your level improved?

In terms of the progress of the copy alone, it can be said that there is no substantial change at all. But the situation on the spot has begun to look different. And An Wenyi's level and performance are still up and down.

Although these are all because he still does not have the ability to stabilize and control the field, but with An Wenyi's very rational style, he himself does not expect to become a master in an instant, such a story of a cool protagonist. He just continued what he was doing, and continued to log out and change accounts step by step. After playing this one, switch to another, and continue to practice.

After all, it is a new week. Everyone in Glory has refreshed the number of dungeons, so Glory's huge and terrifying popularity of the game is a bit of a chance for him to mix dungeons. Even during the Spring Festival, the online rate of Glory online games is the lowest throughout the year. . However, although the online rate is relatively low, Honor still launched a very rich event for players at this time.

With such an event, the enthusiasm of players to play the book will also be reduced a lot, but this Spring Festival event happens to be a large-scale team project. Although it is not a dungeon, some environments are similar. It can also serve the purpose of exercise, so An Wenyi started to practice in the activity task after seeing that there was no one in the dungeon. He even thought that if an activity so suitable for him appeared at this time, maybe his deputy team had tossed a coin again. It was also the same mentality that made him feel that he had to seize this opportunity, so An Wenyi, who had just harassed the dungeon team, started the Huo Huo activity team.

Time passed by An Wenyi's fuss about various teams. The Spring Festival will soon be half over, but in this short period of time, there has been an urban legend-like existence in the online game, one about the scourge of various kinds. The legend of the group.

For a time, a large number of players went to Glory's official website or forums to leave a message to complain, and they all complained about the same thing, that they met a Tiankeng priest. Even because of the amount of discussion, the official set up a special building. And the title is: "The pastor who cheated on you together in those years."

And with the appearance of one player after another, slowly some people began to realize that so many people had the same experience as themselves. With the increase in the number of discussions, many players found that some of them were directly pitted by a priest with an ID. For a time, it was as if they had found an organization that could resonate with you, and these players hugged directly and excitedly. , tell each other about their tragic experiences.

"This is An Wenyi's training method."

Tang Yin will see these forums and share them with Chen Guo. His anticipation for such an interesting scene was getting old, so he just saw it today and came to share it with Chen Guo.

Chen Guo opened it curiously, and it was full of accusations made by An Wenyi's victims against An Wenyi.

"He's..." Chen Guo looked at the accusations made against An Wenyi by a large group of players, a little bored, that is, they didn't know An Wenyi's identity, otherwise Chen Guo would be worried about An Wenyi's current life Safety.

"He is using this kind of extreme, but the most simple and crude way to exercise his own reflexes." Ye Xiu said with some relief after receiving the posts and forums also sent by Tang Yin. Just like what they said when recruiting An Wenyi before, they are not afraid of the limited talent of the other party, so just practice with limited talent. He has survived Yu Wenzhou's fatal handicap defect?

So don't be afraid of defects, UU reading www.uukanshu. It's a big deal to spend more time practicing in this area, but attitude is very important. If you don't have the heart to become stronger, then they can't do the same. But Ye Xiu was very satisfied with An Wenyi's performance.

As for Tang Yin, as someone who has read the original book, he himself has absolute confidence in his teammates. If nothing else, An Wenyi said in the future: "Even if it's bad, I will be Happy's treatment!" Tang Yin recognized him.

"Is this useful?" Chen Guo asked worriedly.

"Perseverance and perseverance will always improve. It depends on how much he improves and perseveres. After all, since he was selected by us at the beginning, he won't be too bad. Trust me and Lao Ye's vision." Tang Yin said confidently.

"But with his tossing and fussing, plus the speed of the event, he won't have much chance soon, right?" Chen Guo said while flipping through the forum sent by Tang Yin. In the current forum, players have already started Analyze this pastor's gnawing father incident. Although it is said that the players have no clue, the post that is so obvious and directly explosive will definitely be noticed by other players soon, and then spread again. In the future, when players encounter a priest who claims to be able to heal alone, it is estimated that Don't play with him.

"I trust An Wenyi, I think he will have a solution." Ye Xiu said with a smile.


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